Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 61

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02Sprtce St. 1 267 i-1 t p t; RiM. MOD)ERN IHOME IN YI. niettc. Frigidaire, ga., but ning 1)oilt-r, neal' atemau and eleec ttranlspor'ta - tion aîud sehools. 6 to, 12. mio:las - b responsible tenant. $125 nio.SoW l>yappîoint nelic. -1704Ilfiglaîd i(jAve. l'h. ilmete 402. 60TN30-1 tp FOR '.IENT-.5 RI.( )M COTTAWF E P111.; ilute1403. iL-1t Ut .sual A ai.a bln.xutifuùloI> n'h> et jofi Kenilwortli is chariinmngly lîîe and well l)ult, with att. garage, co)-, pe-r sci.reenls, goita ilistlation, fille tIo4et ;I)«ît(,, back. tair-s, Frigithlire. Ml burner'. The entrance hllli- has '~esdowin to a éharîning living roinl, I 7x*6 f r... with ireplace, oeld riffiatin, behiid ed '-liIig, .andl 011- iiig ion an ttratctivet.(poruhl. Therct are 4 bjedî'îîs., 2 baths, 2 lav., wri. breaklfaist rnl. Sale prive $40,00di.Rnt! 211 w F RA N cEiS j. i7NSCOT't' 902 S;îriut' ST. ~iiîta12G~7 -11 NE, 1. ENGI4,lSH SION IIY 2418 Jincoln St. Jusit added tooir fa ou "1LIIIIARY 0F FINE HOMMES, a hantifîîl huîîîe 1of S 1oîî> >part'-t! to v'ie:lte a lînîne oif dis- rintiion. I-ltanti fui grou tîds,, I s1f0 hîiwn 1)hYa-ppoinit, tnftoîly. MIr. Adiams,*2 hIV s t. lollycourijt 18., t r~îîeafI S55. 11AIRD & WTARNER 721,TN:!0- 1t, REA4 ARGAIN ATTRIACTPIVE 6 IROOM jIUE 2 ath,2-car garage. S. E.,Waîela t 'o veril) oschools and tranisporta- fio,î Value $16.000. Must MdI. 1Maîit defr. 541,tielîAe Wiînekn142 42LTN30)-ltc ;)13 Davis St., Evilin "etuIt-eaf. 1617. RIPARIAN, PRIVILEGEt-S 8 Ri. English Brick Homle Ravine -lot '75x250. .'ù master bedrmns., 2. servants' Irnis., îec- reatton moi il; garage, 2 îiotoris. REDUCED F1101 $50,000 TO ivhich toiil $3S,000. Mr. foliii-- soi, 1071 Skîkle IRidge Dr. 9Ieîicoe 1554,,Itî'argate 1855. ElARD& ~\VNARNER 72L]TN30-ltc- 74 FOR SALE-VACANT Choi *ce. Rip)ariian iSites L.ocateul ini central Keîîilwortli, just south of Keniiîwttiii Ave. itsfrom d5 tE) 301)fI. ivithî averatge depth of 275 fI. îof aà able table land, Batird & Warner's 4-omplete Ibtîîldinig srie w ich ictiles ý'hý>-&utetaniditig rang-e of Fim- lhomes plans, by the well-kîiowîî hoîmie a'juetsada inanc- inIg. pla1 l inlu hieih the ,site is the m<îîlyhInvestîallît reqtîiredt9.)< bîîîld iîrhîead all ; ibe withit obligation. Cal Mr. Ne-whal, 107t Skokie Ridge Ieîîcoe l1554,13riargate 1855. Bairdl & Warner 135 EXCHANGE-REAL ESTATE Kalisa.s City House Trade Ir? -yOU AR1E MOVING ITO KANSAS 1 iY have a good homle there to * exe-htiitge for Evaneton or North S8hnIe, place. Gilve your fflitîne. drs A-59, B3ox 40, YWilm ette, 111. g8 LTN3 0-i te 86 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS. WEE1~ANCONCERT CiRAND UP- righit piano. Good lotie anid gdkoc Condition. Cheap. I'hoîie Whin. 196. 4-B3URNER B EN.J AM 1 IN b TIC stôve, with2 'yns AI ondition. FI~or' sale eheap.