Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 25

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ti lext week, rtearly 250 boys turned ont for~ basketbaii practice last week. Between fort>' and flftN, tried out for the heavyweight -sqtiaa,. and the re- inainder for the lighitweiglit and .freshminan-sophomore squads. Coach Clyde Grater plannedto cut the. heavyweight and ight%-eight sqlia(is considerably, this %veek,'. al- though -the fluai cut wili tiot be made until after, the football mnen report. Coach Grater plans to have eighiteen ()r tventy mnen on eachi squad. Franik Church. Colin Finiavson Bob Gordon, Tom Sitidiniz anhd '(?vd4p grain next M.\ônday wiil include.-twvo piano selections> by- Palymna Lee Butr- pee, "Lotus Land"; by Cyril Scott and. -Rhapsodv' by Dolhnanyi, three read- ings by Lindsey Fie.ld, 'Penrod."ý *Conessins"and "Italian Dialect," a piano selection by: Bëtt-, Sheldon, 'Prelude ini G Miior" bw Raehman- inof; and a'vocal solo by Charlotte Wachs. Caro mio.hen (Dearest, BC- iie,.eY' bý' Giordani.. Ne w Trier Germnan Club Hears TaIk on OId, Trier \\arie are' ikelv choices for. -thel At thiast meeting of the Germait hieavv%-%veighit starting ineup in the club. of N'ew Trier High school, A'- ý,aiiie vith Eniglew%ýood. AiU of these fred M1anshach. a formed resident cf piayers Nvith theexception of \Varble Winnetka. spoke to the milembers on were pli the varsitv heav% weight team j oIdTrier, tetw i emn rn at New Trier last, season. Xarble! I which New Trie r township takes ifs played with -thteliglittweigbit tean.1 name. He illustrated his talk with 'Vuie :.ilitweiglit starting' lineup is stereop ticon slides. Officers 'of the stili ini (Iolit. for ant entirelv inew.1German 1clbthis v 1 ar are: Arnolil teaxu vîll have t() bc developed. Sobe- . -président, Rnth Molu, vice- Tickets Cheap This Year 1presidt:nt: Cornelia Kneffner and LU:- Te rier ,,cliv(le -th1is vear. as cy Ani Jonas, secretaries, and Theo ainnoiinced i I stweksiue in-1f dore Robertson. treaster. Miss El- clule,~ eight home gaines. al t. tliern sa Karst of tlie langtuage departmieri <oubleheaders. The ticket sav for at the hlighi school is the facniltx thec honte gýall1cs ill start next ýiveek.i sponsbr. Tjhis year se;tst>n tickets are to bc of-' iered to thé 'public, as w~ell ý as to the HONOR WINNETKANS- higlisciolstu(lents. at thé, lowNest 0 e p price in the hisiorv of athletics, for O rdv oebr2.axcp Ne \ Trier. tîon was held atrthe Masonic, temple in iW nfietka in lhonor of :Mts. jacob Persons expevting-. to attend the Replogle of Winnetka, grand repre- New Trier home gamnes wili save a ,ftt Cof Loulisiana. and Thomas c(>tsiderable siini 1) purciasing sea- N.W heatlev. àlso of \\iinnetka, one >()Il ticke(ts. it wvas pointed out thI ~~'ek. ew rie stidets.xvii of t the train, çoniittec of the Grand theek tik t rithr sghout tt tw IlSei t bapt ý. The affair vas for friends next week. Edgar' B. Jackson o I a ei s nmnes highi school facultv. \O-lo is iin charge oi the ticket sale, annouinces that this servieceiiîùediately by caling an yonc desiring to hiave a stiflent de- Mr. jackson i.at the high school, WVin- liver a ticket to, the home miav get netka 2400. KATHARIl.NE WALKER SMITH'S af the Evansfon Shop Continues During NovemnberII KATHARINE WALKER.,SMITHý 704 Church Street Evansion. Th e Latest in Cleaning Science is Ours Ini CRYST A L CLEAN It, is'our constant endeavor to -giv'e to, Our friendu oni the North Shore the advantages of sci*entific. cleàning deveiopmentÈ. That. is why we bring you CRYSTAL CLEAN .. . the appro'ved dry cleaning process., CRYSTAL CLEAN je truly a, remiarkabl.e rethod of cleaning.- Other methods give way before it. The rec'uits are 'miraculous. Your apparel is aIways in better con- dition fôllowing CRYSTAL GLEAN. It stays dea longer ... its life and usefuines j lengthened. CRYSTAL CLEAN costs no more, than çleaning by ordiarymethods. A trial wiIl win your approval. Why .ot eal us TODAY? To introdulce, CR Y STA L CLEAN to the ladies of, the North Shvore we are off ering s > ec i.'> reduced prices for two zveeks only. November 30 to December 12t h. Lad4ies' Plain, silk dreésses>... $1025 Ladies' fancy pleated silk dresses... $1.50 Maion Office andÀ ~11 il, Iii. Phone Highland Park 3710 r J.,

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