Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 36

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i acs y max vn :tnii3f<tIs. Wi lU By Rutheda L. Pretzipl' Frida Leider, Maria Raidi., Panin. New York - 'The MNeti-o,,o)l.i Marloen. Oscar 'Coleaire, Rudolph Bockelmnann, Chase Barüiîeo ani Opera House gives one a thrill. viewv- others. Conductor. Egon Pollak. ed 'for the first i ime. It is -- d <is-' Tuesday, at S-L'Oracolon ' tal- fntyopera-v, vIth it> dtiiedlgoIl j.an). Opera iun oe a'4,tb>, Francw" Leoi lith Antonùt <'ortis, Vui walls and woMa reduxchairsganliitsLezzarf antd horseshce tiers. -I is like a iri-ilv others.. Conductnr, Ro'ber to)Mr- oid dowager vho. drawts lier sih' zL lC 1. ble :n cou and no longernagîificent cloatk fr m print-'e. bIgbar. nd or u.il about, hem and setties lierself ci- Cooper. fortabiv. It is like a inuiciajiolwe I(lan Shchi(i Italian.) . Opera , in inue avt by, threadbare evenîng ciotiies wh1o j(iacoînt, Pu.ciiii. With Mary Me- mesexquisite ntlsiç %vith a Strad. iCornie, Charles H1ackett, Vaniiî- -11Marcoux and, othelrs. Conductoi% **Forza del Destîno- is, a inar% clous i Roberto Moranzoni. opera Io hear. on, liat first îrif). 10 f WEdflesday,. at 7 :45-Tristan, und the It is i(),ÀtIeI(la t<'ler1an).Music drainain the Met It~S t) jil trdi- thre acs b Rihard Wagner. With tional spirit and aged buit2îlot atigFÉida Leider, 'Maria OlszewSka, Paul rnelodv. so repflendent in vo4'alI(lis-1 Althouse. R-udo-lh Btvklinain. .pla, ad cioc ful .ot . tire,,. dcts Alexander Kipni<s andti<tîhers. 'iI- play au clockfuilni 11*e ,d-t'tor. Egon Pçollak. pleadin1gs. tears. h-iissings and dIcathii ' Tht:reday, at 8-La Tost'-a <'nin lUI- songs. Rosa Potseile's voice ;il the ai). Opera Ilitliree aets by G(lia- farnous -Pace, Pace"' Was gloiouly oî Pcii.Wt 'luit uit Jaiîl<e)r.'Vti-Iaeu, a- exciting: Ili its Iowver register it îs vator<e Baccaloiii and< otîîeî's U so ful and rich. and this dephis ' dl.iriX Rob alle,, anz(,i flot :lostIlin-lierIligihst loties. 'l'!e (db'alt 't.iitîî voice is smnooth 'and narelusi .e Sttrday. aýt 2-AndietaÇwi silient and flexible. 'Suie I', ver\ '(1 aan) (lirain four a cte liv lmIbertcp ird t, With Iva Pa- young- only about 34 years old, and! cetti, Antonio ctrtls, . 'aeFor- her acting is fresli and ixidividual. iiheli, and tli.('îtuto Our'. Ravinia favorite. Martineili. Rorlcltçi Morau i Saturday, a piua rvs ivas in. especialiy good VOice, aîid. The :Bartered rde.(in Gerran). seemed to bc siligilig more carefull.v opera lu three aoct> bv Be drieh .Sme- than at Ralinia. But il %vas Mario tana. With Maria. RajiI, ai 01szewiska, sonula Shar'nn,;, tPo Basiola, alsct of Ravinia, who brouiglit Marion, Eduard ' Halich, 1 obert in applause,.. The ohisofîul Ringling,Aiade Kipnis, (hs note inIiÏ vo e Nvrc ýoipIeeIN Ba1r0îne. (Jcta \;t Dliaandi 'ohers. absent. and lie sinmpiv poured ot' Iis Ptllak. tonies. whiciî.