Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 40

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"I lie.] Womai Mary M. McAuliffe, Isabel Clime on- Next Program; Fanny Butcber Proves Deli gbt There bas 'been a. change iniilme' next regularnmeeting of the Neighi- hors on December L1. Mary Mar-, garet McAuliffe will give piano se- Jectiqns and Miss Isahel Clhue w~il1 sing. Miss. Clie %will be accomipanied bv lier mother. Mrs,. .Xarretn K. -iathawav ill he the. ho-tes for ithe day. 'l'le Nrighbors amit their gnests attested. terFantnv ABtchetr's , oînîlar- ity Tuesday. oeîr 17. aI flic Keni lwiirtb.h ssenîbly hall b1tw't uriîîg out in.ovcrwhelnîinig iunhbers te hiear her. Miss Butcher imniediatelv ait- nounced that she didn't menit .the title "Speaker," because she preferred to rea(l the liaper which slie lhad pîre- pJared. If anvoîîe iii lier audience was disappointed at- sucd> au aut- nouincemnent. glooîn soon gax\e vaY tol delighit at the hands of ' M itîrhi- er's excellent, spirited rcading.i, fact, after lier paper wvas N vell lauched. lier listeners realized tlîat it ks onlyisi,,,writteii formi that surh succinct, brilliant phirases are cre ated. An.d al'of Miss Butcher's ideas are couclhed in terse. stri king pliras eology. XVe were delighted. first. itli an intimate look into Sinclair Lewis' ruse as a literary celebrit3y: froi I.ewvis we went onto James Branil Cal)(Il ait( theni to 'another sothern 'writer, Ellen Glasgow, about wloin Miss Butcher told aitntmsing story which made us feel that the southis V stili more' sensitive to tradition thaii' to ability. Tlîornton WXitler. was re- vealed -in the ligbt ofb a sacred iter- ati 'at a brilliatit gatlîering at Texas. There, M iss ,Bùtclier ook us to England, wbere. slîe acquainted us 1ib4. M. Toniin'son, "a shi', quiet m1ystie, Who lias live<l long' wvith, bis owil thougit s". with that egocentriie gentlemiani, .1. B. Priestly, ýý,itW jovial. A. P. Herbert. FýiuîaIIv we sat dowg with Miss Butcher at' ene illustriouis luncheofin where ,that àuîîazingiy vouing Bernard Shia\w" aliked lieri one side, Arnol Benne'tt, 'the other, with Hi. G. Wýells opposite. And 'that was, 1 should say. the hieiglit of beinig1 Mrs. Harry os liostes's'for the aiternoon. Assisting lier at tlhe tea tables were' Mrs. Leoni M. Allen, Mrs.' Frank \\. Cherry, Mrs. Charles R. Erwin, and Mrs. NValter B. Latin- der. The tea tables werç most attractive with filet clothes used over yellowv. Autumn leaves aiîd ýbutton çchrvsaii- lur uI1a.-n-Ql its ve<U.ar ait-(lay ewJIng met~Lig, wbýjich is open to th' wonmen of .tllc village, Friday, 'Ueceniher;4. The com- nittee will sew for the Chicago WVo- an's 5lîelter. Mrs. Robert. P. Bichi is sewîng chairm an. The others 'on t lie committee are Mfrs. J. A. Bruni- laugh, Mfrs. 1-I. B. Carroll, Mrs. Sam Detinis. NMrs. J. R. McCluire., Mrs.-, C. L,. Molir, and M.rs. S. H. Voîveli, Mr.. D avid1 F. Hall is lunche on. chairinan. M\rs. E. Kuppinger, who is connect- e(l directlv . wit1î the Chicago Avor- aiu's Shelttr. is to be the 41ncheoni speaker. As' this will 1w, the, ouly St%îvitg day ini Decenîber tlîe.comm.iiit- tee requests that tlîere lwc a large at-, l'lie 'Ihilaithrolîw departnient Wili lîeld a' food sbover at thec club bouse \Vedniesda. Decenmber 16. Thle foocF Nvill lie dividedbetween nine faiilies <<t ex-service inen,a id thîe local char- ities. Trhe commiittee asks .for pou'nd packages and and caris of food rather tlîpn fruit or tlîings thîat will perislî.m District Clubs WiIl Takeý Part in Federation Part y Niteibers of the cluibs ini thîe Ientli dIi.strict Nvill- take active, part in, the party ,wliiclîfliceIlllin'ois Federatiouli of WiVomeu's.ý Clubs is havinig i1i lioîior ()f its 1resi(leut. Mrs. Mary Mill, anid ber board, lhuirsdaN-, Iecenîber 3. ai Ilie Hoteël Sliernin, Mrs. Walter G(ere Mitchell, pub)lic'itv hiranfo ,the' Tenth di'trîct annouîwces. The houirs are froini1 i util 4 :30. The pro- grann ijclucW.,'the reception, a fashiion ihnc meting notable persoiîs, cards, and fortu ne telling. Th'le prizes ivili ijîchide onie for each tablie. 