Let's face the tacts NUW! Wekowta sufferng n starvation are now threateningour own people here in Wilmette and-within a few days ..perhaps a few HOURS . the wint.er blasts, will add their horrors., GIVE NOWILETE Don't wait 1 Doù't elay! Hunigry chilren- and ail affecte d*by h e pression - NEED RELIEF RIGHT NOW! They will continue to deserve it until the tide turns. If you are employed . if yu have aniy ncomie at al .. GIVE! Give ýNOW!t Continuùe to give -until the nieed bas passed. Give Now,, Wilmette t Oh yes! There is a great deal of suTerng in Wilmette.- Don't be misl ed..Give.al.you can afford to give but GIVE NOW!- One Wil 'mette case: The man is 77;' the wife 76. For 47 years they worked bard. To- day there is no work for a man 77. Their, children have. taken ,care 'of them until. re-. çently, But the "boys" hv lost their jobs. An older son pas the. rent. They need FOOD andCOAL.. THERE. ARE MANY SUCH ÇASES IN WILMETTE. Give Now, Wilmeuie, Her silver bair, ber care-worn face be-, trayed her 7Ô years. Her mantiers and ber Englitb revealed ber culture and, a coijege, education. She is the widow. of a judge, the mother of a son who is a teacher and bas no incorne since la.st April and wbose bomne. was recently sold ar auction. A grandmotber . who wib bher dauglirer and granddaugbrer are sleeping on the floor, witb notbing but old coats for cevéring. This 7oýyear -oId. beroine spades ber own garden. This is ANACTUAL SCENE IN WILMETTE'. Tbreatened witb eviction from tbeir bomne in THREE DAYS.a Wilmett.e man bad been, out of a job for a ýyear. He',bas been a prorninent and active meniber, of a, Wilmette cbjrcb. $eëarcbý for a homne brougln. forth a n> owner ýto wbom. was sold .tbe idea' that "!occupancy is bette r than vacancyv" and the fa*uily is being sbeltered. But tbey NEED F~OOD and COAL and the mari NEEDS A JOB! ,I ,.q 1JOIN IN THE EMEIR WILMETTE BRANCH FUND 0F COOK COUNTY HIENRY FOWLER, Chairman t Next week we will puùblish the- names of i who have con-- tributed to this fund. CGet Your name on the HO0NO0R ROLLI. You can afford it,'. III