%-ere lîcauîifilly round- éd and eiastic. fie is now 1-elhearsing Go a néw opera te bc given at theet 30dBow Important this seasôxi. " " tm t iln Botli NMartineili 'and Ba.siola sanîg .AfidcIteam go(lasil oiv a with stllerih artislry the iai ns -tIi c du eErn 'iîhis.ad\ i quest'ora.-Audiences' hecoine super-iorngt .enZnbas.al( critical over the fanionis "dio"bult, 15a letter atitihomitv then 'llie our Raviîîia stars pl ease(..faios iliiit.1 s êIyi 1i The- applause ai thie Metropolitani Chicago Suiîday afîemîi&u-î1, Noiveiiem- is, le 'warnî and short ived. Whether .at33)e'oc ateSudhkm apprecialion 'is taken for gald orth ptrnshae écin acu-theater.. undér the direction iof hlertl tomed 10 the worid's. 'greatest vîe.OtIt., SaYS that bow-s are ainost a,* one, çannot guess,. Tiiere are a j- rare~ and licarlv as lîeccssarv le ilul 'enthu'siastic sotîls anon)Ig thie sta.lers1 iuo)a-ar Who mnakec a great show of pahtn- 'itu 1 s 'r fille zoId violin. work, and,\N-ho siott"Bravo!>' Iustilv. Tlioutglhîutile i> e\er said of îtlir but ustuallv the ibotu gives (Il t i v \allue, tiiese simlple articles are -%vorth a calu pa -tter.as Ilûcli as $1.000 and seldom can lbt. Th e librettos ,are very f uilnv y 'as anv' rtes S iiibIi Somleonle m-ith a ceus'e of li or has ' - aie-for less 'hall~0 written the argumnt at îe front.gradalge îtIi ukngo 1 Loncerts ror the znin t' ii'etezîî- lier, under the directimion o.BetIN Pext LVoflay _Ott r as followNs': 'The BIttv Bird," wii.1 be given at keatii egagment-jo1ti c- evTrier schooIauditorium next Corimack, tenor, recitai, Civ-ic Oî,era - N1otdveeiig, the second offer- I-buse, Suîîday afternooîî. Decenîhberi'îng ot . the Artist-Recita.l series.. -6, ai 3:ý30. The progranms of the Russian re- Egon Petri, piaist, recitai.. StudC- vue are madle up oi the miusic. h'a-. baker Sun a aterîioon, Dee ibenonv. grace and gaiety, raciness, ro- 6, a 3:0. anticism a'nd refinement. There are Caio de Vernîoîîd basso îrofundo,ý scenes of conedy and'originality, andLeo Rs.ehiouî patist joîtpathos, and frivoit,-'and thecos-ý recta. hePi.voue.Snda 'llr-tunung is fairyvrIikë and fanciful., The frectalThePlayoüs. Siida âf.e-mis e-en-scene- is ýartistîic a nd ecceîîtric, noo. Dcemer(i.at :3).with ever-changinig icturesqueness RetÀî ngaeîuntCar <l <n~~J iand charmi. Ail of these- elemenîs dancer. recital.:Civic theatre. Siunda.1 obn o ae*TîeBu id afterniooi,. Decenîhler 6>. at 3.co1 bnton'ak "TeW Br. Swasikaquatet clambr ~ present an Cvening iull of iivelines,ý., concrt. imbal hal. Fiday*- ý laughiter an(1 rare exotic pleasure. Decmbe 11 at8:0. .~elng..The ear and the é ee are. enchlit.- Ruggieo icc. jnînis, ecialed bi the Russian revue, wvhicli CoIle: Orchestra- hall. SîdVafieriioot troni theý Inhl)erial theater of os IDecenîher 13. at 1 30.O, as did the *iClhauve Souris." 'fhere are beautifui winuen with Russianl Symphpiîe choir. B-asile; tzleanîi.ing tectIh and flashing si iiles, IKibaichich.. condîîctûr, concert, Sttude - 'ae n-1eiae ingers îtlî color- .baker.