Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 29

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P home of legitimate draina whicli opened in . Fvanston at Fountain square last *Monday' evening. A xveek in advance tile management reported a sellout and * tlwre were indications of several more *dlirinig the week. Restervations for the fi rst tomat- unees, on1 Thursday .ad 01trdyo this %eek, reach'ed over the týýeo hunl- *dred mark early ,last wveek., These en- .ouiraging signs. indic.ate the .evideînt cqrrectiness of the statemnent muade I)v 'Thornas B. Hawvkins,. nanaging direc- t<)r of the.players, earlier 'iii the season. 11s -contention at that time that stock îs due for a decided comneback ini the w'>rld of the stage is heing j)rôvel v'erv rapidly. Evanston will he onle 'of the first c(>imuniiiiti'es to experieîcthte. nie%%, trend. Mir, Hawkins annotnnces tlîat hi sec- ýondl production is to be'Pan Days; 'This comedv. has no t'tiiiiecttit m wthl the cinema of the s'anie naine. .It wvas trenîendouslv succes., fnil ,o.n Broadway v"e q'-ago wvith. \iluni Lacka.- T'he third Produc.tion is. to be the ] onv -aw\aited "Waterloo Bridge." . Mr.i ~iax~'inS i i pssesisol of. the chi- cai rglts to Robert F.. :Sher%\ood'sl wartime drama and< the ù(rt ihore xill -se thks play hiefore Clhicago's ti ' <r any other, middle western tlieatric;tl center. STAGG HONOR GUEST Father, and Sons init will be (oh- --er'e bv the Men's club of the Northi Shore Congregation 1Israel.l Ttwsa~'evening,, Decenîber 22. at: the temple ini Glencoe. At tlîat'tiiwe Alonzo A. Stagg and Gen. John V. Clinntivill be the honor guests and * speakers. DINNER-FOR GOLFERS. Thé- l8th annual dinner and meet- ing. of the Chicago D'istrict Golf as- sociationi will be held at the 'Chicago Athletic club, Tuesdav. Decenmber 1, ~t 6:~30 o'clock. ,Eacl inember club., of whichl there are sev'eral on theW no)rth shore, 'bas beexî urged t. send. delegates to the m'eeting. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES Pay wil 1 start the second wveek i n Decemnber on, the ten-gamè schedule in each league after ýviich the semi-finals and the finals will lie played by the. league. %vwiners, for the countv chamn- pionship. There are two divisions of each league,. one is thelgtegtdi- s'on and the other is 'the heav'yweight division. l'le eight lumit, for the light- Mweight teanis is 135 pou ids. Last vear the. league consisted of -90> teams *and the fin.al garnes were consi1dered soinel of tihe finest ini the city' of Chicago. As last. vear, t eanis f rominndustrial plants and1 locâl athletic 'clubs wvill be Nvelcoine and an,'..team wishing to ýen- ter thec lea gue ik requested to éom- mnunicate w-ith R.,A. Phillips, 209 North La Salle street.*or Phone Stewart 2436 after 6 p. nm. As soon as.1s ufficient ap- plicatio.nýs have- heen received the, teams %VilI be notified in what league they iare t( " play' and , iho is thje responsîie party to contact for the details 'of that league. -N1r. and Mfr-. Leon 'M Allen, 258 Melrose avenue, entertained the Ken- ilwvortfi Evening Bridge club Tues- dav of last week. Tt ivas also ini cele- iration of thée hirthidavt of M rs. E. D. Parnielce. \frs.- Alexandler joslfi, 240 Essex road. Keni'wortfi. -%vas hostess to a fewv friends at luincheon on Tuesday. Xoveniber 17. before attending the meeting of the Neighbors. LINCQLN' 1, eI-d r i) e e ii %t g ia ll 11ut -')-i à m s %êdan. orrginal green iliih and fashlona b!> taliorefi interior that SIhOW little sitret f any former 'e.FKeejilit, tires. pare. Lor- ralinte.%pot andtituil Lîneoi equlP- ment. Aear thsat wili give fiplei .1.1 eormnîame. At our %PPelalý prre of 0111Y S550 It 18 truly a rare vaine. Vomir present car simoiti oretima oc-er the Iow hîitai Iayn.et. rneonstermf. A homne for discriminating peopi- Six to nine room apartments'overlokn ici Park end Belmont Harbor. On. DOuplex Bungalow I Now Availabl 3100 Seridan Rd* CH ICAGO Buckngham 4041 ASix and a Nin. Room Furnish.d Subleas . for -the Wint4r WIEBOLDTPS BASEMENT,- -EVAN STON-~-- Devis Street e and rubber heIs used on work. 73C. Wieboldt's ,Ba.temeng-Evoeugon Store. Wîlmet. I100 44 44 S f sales repair

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