Much Icoked for SerniAnnual vnt D resses-.. ncluding evening dresses e as Iow as,- s1 5.00o for,> rixUP iv$8 Hats as. Iow as $.O foirnerix 11P Io$35 CoatS-f ur trim med as Iow $s5O.00 by the Ely 11l week to raise money that will be bertson Nationlal t used to furnish scholarships to girls studios. He and of the township,who,'without outside Mrs. Plank arc help, would be unable to continue giving tessons eN--*heir education. ery Tuesday:eve bld onie ningat 8oclok TooifEach year thé Gils'club ho the fg irsî'leson Pot Iigevent to raise nioney for its scbolarsbip fund. Baza 1 n bridges bein hed 01 Dri M Frserare held in! taterniate years., This Decenîber 1.« 'lice vear, since a bridge benefit and lessons are open t10Ile l>bers Ot h( îlwn eiddupn cluband heirfrieds.there will be no bazaar. _____-As annou.pced previously, arrange- Kenilworth 'Policeman et:aeeigmde to accommiio- Hur; rrst otrit date those who wish to play contract bridge. and Charles True Adams or Motorcycle Officer Anthony Mfonta-bi.s assistatwilbonhntoge naro of the Kenilworth Po.lice>depart- inStructions in this type of play. nient is in, the Evan.ston hospital as a There ý ill also, be plenty of tables result- of injuries sustandwe u o those who like auc.ion bridge. mnotorcycle wvas struck ,by a car. ati Sandwiches. coffee or tea a nd Sheridan road-and -Keniilwojrth avenue Monday- night, of las- week about 8 -40,îhonie-made cakeý will be scrved late o'cock A.'Hat, in the afternoon. Play,ïs scheduled tstart at 2 o'clock. Tickets to the Chare~ rivr ofthecaraffair %viil entitle the holdtrs to bothý *whchstiuck Moýittnaro, was charged î>bridge and luncheon. with assault ith a ead1.y we&'pon g and( released oni a bond oi $1,000.. The \w Tir~wsi .mna- case wvas set foPeceniber 19. ways have supported generously the Har, gîng~ot hon heida rod.projects unflertaken h3- the Girl< stoiped for the -top lighit at Kenil- u. oftehg coacrdn ~voX avnue. Monanao, rdinthiMiss Lulu \Wright. faculty spon- norh o Shrian. aIe toped orsor of4ý the clulb, and a, special appeal northbon Sheridir.cted totmotberfoof telight, pulling up alotigside a car ilsbelfietd-t ohr f * gingiiithesam (lrecion ~Ven îrl> who havu attended thes'e events, hue lght urne gren. Plice ai)ore and wvho kiiow howv hard' the Mitanaro pase the car beside mit girls have to %vork 'to -raise imoney *and wvas s!ruck by liart 's machine as for their cholarship fiund. * Hart waý, nuaking a left tturn onto j Last year the club provided $.K Keiiil\wo(rth avenue. ýin scholarshipnoney h r .: wort1ivThle policeman suffervd a br-ken. NeNw Trier girls. * Id fr, bokenlei am, am se*erINI rs. W. 0. Beit, 202 Abingdon avel frautred ih~.- -~nue, anid ber daughter, :Miss Virginiia - ~ -Belt,- have returned to their houle f romi KENILWORTH LEAGUE MEETS la twý'o weeks' tripii the East. They 'FlicKeniilworthl faguu of \VoinuspeIt .a week iM Washlimgtoil visitiug7 Voterý- is ho)ldinig. a, meetinig for the Mrs. Belt's sister, 'Mrs. Jamies Shihety, n~ni f Deceniber 'n T liursdlay af tei- anad then wvent on to Ne'\' York. bo (4! this week. \ nu î;t îîtrestînig,-o infornialtalk in'S'ussîia.- isto bc ! Miss Do thy Perry -wlîo is libraria venl F % 1rs. Fratik Hiibba rd o f Win- jat Riceý Lak-e. Vis, spenit the Thaink-- iictka. :r.Arthur kuf k. hostess for giîving* 1 lolay% witIflier parents, Mr. ilie lunchcoi î,rüecuIî,, tu business and NIr. . scI., Perrv.. '1127 Green-, meetng a(l ~0gra'. la i avvenn. 952 Spanish Court Wilmette 467- Witmette North Shoe tra;ns stop at PH AT LA SALLE door - 3 minutes to, C. & N. W. Station