Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 59

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IL A . vyVT a a w .JL % & s. w Opening the week withi a fine1 Tbanksgiving holiday 'porgrai, the Wilmette theater keéps righit oni, the same spirit to round ont a. glori- ous seven days of entertaument. Thursday, November 26, yvill be featnred by matinee and evening per- formances of "ýThe Last Flight," with Richard Barthelmess in the story of' four wara-torn; aviatars who drif t f rom bar to bar in . Paris,, finally join- àn ît lonesome and lovely lady whose nîysterious past intrigues tbiem as nch as lier mysterlous l)resent. Helen Chiandler plays the girl, Nikki. John Mack Brown, David Maniiers, Walter Byron and llliott Nugeiît play the four bnddies of. the- hero. On Friday and Saturday, Novemi-. ber 27 and 28,, the Wilmette -theater intrigues wmdî "Tlhe Spider," Edniundý Lowe starring, as Chartrand ' The Great, a* niagiciati. The filmî tells of a brother and sister whom ..a- de- signing uncle is endeavoring* to keep .apart. for bis financial advanitage.. Wbieni lie and the girl attend a the- ater, shie sees lier. brother assisting a magician on, the. stage. The uîîcle attempts to forestaîl reuîîion. A shotý isfired an d the 'uncle .drois to the floor. Thien 'tle real suspense At the Saturday miatinee, a chap- ter of the Red Grange sçrial "Thie Galloping Ghost, wî,1li e sliown,.* * Boudoir la Gorgeous One of the most gorgeons, boudoirs ever created for the use of: a screen star is said to be that given Bebe Daniels in "The Honor of tbe Famlily," to l)e sbowili at t h eWilffiette theater on Sun- day and Mon- *day, ~oeîer 29 and 3X The, bedroom 15 sen- Freîîclîrenîais-, BbeDniels s'ance pcriO(l, aud cach piece of the * 'suite, as well as the curtaiuns, drap- eries anîd rugs are authieîtic. Thec locale of tlhe story is post-war H1un.- gary, and. the actioni thorouglîly iiîod- erflized. is hasecl unop Balzac's risque t auirel and H-ardy, the coniedians w.hose twe-reel anf.ics have convttlsed the nation, now appear iii "Pardon Us,"ý their. first full-lengtb talking picture, to be sbown as .part of tbe double feature program at the Var- Laurel1 and Hardy ini Action sity theater on Thîursday,ý Friday and. Saturday of tlîis week. The other attraction on thiese days will 1) 'East of Borneo," amnaziîîg picture. ofthe, jungles,, starring Rosc Holïart 'and Charles Bickford. -Pardon Us" iýs a laugh fri start to finish. Laurel and Hardy run riot througli an arnusing travesty of the tyI)ical p)rison nielodramia. There is no letup ini hilarions situations. Thîe p)air are jailed whien they innlocently offer a policeman a. drink; they suib-' se(Iueuitly make 'life. miserable for their fellow prisoners :by their naive stuidtywhicli gets, everyone ini into trouble; they make their escape and disguisc theniselves as Negro cotton pickers; they get cauglit agaiîi and particîpate ini a prison riot. Do the two ever go , frce ?-tbiat's the querry which niirth-quaked patrons of the Varsity will sec answéred. "East of Borneo" is a dramnatic story against a lbackgroundl of jungle, terrors - the pulse-pounding ex)ei- ence of a Nwonan whio braved a thou- saîid deaths to. Save the . ian she loved. 'On 1Moluday,, Ituesday and.<l XVednies-l day, Novemiber. ,30 to Deceniher 2, iniclusive, tîeý Varsity presen ts an- other great double feature program,i oifering Clive Brook and Kay Fran- Acis ini "24 Hours," and WVilIIanî Hainîes and Jminv *Schntozzle" Durante ini lor Willam Powell in "Tne Road To Singapore," the Warner Bros. picture at the Teatro del Lago on Sun day, Monday and Tuesday, No- vember 29 to December 1, inclusive, -has created.tbree other niemorable roles since ier return to the screen -after -several yýears of retirement owing to the ' illness and death*. f ber husband, Milton Sis. *Other production in which hier remarkable, versality is evidenced are "The Barý- gain," with Lewis Stone; "The Rul- ing Voice", witlh Walter Huston, and "Alexcander Hamilton" with George .Arliss. Mr. Powell is also supported iii, "The Road to Singapore" by Marian Marsb, Louis CalhernAli-' son Skipwo'rthi and' Lumsdent. Hare. Broadway Hero Seen, Opposite. Bebe Daniels Warren - Wiliam, featured with Bebe Daniels and, Alan Mowbray in "The Honor of the Famiily," new First National picture showing at the- Wilnette théater Sunda and Mon- day, November 29 and 30, bias been nn1e of. the niost popular leading men on the New York stage. There lie was fanions for bis characterizations of. dasbing, ronîantic, adventurers, of- fered in sucb well known plays as ".Twelve1 Miles Out," "The Vinegar Tree," "Those We Love" and "Step- daughiters of War." 24 TENSE HOURS A11s tb1eý titie iniplies, all the action of "24 Hours," Paraiount picture .created froni Louis Bronfeld's mys- tery novel, oçcurs witihuivlbat period of time. The film is' seen at the Var- sity theater Monda, Tuesday and WcN'dnesdav,, Noveiber 30 to Decenm- br2, linclulsive. Pubihx Balaban& Katz VARSITY, 1710 Sherman Avenue EVANSTON "Jiovl i a -ér9ol AItgo Frank. Mcmgh Conedy Firi-Sat., N». 27-28 iso Notre Dame' Football Botes. .-No. 8-"Famou* PiByss" Sun., Mon,, Nov. 29-30 BEBE DANIELS Tue", Wed., Dec. 1-2 LIONEL BARRYMORE KAY FRANCIS MADGE EVANS in Tkurs,, ela 4"Bull mania." Fir., Dec. 3-4 I wbo langhs at hlmn. Grant then de- tj afte iitd 's lotse t un xro sar cides to kili Rich to save bis daugli- .t iihadyul iei-h h ter. But te spare ber a worse suf- famnily of yon. Fifi D'Orsay's vivacions ering, be also nst' do the murder personiàlity vies witb that of Rogers !" Twithoýut involving bifiuself. 'He iakes In addition to "Young As You I it appear as suicide . . . but... Any- Feel," Comnînnity Hlouse offers an * Way, there's a real tbrill awaiting Our Gang comiedy,,and "Trails of the> * Wilmiette patrons. ,Hunter." and KyFacsm IClive Brook and a 'rnii, "24 HOURS" JJ US', à-'

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