Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 64

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.And civIî ithe nîusa ua-utitiîs uuritics could not *help) aduitiiig datth re- w. ual itselcf surIasscde(ipMectatiOlis. 'hfliirst nunuhcr offcred was the u 1 Kelkown and iiuucli-beloNed T'rio ini I)1) milior Ibv M'deFlic. hopen- ing inelody for cello llayed lh Flans KqýelbeI promlised. by ,,its own inhcllrenli leuvand the eclec fits cxc- cutiomiî.a l)eriod (-f* enjoyincmt for ithe lhcarers. Andi wheli the piainst. Ru- t oph Vagner. andl the leader of the trio. flans M uieier. contrihuted their artistic shareý to, the renidition o)f this muost attractive colulosition. t1 e r- -ut~as 1 1lvplasing- HlIie SCCOnIi nunullber . %Vas à ratiierl modernu produtction i'b%. Fratnk Bridgec - -a piantasy, in C ninor. This wvasj I7nrou dnoau-xSttlkitl hie shores'oç f Ia1'ic nland ts'as nli ab ufblli l *'* lu * lui flA.3 L manages to make a good soliid tonw whenever lie likes. . . auers playing of Beethoven mnikcs one think of an old time mnistcr who speaks to lus audience dIreaimil'. suddC1nlv shoots out his ývoice -a2s.i thuntier-s out, dire thr.eats of fire al 'i brinistone, and then sinkIcs 1ack iitt his tireaniy patter. lii the ScËhumann "Forest Scentus. ,Batier is.iniost.persuasive, for lie h;i- a liglut,.,fanciftul touch that.brings ou the poetry .of Sch.mann. ln thiý. and in. Liszt's difficuit "Aulwr d'une Source," he is suprernely good, a. sensitive exonrent of thecl<i -R. L. P. 1laN ed 'brilliantly and with adeqi!até f ersheoe nilains advep! Clicnhsts. believe., The Giant Br-oitosaiirus. feeling,'.'lie elosing. event ,was ýa ill bc restorr<.iiiio n mPictres ýat the' 1l'ihnwtte Swidav -1111)î B -ok Worms to Hold Ne't trio. ii F mnir by Dvorak. . Pc rlaps, inthie, -Pirst Cnqrqtinichir'ch on Smufuay L (Ji>(/ T<.e,,,be .. 1~ 1etn rdaDc Ibihis beriiiiili y hetajoi was - felt.Br e,î <u' ! t the cstlivngw'xloirsandic.ntsMeeting1(1 Th Bok Vors, iner eadn4 of the audience to bc the, niost attrac-t pro'l'ably discovcrci-d more d<lioçsours thonait i' wrmn iinv.îi lec 1Te okure,'iit a tive itemn on the progran. Nlaniipr- o'r"s/ue r,,Labc ll' nIoiiii pjct !,au çîd'.club) for children at the Xinettc tionis of it were (Iehghtfully nuClodhotis .. Public ibrary, decided ait their reg- and sho.wed the feeling of 1)vorak as .iular m!eeting Iast Friday not to h îld mnali andi nusician.. school is strîving to dle\elot>.A any meeting Friday of thig Weék -be- jýxpesiot of satisfactitn heiard Y u r ol child's chancs of suiccess are largedv i cause of the Thanksgiving vacation afier thîe prograin proved Iliat th c h~~ ini the hiaîuds of îluose wvho guide Iim i l the public schools., They will lîold Xorth-liths lparents and bis îcacIîers 1,11, thieir next meeting Decemiber, 4., At .oîhShort Chanibe-r Music 1 Su- tion Ini sponusoriung hlis prograni andiCotine ronu Page ,u7) hlîartv cooperation o(if hose tw o last w ek's session Miss Mary \Viiî- -ýIIi;t prornnganofie tactors is iniperative andtfi t hlasts, i er Huglies took'picturesý of the B>cok oft real comtiiitvy service. 1 uplet regr-outi)lig. Prnuotiou f .roiiî for genutine coolîcration aid\onsi'foto h 011 grnpto îîtlur ii uv uljec *tcIl~iU; Teclurs are costa'nîîv andi.te fireplace. linthe childrel's Club Prepaes >eau bub obtalined heuve -the (le -:seeking to know the parents (if terru the pbi lbay Ilens fielce hve eeî rîuved iuîils iii order tbàt tue' av ai>- to Choose Officers Stiniulating to Pupil jîroacli their prohlunus More initel- HihSho RdoCub 'Fle Liies club of New Trier IHîgh nepa o ropn ihjcsligelv-ý. Several articl.1es iini b ighîePStpo done I C xI'bi l'lieplan or grtipiig b\writteu abolit scl >ool Njjrol>lems Evhich ~ mtu htgalî r an-ai frequeîîtly reýgroupîniig a.ccor4iing hiave beeln solved salisfactorilyv 'l'lie