Your Village Board states that it purposely set the date of the referendum election. on waterworks one and on-half monhsaftr ssungit reor wih hesole bet fgving every. citizen of 'Wilmüette sufficient study the. Proposition, ask questions or mk critici s The.Board asser't that it has carefully consiee i rtcsata ave been made and emphatically 'says that -none of them aire. well1 founded. We present herewith.:tIi Board's reply to the. important ofles: Opponents of the waterworks say that the estimates of increase in water consumtption (as shown on page 28 of the report) are ontà of «Il reason compared 'With past recorda.. They te.the records (page 14 of the report) for the five yemrs frooe, Feb. 1, 1926, to Jan. 31, 1931, and set thein up es proof. Thbey overliook tiie fmct that, while'tii. average în- crease for those .ycara wasi appriiximately 3,000,00 u. f t.,, wicb would paFtiaIlly substantiate, their position, in ue year, 1928, the'increase was 10rlp,000,0cu. ft., which refutes their argument.. M'Ay did tAct. big increase cone in 1928P. Because in that'year the cie. vated storage tank was buit on the west ide and.moresater was availa- ble. 'The records prove that Wilmietc bas at'aIl. tiues used, ail the Water it could get-anid iii present serions shortage bas exsted éon- tinuonsiy. On this basis they attgck the Board's estimate for"1932 of 97,104,000 cu. ft. For the yeur .mding April 30. 1931. we purehased from Evaiseton-ý 65,657,200 cu. f t. This amounts to 12.4 ceu. ft. per person per day. Every-. one. knows that the waît absortage that year was especialiy severc. Evanston ma lalid a shortage in smre sections, yet their consumptio per person, per day was 18.5 cu. f t., in spite of the, fact thait Evanston bas a nch.greater density of population than Wiimette wliich shonld reduce their pet capita consumption. 'In ail other North Shore townis the water consumaption per person per dey is greater than in Evanston. Had Wilnsette consumed the sarne quantity per permon pr dey tiiet Evanston consnmed dnring the year ending April 30,1931, we would have nsed approximately 98,000,000 cu. ft. of water, or more than the Board estimates for 193. The. only rça- ,son we did not consume it was becanse we cossId sot get it. The following excerpt from à' Ietter fromn Consiier, Older & Quinian, "Early intihe winter of 1928 we were retained by tihe Village of IVilmette to mnake a report on tihe water snpply situation. Titis report was eoinpleted and submitted to thse Village Bloard ln Wilnsette on. May 1. 1928. Following thse recoin- mendatlons of that report, a amati amouat et construction w ork was eiirried out under our supervision, consstlng of. th1e lstullatlon of an elevated steel tank ln the vliluty of, ilikge Itoad and Lake Ave., and the, lusntallatIon of additlonal booter pumupa at the , Sheridan Boad punmplng station. These Iuproements to the water snpply prevented anY Water famline ilu Wlmette duirng the year 1929. lu our report of May 19 1029, .we had polntçit out thse niecetsity of addltioulal con- struction work before June 1, 1930, Il aniother water famine ivas te bc prevented. This recommendatlon wias Ignoreul by thse village autherlies and no* ether Improvements were car. rk'd out lu eomfplianee with tihe construction program whieh ive bad, reeommended. As. a resuit, a very serions, water shonrtage ocnurred tring Mre snmnmer ef 1930 as yen prob- imter cousum>tieu has too rnnch for water. This would, be an expensive rnethod, with the. eut. corne decudedly uncertain. Mr. Brandt forgets that if bis advice were followed it wonld b.neces#ary, to go ahcad end spend.580,000 for extra connections to'Evanstîon's syatcm and clevated storage, fur -te must at once increase, our tater supply. Tihé quickerst and Snrest n'ay ta get a leteer teater.rate froam Evan#ston is te vote for thse waterworks.' Then if Evanston saut mot give it te as <ur osaswaiersaorks wtiIl. .Mr. Lyrnan Drake says that Wiimette is up to its cars in debt-that red, whitc and'bine warrants and ailier warrants have been i ssned te get money-that tee stili esae for tise village -Aall-îhaî: bondcd indebtedms ia breaking our backs-that tai anîfcipation warrants have been sold- altogether painting a very black picînre of Wilmette. Mr. Drakoe seems, not only to have saal l aith in WiIaett., but ver unreliable sources of information. The village hall was paid for flve years, ugo. Only $58,000 of village gmmerimi taxation bonds are outstand. rng, and our boudin g powter is over $600,000. No blue warrants have been issned. No 1931 tax anticipation warrants have'been sold. »'ilmeute's credit rating is as Aigu as any manicipalfty in Auserica. Mr. F. J.' Scheideohoîni criticizes the length of the. proposed water intake. The only object in getting a 25-foot dcpîb is to evoid ice troubles, which occur perticularly when intake is used te near capacity, the strong suction drawing the ice into the intake orifices. Our proposed intake is se mnch over requirenients for several years thet we should flot have that trouble. The niteke pipe is planned te extend 3,000 feet f rom shore and le objecta is now seriously consaiering tise eligmunation of 1er-ont intakes ad placang tiien as near shore as 2,000 feet. Mr. -Scheidenhelm alsosamys that Wilspe e, if it foilows bis dvi,, will net need booster pumpa nor elevaîed sterage. But the Mayor of Evans- ton ad bis councilcommittee on water plainly toId ithe officiel cemmittc of the Wilmiee Village Board that Wilmette weuld have to provide boih., wl,0 .is: right. Mr, Sciseidenhelm or thse Evanston o#ficiaIs? Mr. Donald H. Maxwell, 1414 Forest Ave., Wilneîîe, connected with, thé. engineering firin of Alvord, Burdick & Howeson, criticizes many things, including the. tife of the proposed plant. Mr. Alverd, of thai firm, îoid President Dubbs tuaituh building shouid last a hundred years and the machinery forty yers. Mr, M.,W. Làuer, of 1114 Forest Ave., Wilmette, inakes extensive ciii- eimma but no icontructive criticisme. EI.çtion next Saturday, Deceinber 5. Poils open 6 a. m. to 5 p. m Vote before you go downtown'