1'Mr's. \all is tme of thie twe tu mei on tî oenr eifcnnsun At Nort bridge.,Club: m\neeting of flthé board o l 'tle Northridge %omiai's.club of NXil- muette will take place atItlie hoIe. of Mrm. William 'Edînoufds, 1925 Ashi-, land av-enue, TucsdlayN,' Ieceinber 8, at 1 o'clock. T[le ilnembers of this chlb are tak- îng an activ-e part in t11w J oint Emnergency ,Relief drive. MNrs. .1. 1).' Kinneiar. 'lias beeni ap- poiiîted Xorthridge repFtýësenitative 'for thîe Washinîgtonî Biceî'îteniial Cele- 'tlousaxîd prizes have been donated ini addition to a prize for every table. Mrs. Vernonî Louckes, social 'chair- uîîaî of the 'Keniilwrth Neighbors, m11akes the atu nouicemnent which' was called to tlîe attentionî of those at- tending the Illinis' Federatiomi tea l4st Friday. Il ilne'Y is/"resdetof the, Iv- <,1501..r0.,>Shore .Smith club /j i t*lni<p<nfor /i'hier'ose ' <i'l f fit i oi. i. 1M N C1 1 7vkes, chairmari. Mrs. )anýa 'BI«geloý\ ÎSin i c large of the \ite elepliants. Mý,1r s. \V. Irving ullai.rçl P.,clairmnan of thec plant and food table, assisted bv Mrs. lîrs. kwr .Clark and M\iss 'Hel1- cul Jones arc iii charge of biooks, Mrs. _John ýR. Mngmr, r.cohs and( Nrs. 'Fini Lowrv, auictioneer. Mrs. Elimer Bersbach and M'vrs. W. B. 1',dred arecîlaniMI< anl lunullsual luniclicon 'anud NMiss OliveJ)ulrt is w~orking son the nublicît v. mnornîng speakers. Luncheon reser- vations înay be mnade with 'Mrs. «À\urdo Ross, social chairinaîî of thee league. In the' afternoon Judge Mgr- cus Kavanagh will speak -on,*"Cauýse D. BI., E. Meets Todag l'lie Cambridge chapter, Daughiters of the British Empire, is having its regular meetinîg Friday afternoon, Noveihler 27. at 2:30 o'clock, at the homie of Mrs. TlîoînasMathiesoîî, 545- Lmorroad; Kenilvortb.- Women Voters and Club Collab- orating; Mrs. Quiicy Wright, Judge Kavanagb, Speakers 'lhle aldyprogram M'ednesclay, Decieilber 2. ;at the Woman's club oôf Wilàmettû. *vill l)e1 on.e of outstand- ing interest. for its, morning session, a joint meeting of the club and the Wilmette League of Wonien,\'oters, will be presented ilud.er the auspices of the league and its afternioon pro- gram given througb the. instrunien- talit'-- of the civics department of the club. . Qu incy Wrigbit and judgc _Marcus Kavanaàgh are the two speakers, of the day and Mliss Estelle ernstein will provide the nxusic pro- grain. Nr s. )îright wrI'l openî the day. at 16 :30 co'clock with hier. talk, on "Chiancest for the 1932 Disarmanient Cou iferenice." The. speaker of the inorning is wvell -known to\imtt and ký presidetit of the 'Co'ok Cotinty League of Woimen Voters and editor ot the Illinois-,Voter.'* ,She ý isne, .caughter ot the first pre.sideîtt of file club, 'Mrs. Herlbert Leonard. Flong the luncheon at ',Miss Bernstein , a promising, young so- î.iraio,,wiill siog several ,selections. J.udge Kavanagh is too well knlown, to Chicagoans and residents of \Vil- inette to nleed introduction here. He is considered one of the outstanding jurists.nin the United States, 'having been on the bench (_f the' criminal court for mnany 'years 'and identified wvith mainy wefl knowtx cases. He is uniusually wl fitted to give .a talk 'on ~Cause for Criime." Recently. it is announiced, Judge Kavanaglh was called to Washington 1-by. President Hioover on an important, commission. T'le art cornmittee bhas chosen wo(10 cuts, for, its December exhibi- ti on. Under- the co-chairmainship of. Mrs. 1-arry Hooker and M Nrs. Louis Brenner, "about seventy-five pieces of tins type of art expression, some in color, others in black and white, wi1l bie hulig ()i the walls of the cluto- 'bouse in tinie for the December 2 'meeting. They Nvill be open to flhe public the Stinday following; whiich is Dec'ember 6. f romi 3 until 6 co'clock. *Almost 'ail of the artists represenited, 'who coule irom Chicago and its vi-'

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