radio show which, the Newv izatloî, ilainncd 'b lold its electiot'!to uîeeds is s îiinulatiîug ho pujîiiTrierthrough the coorariticlub I t (if officers Tutesday ofIdis weck. Catin -- j orjtigfuso hPrenilitshae cnrged tof 'theihonte. Tiriul s' oîruo îbI<( stanar(s fr itdgiig itsowiiParntsýjrciired o Nisit Ithe sch(onls> planuued to hold l'riday nighî, Decein- diae frte ainsofce "ork "i,, hetter if lie. works ial -'lý fre(i4uitlý-. to iniqtire ilulo ils pro ber 4, lias been postponed because presideit-Fred X\Vcttërer, Bol) Hess, l>esi<le. superior mworkers: for 'at prs rli ofrei o- hue opening gamie on the .high scluool Cra.gStodad, lhrt eihnuîuaîu p art ôÀf bis programn. luistead O least igra, ad t se o f -enesCIl basketball schiedule is to beplayed B o b T h oi s o n ; vi c ->ý) r o, i(l e iit N a ti c Y do fcthir 1 tn ingat t it u d e a n dnfe e ioglof se,,ith c h il- thaitt n ig 'lig l T hl'l d a tea e fo rr . ee ra d io B o b' n , B e t T h rs n v i- i , s idet - u x d s o r g d a t t d e a u f e i g o r n ith th o se w h o g u id e th e u o w îl l) a n o c e l l r. ci - ageBty iust njefN" - frrit1 - 'bich is oitetu founid i, chiidreîu iseluools. '(Another phase "" wicrsiioucd-ltr.' Nulîrv and Margaret Nieléte%-. sec- low grouips inu svsteîuu s ti,,ilg. iroviding for inidiviclual differeucsers of the radio club are bus,%" ît'vit retarN -l,aureîta And(erson., Ilien jgouigfor classes. are %will I'dbcusc îîxglailsfor the exhibit. Holtotu. NI 1aric Skog and Hel>en Slu iîuîerest Ini remnoviîîg ificulfies aîvýî I 1NIewe. ______________ ardy, atiEd Dol.e, Rlaylock, Don feelinig of pride iii- liý'rtictuîar liceèes iE. oor.su1erv1s _%,Mrs. Edward, C. Hildreth o f 200(' ard ; treasurer-Ece I e~of lenuenitary educati, Be> vdaeuuhsashrget Jack O ne. XatrMrilaW d~ok~el oc \ineî >llcshos Ver 'ihalikskiving, her rmother, Ms -___________ -it lit i s a:t okn o leri- - --JohnuOî0m *f Milton junctioI, Wi s. Ncaj)acntyMis. Eàrl C. wrItss, t11)atheohonte rs. Alice Bourgeois ànd 'luer brother-in-law and -iter- Mr atiMr. ar C os. 1< te o Muiad tIhe sehll çlenld en- D.adMs alW. Perr ' a Cuinnor road, Kenilwortlu. are- entuer- couiragexuuenî to the prograiuî(il cor- M risiMalfri hirsn rfsc auos l . r an taini.ng astheir TluaiksgNiing day recive -wo(rk. If olv tlv eilîdreui i a thekedond01Beach, Cal., conues .. .guests Miss Ethel Stephiens of th have to be conisidere<I a lactful.Itheanoceut f.h ,ç .. -~,irîo wjuv, îîwgu. til' Il<~ eacer s alie caryt.l Ner ,rs. Alice Bourgeois, forrnerly of Misses. lia and Clara I)ailcy of thé remedial prograin with lttle* 1luntrl 10 Wiîù t o L. B. Penubertou f 'Sovereign botel. the1 pride of lier deficiefit piipils., But Redondo Beach which took place Ica avnueandfie ohermemersofWelfare 1-shighly'conimiieifdable, 'but Moderu ±"îlgrimage 10 JPalestine." He' 0 Kapa lpa het sroit dove10th trsuts of,' his apîproaoh 10' the was the a*'chltecf for the public 11-. Mrs. joseph Marshall, 1040 Elm- Kaoa AtylpasI eek fror the Noreth-oblmaeotnderiuna 0 brary iii the city park in Reouo odaeue, wilI entertain thue gm.c1bild's developuiientheBah Tuesday club at luncheon and bridge Find omesin Hamonynext %week. 'wscr-ow am..-0-F aainaiaoon rs. G. L. Minier of Three Oaks. I Miss Avanelle Pagelsen of D< Forhuniately for the childreiu lte Michi. wh'o lias beeni visiting lier IMr. anid .Mrs. Frederic B. Cross- Moines, Iowa, spent lastI week as the attitude reflected f ronui a large. ma- daughter, Mrs. R. I. jouiastonl, 719 ley, 602 Washington avenue, i1l guest.of ber aunt, Mre. F. W., Fuer-1 joritv of the homes in Wilmette is Laurel avenue, last veek, lias re-J speîîd Thaniksgiving with Mrs. Cross- maànnuôf..835'Creciiwood avenue. iii lartuuoiuv, vwill tue ideals the turned bht oe ley's sister's f'nil nEgn,,11

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