- December 13.,'fil. tuneful.,voices. and the manage- Boinar Craepani i. rucitai.. tment t 1mus like clock-work. Ya cha .playhIouse, $,tnday a1dier.non 1 )Vc - sin\the nmanager, awa-sIring eniber 13, ai 3 :30. revutes that bear the imprint oi .gen- Louise Bernhardt,.cmtralto, ecta iine Riussiali jov iii splendid, brillijant Civic theatre. , na fcron oos Decmber1., t 'Russian <ances. -Russian ipeasanit The Begkgar*s opera. Eiglîîhi Street 1;oùgs, Russiati romances withta- thare te Se oiCIlIWlCl4leaux v-ivants,- short hunoro .IIs IMondav evening.i)eeîe 28. E k sketches and. parodies ini artisti.cally, nings, at 8 :3t0 and inatine F ricday ta.stefuil and. original setting 'suceed (N'1ew Xear's av .)an(l *audvat one aîîother. somnetimes fli oi mi- 2 :,30. 'achi.sotîetie -(r)vloti>, coin -- letelv clalimig the attention of the Announce Program hv 1audienlce.s. The prograin will be 'as fol- Ensemble of TwelveJ The prograra to he îreseîîîed bv- the Enisemnble' of Tweive. Georgre Dasch., conducior. Sui da-,- Novenîber' 29. ai the ArthInstitute 'froîn 3,:15 tb 1 4:1,; o*cI-ck.' lias heeu*iioucdas i olows O0vertureto"vnot Tîîa Froitte Sextet. *()pus e,z 1" rt'lru 1-101,11,Rom. ioliîî, Vijd. vI i î cello. and Bas.eth.e Fi-st. Movement: - A<agi-Allegrtî ct.î bilit, Suite . ' " ' Grîîan 1. Valse Gri,à-iuse- IL "'.Souvenir III. Gypsy Dance, Lyrie Studies for }>Pian,. anti-string Quartet, Opuis 3, Nos.* 1 and 9, .... Eleanor Everest Freer 1. ST. EESUt-5 'Mmes. L. Kosinowskaja, P. 'ouos kaja;' MesCs. A-%. Daniais.ky, N. I>ob- rinin, J. Jaroif, K. Javorsky, A.Kant. .D. Llbidins, L. Resriik, A. iteiG sjusln. J. Sjusin, J. Spjvak. (Scenery by .Otir-%antzom*.) 2 THE EVENINO 'BELLS .,Jaroff. 3. MUSEUIM 0F 'TI{ýEBÀKI;c a) Serenade of the Four Cavaliers ... Music,'by Bontdiîii A.Dgbrinii, .J. Ja rtdf, S. Ka lît, 1. Resnik. b) At the "Market- plae........ Music bYMostgy Mmes., V. Arenizwari. P. 'Kosuit ý,W!4-1 kaja, E ' Porflriewva, 'M. Marevva. 4. THE BOTTLE-STOPPERS' Mlmes. L. Kosmowskaja, E. Porfiie. Messr's.- A. Damnansky, S. Naiît, .J, the- I..vi'i Ko.,zo Il- suiowed tmat silice sli e iu. avinîa she has developedf lier Nvoice to a very asîonsiing miezzo spanwide of range and' very lme lv. Sie is i m st magnelic. *Serafino gave a flne' readliug of îthe score, pultingthe orchestra ixto a 'spiritèd unity. lu0, hile danc e". Rita dc epote'shoed charmniand Iper- souialitv. but lier partiier. 'Giuseppe Bonfiglio. ý%vas niegligibiec. He lacked that, cleaucut pecisioîî and, eleciric verve fouud, iiiBlake SCeîît's' dancing at Ravinia. and iwras neen translated bIn'Adoiprli Wei.ss. Frank Teurfs, young Belgiaii bari- tone, 'wilI be héard 'in recitat, ai tlu. Civic theatre. Sunidav-afi.erniooni,No- yernber 29. ai 3, oclock. und.er thé direction of -Bertlia Ot., (Russian P'ovine 'li' the 18~. Entire ensemble. (Scenerv ,-by 'Jordan.)I 13. THE VOLGA BOATMÈN (Burlaki) A. Darnansky, N.' Dobrinin, S. Kant. K.' Javorsky, .1. Ja-roifË, D. Libidins.L.. Resnlk. 14, ýDANCE 0F THE BOYARS Mlle. Lellk and. M. Orlik.

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