Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 1

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I I Xith. the tine for the spécial elecl- tion on the proposed water plant fo U ~ I~&A~ I L MVinette drawing near.. înftrest In the project lias ýreached iev er hieat. W W -WW The date of the special electioti is Sat- tida',Deemer th wte~vrk.You Can, Get That Proponents ,ofte arwks whîclî tle Village board proposes to L ice ns e -Plate Now hidat the foot of Lake avenue bv: Wilinette automobile owners are issuing .w%%ater revenue bonds to the reinindeil again that 1932 Village Atioit of $600,000, have called five Iplates cati now ble oltailied at the mlass meetings to be heldin varions Village ,hall offices. Application parts -of the Village next ee. blanks for -state license plates areal Cal Five Metng so available at the offices.' Tlhese imee-tinigs ill ýbe hield at In'Tu s8ecuring their Village plates at t'cokon successive nights,. as. foi- tis tine, E. H. Kerr,Village collector, .1ows: Monday. ov 30, West 'Suie iipoinits- ont, the car owners will nia- -a rage, on Gleiwiew road; Tuesdav. teriallv assist the Village ini defray- D)ec. Î. rT iialmiani's store, Lake avenue ing current governmiient operating ex- and Ilinois road; \Vedniesd-av. Déc. 2, i penses. Because of the prolonged, de- Hoi*iiiàa.i hall; Thursday,' Déec. 3, Iay ini securing tax mioney, the VillageI Hiowarcl sehool; F.riday, Djec. 4, Stolp is hoping that residents will find it ~chol. cnvenentto assist by purchasing Opponients, of the plant to biuild a I auto license plates wvell ini advance of municipal waier plant haàve an-'Itue due date .\-Iichi is Janüiary 1. iiomnce< litat two nmore mitass.imeet- 'î Ill be iefl under-tîîeir autl*pices Methodist Church Group before thie special election îîext week to deci-de the issue. Thiese meetings to Present "The Patsy" wIl be hieli on Friday nighit of tis Tlîe Patsy," Barry Conners' three- wvcek at the Howard 'school, and on: act . comiedy , will be presented by Nlonday nighit. at the Wilmnet.te Ma-'I the Younig PeopleCs departmnent of 'jetemlel. the Wilm ' ette Parish Methodist TIwo- inii-ütngs, c alle d byý oppon nits chu.r'ch FridaY evening, November di te water plani, were lield this'27; at the clitrchi at 8:15 o'clock. \\eCek, one. on Nloiday nighit at thue -'llie cast foýllo\\sz W\Viue Masonic tem.ple.anld an-; Pa HJarrington johin Noore other on Tuesday nightý at, HotTmiann Ma HiarringtoliN rs. Jointi Moore. hall on Ridgeaventue. The principal -Patricia Harriu)gtoni. .,..Helen 'Wileii Speakers at these 'meetinigs wvere Mýar-.! -Grace Hlarrington . Martha Wilen tin WV. Lauer, 1112 Forest avenue, and Tony- Andersýon ...James Lawtoù F J, Schieidenhelmn, 804 Forest ave- Sadie Buchannon . ..Franices Stiles, nue.' Others wlho spoke'against the [Billy Caldwel l awrence Langdon building of an independent plant in! MrX. (YFlarrit\ ..... George Stonc cluded Lymian M. Drake, 933 Lake 1TnpBsy.....Lly mnon avenue, Donald H. 