Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 37

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first offering. 'rhe vehlidle is so 01(nl s f iao -ing a compara- < it anitedates \Vaguer) that its îîumor, tively simple mnatter that. he mav emn- atlatthat Nwhicli is tranislated int ploy al bis energy for the artistic in- at lastterpretation of the conmposition. This Englis.h. has the odor of niothhails latter -phase of piano plaving is the abou it.Thestor is çlîira-v rost' vital in niastering oür.art. suited to a high school group. anId 'ora opsiinitliet mav have seemed lcss boring if thlt. .T edàcmoiinitliet nîiusic-:had.hect,î more sprighitly. ly';to. punctuate it and phrase it Ili spite of the -opera .the conipaiyprprl; 0gie tit ue eoqene to introduce the proper nuances, andl showd agrea aîîoun 0ftalet ad dyamic shadings ; to give it 'its iii-* prof essionali'si. "the sînalli orchestra.-tne dsg nd 1forin; to ,con%-ey dirccte(l by Erniest. Knoch. hia-,ai to the audience the thoughits and ernio- excellent f ,eeling f or ensemlel. and 'tions which the composer had in mind those ini the. conipany are alert and. -this is 'the really difficult part of vivaciouis. The: sinigiing anti acting arc in paig comnmendabie. piano laying "As -imio*rtant a these phases are. Hloward ,laàraiiuv-. a l)aritoile -whosu hwvr o,.spri ai1,e ill b Figaro iii .thlc Aniericain ()1îera coin- fahfom satr, perifmane behý pa.%, rodctin o th ".iariagý,nicàl problemis are not under .one's of Figaro" is still renieml>vred. w.11i coniplete control. Take. for example. ouïe (if the principals. andI lie'show-ed!.executing chord passages which con- a voice %,Vlic.l is steadilv growîng il tain melodv or laccented notes vvithin recsîlîenlcv.powver anid vlrcjvee the: chord. .lThe line of the melod-v a~~vllasa agieie:ir~naît. nutý be iaintained as wvell as pro-1 Patricia (Y'Cotnnell iii the: lt:adingý duced soinoronsly." feniinle role dlispia.ved a N\arîii' and flexible lyric soprano voicu and:~I charmfiig pe rsonality. w1iltic elead. iing. teîior, William Hlalin. liad ai ,snooth. fresh i Iialitv iiM bis Vice.. Thîe çcumlpatNv plan.s to) (I NLa \î Parisiennie.ý" wliîch, lias been the: ragu Low W i t ini Paris. ai dlater*Te R. i,1,.1. "'MeSsiah" First Sung, by ,AutOMo0i Apollo Club June, 1879.a 'rheMesiah" which i i to be 1)î y the AoloMusical chili onilAiew weekly ticket (rel Deccîiher 25,ý at Orchesfra hall. \va- t-irst preseiited 1),;the club iin Jiune Of 20t), 0 petey fl 1879. under the idirection oi Williainetwat to aladwn TL. Tonlins. Since that tinie the chlbctwabroffl n i lias given 73 performnances of thie' \\o-rk, iterallv teacinig it fo the : cool-Ita p ls o Xowv there is scarcely a choir or choi-ral- orgaitiizatioii that (lots flot iii- 1. You have oniy to bi clude "ýThtesih on its Christ- dy'tae nra mias1 prograins. Tht .se\-eiùtN--fotnrtli àstrvlitedo peirforniance falîs on Christmîas dav ment in the 60-ride co this. year. A chorus 01 200 will sing, *witlî Egar. Nelson c o duting... 2. You, your famnily, emp Roer irch at the organ., and a; quartet made up of Helen Protherot,.ade d1,ae ~i Gertrude Wieder. Edwin~ Kenip ai.1 age coupôns. Tley ena, P rerprcic Tencks.I stiII in existence miade uy thela moIus Carlo Bergonzi, Master Craftsrnan of Cremona. His cellos are - world retxowned for conihining tonal beauty and fidelitv with reinarkable tone powver. The Hans Hess Bergonzi was made in~ 1741 and is- an -in.strumient of. exceptional, beauty, possessing a 7tone of rare nobility and power. Mr. Hes %vill' play the folloNviig prograrn Sonata by Cassado, Sicilienne bY Paradis'-Dushkin, Toccata, by Fresco- .lald'i-Cassado, Capriccio by. Hinde-, mhPiýece in C sharp r Minor b Boulanger, Concerto iin A Minor b), Saint-Saens, Haniabdil 'w Bantock, Mfinutet bv- Debussv. and Ahenidlied by Schuînin. Charles Lurvev, wifl be at the piano. HAYES AT ORCHESTRA HALL Roland Hayves, fanions Negro tenor., cornes to Orchestra hall to give à ýrecital Frida.v .evelnig.-N'Oveînher 27,> at 8:30 o'clock.. er Fares, foi le Qwners epresenting a fare reducti( jour need Juring the inler rter. you because: my a ticket good for 6 )f making a larger invest- -mmutarlon. iployes or friends havé the'. ng the weck of using mile- wble yoD te "kfor 2c a mle,. * By Augustus Thomas iThe only Ieoetlfat. theatte ont.S s ide th "LOOPn tibISsfltOU * ÂLL EVENIN4GS * 50c 75c$ * MATINEES-THURS. end SAt. o 26c' 5OC 75c * Chelce Seats, Newo.A iabLe l at the Box OfficeI Read thë Want.-Ads, dloub)le clut in trmubna m 2-in-1 instrument [on $990 c MPLK12Z Us.d Car Showroomns 1810 Ridge'Av.. Evanston Phono: University 8600 J. J. Lan ge, your North Shore Line agent, will be pleased 10 deliwer a low cQst weekly, 10- or 25-ride ticket bo you. Phone Wiirnette 251I4 or write hip». _____________________________________________________________ i ý Phone U 74 EI St. j ,imetka 3474 Hig 3Ml Cenmtral Ave. ghland Park 3474 Hishiand Park :

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