îl'h. Ninka.72 WUITE S1,WTNC1 MACHl-INE MIT1I electije motor. Perfeet coud itionl. Pb. M'innetkaî 2410. 8U'3-î V KODAI<S A.ND CAMERAS 1 'off. The Photo Shop, 574; Ave. Winnetk*a 1840. 8-SLTN,'I0-1îîî TILLAG~E 0E. WIL31ETTE NOTICE TO fIfI>IERS Sealed b ids will be received by the Village Manager of Willnîette, Illinois, at his, office Ili the Village Hall, until. 2 oMcock p. m;, Central Standar'dTiie, Noveiliber. 3th, 1931, for theý renioval of garbage and. combusti ble wa-ste ,lu the Villixge, of Wilnîiette for the calen- dar year 1932. 1Sp ecificat.iônsfor. 'this worlc ýare on. flle,,in the office of thé Village Manager. Tli-he--i444ge Bo(,ard re.4erves aIl riglhts to reject ti ny and Ï11l bids. CM. OSBORNI NEW BOOKS Auîong the books -recenitl3y added t0 -the wih-nette PubliC Jibrary are the following, incluin.tg aNvide sclec' tion from ,different fields-, NoveIs of Lterary Merit Cathq-r-Shadows ou the Rock Danie-Broorne Stages Galworh-Mid iiWaiting. HI-amstun-August, ljan;lum--Thursdav April L.a Farge-Sparks Fly-Upward > Roberts-Buried TreasUre. Rolvaag-Their Fatliîer'SGod- Smart-Newv England Holiday Stioie-Aliioiid Tree Weateri Stories Bechdolt-Riders of the San Pedro Snow-Sheri-ff of Chiispa Loîna Detective and Mystery Stories Clianberlain-Night At Lost End Fitzsinimnois-70,OqOWitniesses Fletcher-MUurder ini Four Degrees Freeiuan -. Pon!tifex, the Soir of, Thoriidyke Quieenl-Dutch_ Shoe M>%ster%' Reeve-inmerald. Kiss- Starrett-Dead Mail Inside, \Vil l is-Piratel's Purcliase Light Remdîng Deeping-TFeinConimandînenits l)ouiglas-M.ýagîîificeiit Obsessioni Fortune's Favorites Russell-Scielntific Outlook Allen-Uîiiverse Clhertsoîu - oîtract Bridge Bliie Book Literature Thiorildike--Otitlook For Literatuire Doud-Fath er Lie)riali-Poeîi.s For Enjoym ent Sarett-XVitgs Aa in..te moonl Barry-Tomiorrtt%%, and Tomorrov (;lasl)ell-.Àlis<)li; Fls ouse TtaveL Peck-Voung Cerniany% Phillips-INleet the Spjauîjardsý Holeomîbe-Chiînese Revolutiomi losels-lndi.an Joutrney P'owell-Marches of the ýNoérthi HuiLbIert-Fort3- Niners CaNe%,v-Easter Island Baography Delayeti-Cicero rolinisoi-Norniaii DougIas RNtitîg-GunNotlie Sk1ariatitia-\Vorld Cati F-tîd HistGory Polaîîd -Culture ox'A .icietit r'eecc, anîd Rome G'~avs-înria;siberia -.Xdvetli- ture Civ ilizationi Seviiîouir-Story oi the Red Maîtàl Piiikertoti-Hildsoti Bav Countt-v Adams-Epic of Anieri-ca Duiiion d-Secess.ioýiNtMovemlellt. 1860-. 61 MONUMENT. NAUCOLEIItIORNEDTN TH E OLDAN AU R LIL:' GRAS, Ce 1LAKE Co 5608 N. Western Ave., Chiiego Opposite Rosehll-Western Ave. entrante Tel. Longbeach 1161 Free bookiet Aiso opp. 0akwoodq & Mit. Hope ent SLnnn oafl: ,228 N. LTnfllI* S Phnone WIL il -.for more than 20 yeara the HOME PAPER of the'community-" 'PHONE WILMETTE 4300 t -f t :tîtin III)MU VU ALL 1 oile- Holk(mzon & jenlkz

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