'Maxwel-l. 1414 For- rhplatyly i lrte dcto0 est avenue, and Henry J. Brandt. ie l~ay Brown h, ircino 1530 Washington avenue. i VOTE ON WATER PROIECT DEC. 5 Final Week Before Referen-. dum;.t0 Witness Nigbtly Citizens' Meetings toonied.. The contest lias to (Io with outdoor lightitig onily, it is explained. Cotumunities iii whichi simiilar ont- door_ lightinig contests lhave. beeti held withi splendid success i'iclude Nlay- ,wood, and Xaukegani (III.), and au.Watosa and Shorewood. (Milwaàu- kee suburbs,) Further details of the contest will be anniolunce i ill later issues of, LIGHTING CONTEST' Wilmaette Playground and Recreation Board Sponsors Outdoor Christmas Lghtrng Competiion Here Wilmiette householders aie to be urged to join ,ini an Ont-of-doors Christmnas ighiting contest sponsored by the \Vilmiette. Playground and Recreation board. Plans fo'r the contest were discussed at: a preliminary commiittee, meeting Friday of, last week. The commtittee, hecaded by. Mrs. H. J., Leach as chairman, and selected at the instance of -R.: M. Johnston, act- inig chairinan of thé Recreation bôard, is. coînprised1 of the followiing: D)r. George D. Upson, Mrs. Ernest Freemail,-Daniel M.1 Davis,. and Wil.- iani Taylor. t is the- lan! of the Recreation board to make three awards in the cuintest whichi wil l b opent to ail householders in the village. Three judge.s. to be announced j4ater, %ill deterinijue which home etiiro>ir' iný the commiunity has the niost artistic outdoor lighiting display' over the foliday season.. For several years hundreds of \Vil- mýette fainilies have been miaking Ilbeauttiful otitdoor> displavs at the Christinas season. It is -hoped thiat, by virtue of the proposed contesti these h-ouschols and iany othersi friendiy, nioiVLLway w tiations werie under way. withE ton for a new and more satisi; water contract. He declared Evanston can. furnishi Wilmette tv of water-that the question (Continùed on Page 6)_ 1that plenl- is n.ot music a ges ....... O -to PubIic Forum 12 Real Estate .......51-52, Recreation Page ......2 Society Pages .....38-»9 Wilmette Sehools .....7 'Wilmette parents in nber Turn lo pages complete details. Iivass. ade De inber, that about 1, Iedged their pal ithis Boy 'Sc collection will RELIEF WORKERS TO MEET FRIDAY 'Wilrnette's Serious Situation, in EmergencyDrive Will Beiscussed There will be a mass mneetingn,-f -the joint Enxer gency Relief Fund com- mittee and workers a't the Village hall Friday night, November 27, at 7:30 o'clock. Wilmette residents are urged to attend. At this meeting the sericius situation. in this village will be, dis- cussed. Tte liouse-to-iiouse workers? orga n- ization' under the directioïn, of. Miss Rebecca Fitch, includes both men and women, an-d the .village hias been or- ganizcd according to the voting pre- cincts with the following men: and women as colonels: Precinct- 1, Mrs. rA.*- V. Gruhn, ?reict 2, Mrs. C. F. Brewer; Precinct 3, Mrs; Miles B. Geringer; Precinct 4, Mrs. L. F. Gates; Precinct 5, Mrs. E,. J. Flynn; Precinct 6, Mrs. Louis W. Crush; Precinct 7, Mrs. Roy Marquardt; Pre- cinct 8, Mrs. A. H. Froemminig; Pre- cinct 9, Mrs. C. E. Ives, Mrs. R. B. DeVinny and Mrs. Earl C. Carlson; Precinct 10, Mrs. D. H. Maxwell; Precinct 11, Mrs. Williamn Edmonds; and Precinct 12, Mrs. A. L. Grinneil, with C. E. Drayer and W. D. Nance ini charge of Indian 1Hil1 Estates, The Wilmiette joint Ernergency Re- lief fuiid conunittee and the group tnaking the ho-use-to-bouse canvass have been working severai weeks andl are mnaking progress, but they need and mnust have the support of every Xilmette resident in order to reach the quota of $50,000 wthich is Wil- mnette's obligation to the Joitit Em- ergency Relief Fund of Cook counity, it is empliasized.. Exécutive Committee of ,New. Trier P. T. A. Meets,

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