môonthsishow an increase ceunt fremi Septemiber of. decline of 27.7 percent. fi 25.5 per- i'ear; October REAL ESTÂTE LOAX4S j Have fuinds te, ban 'on, North Shoro reuldentlial proVerty at rea- semable rates. See un on r.newal. Also mortgegea forsale. F.-G.Pauing Co.. le08. La Salle st.. Iranikl1nita 7& FRANKEN BROS. Importers ard,Spe.calits in FINE HOLLAND TULIP BULBS k TELEPHONE DEERFIELD 241 LOANSON: REAL ESTATE well Iocated and carefully selected, are always acceptable to conservative investors. As Baird & Warnier'is in the market for such loans, it will e to your advan- tage in refinancing your present loan to write or eall this office.,, WiId Flowers Rockery Work Permit s in Decline for Chicago A rea Tii e prospective building vlueiii the Cicage Suiburban area shoived a censiderable ,décrease, during, October as com-pared witl October 19301 and Septtie:r 1931. according to a sur- vey covering 32, tomns. made by S. w. Strauis and. company. The value of building l)ernhits is- suied for, Octeber. 1931- was $9.39,9(00 as com pared withi $3,123,050 for Oç- tober 1930 and $1',123,796 for Septen-' ber 1931. --Acordinig to thlese figuresý the October 1931-Octôberý 1930 loss amiotetd te 70 percent and.the Sep- ternl)er. 1931-October 1931.comparisonit te 16.2 percent O0f tlie.32 towns rep- resented e iglh*t shovved gains in t4ie October 'comparisoni-Dolton being the .leader witli au increase of 1.693 percent.. Forest Park %vas-,a close second with 1,636> percent, Batavia was next wvith 9613 percent* Otller, conhmi 'unities sho(witng gains, were Dowuiers Çrove. Xheaton. \XVj1eiette, Glen ll yn iiand Homewood. lIn the ceniparîson l)etween October 19.31 and September 1931. 17 coIn- muniiities slîowed gainis. Kenilworth being thte leader with an incirease of 1,0)00 percent. IE W>es C >I LA SALLE Aluxurimus 5-pass. Town Seditï. 'Fuis beauttful car ls pr»ctIcalIIý Id ei ent , , ln -style wl-th inbdels now on1 dhisffay. 'Original fiish lit rfrh bine; thé Interlor Is taup1i' mÉohair.- Mas ait the' LaSalleai>-- 't Now! YVY 1 -41 A JLloA A= = ý 011 Burner and Refrigeratloi Maintenance Repairing of ail Houselgold Me- <,anieffl or Eleetrical Equlpment -Washing xacllines, manglIes, eesese. See as aboit mahitng your old Servel Into a modler refriÉerator. R, A.,M. -ANDERSON Telephone WILMETTB 689 -o nhouses, apartmel-Its and business properties for 5, 7 or 10 year terms.. CODY TRUST COMPANY 105 South La SaiIe Street Randolph 6600 CHICAGO 13, compilation of official reports bv- Nelson, Hunt ýaid- compaliy, Chicago and north shiore specia1îsts ini real es- tate inanicing.. The total: dollar volume f romn 34 urbain districts during Septeniber Was $1.51,875,345, as compared with $151,-. 754,456 foDr the previous menth-. Thir- ty - f the districts, whichi also re- ported in 1930, showed a total dollar volume of $118,317,358 in September' of ttis year,. colnparing with $152,- 161,525 ini the same month last.,year. Elleve n Digtrict. Gain Eleven 'districts, howevýer, were ahead,,of the same mnon ti last vear, thte survey pointed out. .1'hese were Brooklyn. Rochester, Richtmond, and White Plains, N. Y.; Bridgeport. New. Haven, Waâterbury and New Britaii,. Cotin.;- Omahta, Kansas Citv. Kans., and Oakland, Calif. Amoiig the larger citiesi Chicago, Cleveland. Buffalo, Los Angeles,. Mil- waukee, and Pittsb-urgh all showved gains over the previous- month. . ev- erai other cities* (with dollar ývolumne of $1,,000,0 or more) also showed increases. Tliese included nirinig-. .hamn, Kansas City, Kans., New\ Ha-, yen, Oniah 'a, and Rochester.ý Suibtrban development. was' mdi- cated by ftiter gains in W\estclhes- ter coun.ty (White Plains) N. Y.. %viere the Septeniber total wasaboN-e botit the I)revious .inontlitand -Sep- teniber. 1930. The Borouigli of Ricliinind, N . hwdsjmiilar gainis. New York Showsý Decline J)csp)ite' the'se gains, continues thie Nelson, Hunt and company survey, the combinied total of New York .s five boroliglis showed the sharpest 1eclintet be founid anYwhere in the couintry1. 1These figures dropped froni $55,374,204 i-n1, Septemiber, 1930 te $42,670,909 for-the saine nmont t tiis year. Practicàlly aIl of titis loss ývas acceuntted for by. Manhattan, where the volume decrieaseëd from* $25,609.- 800 te $14,967,600. N-ew York, heWever,1 stilL led the counitrv in total dollarý volume., Les Angeles continued in second place. mrith $23,975,061 ; Chicago was third, ,with $18,505,511 White Plains, fourth, withi $8,012,130; Cleveland, fifth, with $7,801,592, and San Francisco sixth,