EAIRLY ,SHOPPING SUGGESTIONS CARA NME Doauty Set Fao IWd.r aieum end ELIECTREX Nwudibs end adjustabie. Wlth ord. Now Il .4i~ KNOW, WHAT ARLENE 72 f.id.d Sb"ot 50 Bssed Envlop.m là whiftsgrays OMMoo'bre STAG sit "fée'Men Shavine Cmam, Lotion, Ti% and H air and SoaIp Tonis. Suggestions TO DO FOR <4 *tiiatlAU how deiclous7ia the tast. Children love its 'mild cherry flavor. q6,ftCHERRY BARK 5ag0Bti COUGH SYRUP Se Ne Cre r fr ols* pare Your Christmnas P&-2kages Early! Gift Dressings art bere ini full variety. Select now you r Wrappingii, Tyin go, Taga, Cards, Seals and Labels. A double welcome awaits the gift attractively wrupped. Coal and Material company. A. K. MestJianof ,Mestlian Broth- ers, Inc., loanea two Oriental rugs to the schooi for thé dedic ation program, and Mike Lutsch gave the use of his truck., Honor Ouest'at Din ner Prof. R. E.. Pattison Kline, 1311 Greenwood avenue, nationally known speaker 'and teacher of public speak- ing, and formerly. president of the Executive's club- of Chicago, was honor guest re cently at a cinner meet- ing arranged by more- than one hun- dred friends. The occasion was tbe 2O0th anniversary of Professor Kline's services as. advjior to the, Debate so- ,iety of thé Chicago chapter, Amen- can Institute of Banking. The speak- ers' roster included Craig B . Hazel- wood, 16 Canterbury court, Wilnîette, vice-president of the First Nýationial Bank of Chicago. joseph J. Schiroe- der was toastmaster. AT PRESIDENT'S CONFERENCE Gen. William H. Rose of the Kenil- worth inn, lias gone to Neiv York in acceptance of ain invitation. from Presi- dent. Herbert H~-oover to attend a mieet- ing of the, President's Conference on Horne Building and Home Ownership,J which. is current ini Washington, D. C., December 2-5. A surprise party was given Mrs. Charles 6G* Bennett, 1133 Mfaple aVe-- nue, Evanston, on. her birtliday Saturdav, Noveniber 28. Boxed in walnut. and a perfect gif t this comfort-giving HEATUNG PAD by Hotpoint Draices iuses or toLeuoeswiII UDe - rested by the rai lroad officiais and taken te Highwood, and turned Ôver to the police authorities of that town. He wi!! be immediately and uncondi- tionally expelled fntôm New Trier, sbould it, developý that the offender is a student in the schooi. "You will understand that this ex- treme measure bas been adopte.d onlyý after otiier milder. means. have been exbausted. Students, have been warned by tbeir advisers, by speakers in general assemblies, by bandbook regulations, by bulletins, and by the efforts,:of the studenit government committees, -and yet the objectionabie acts have nlot ceased. Appesi te Fàthors, diWill you. be kind enough. to tike up with youir son the contents of this letter with a. view. to impressing upon himi the- necessity for proper cornduct on.any public carrier. The Board, of Education and the faculty of the high schooi will appreciàte* mes& cor- diaily your help in this perplexing "Aithougli notice of this action will appear in the .north shore papers and will probably be dîsseminated ilinourhi the channels of the local parent- teacher associations, it is assuined that this letter will be considerel hy you as officiai notification of tle Board of Education's poiicy and plans. "If, after taking this matter nlp with your son, you find that he -s in no way involved, please iiisregai ( this letter except as it appiies to the gen- eral problem of public safety." Mrs. Tom Dix, 236 Oxfordi road, Kenilworth, was hostess at a dinner last W'ecnesday evening' for a f ew f riends. Central -Wimo.t* Avenues Phones: Wfilmeft. 28 andi 29 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTIERN ILLINOIS JOSEPH W. KEHOR,' Distract Monnier H. C. REYNOLDS, District Superinteadent 1141:CentralAvenue Phone Wilmette 5150