Water and'Save Money Thi s Vital pro.cblei Coif-rôIts en VllgeB ai 1 1 1luionmu1 e found. Censideri à it nws tea((1t vurta urentebil axaterworks. the Boardlsoi.igbt relief throngh m neans now within its own hands, auid the foflh wing qucsiet ionis natturaliv arose: Ist-an Wilmette, out, of the money it, now pays for water, build, its owna waterworks? And, Znd-Have sufficient funds to pay ail opei-ating, maintenance and. interest costs?7AndI 3rd-Have sufficient f unds to *effect a substantial reduction in either our present water rates -or taxes? 1get a correctlls\\er to0 the abovequsInS, ?r\îlgeBerdi etia e hepl ii,,pro id d N-lwfrbuIii aterw.ork: olt ot, rev-enuie *eiv therefroiliai found that: At present rates, the money we would pay for water during the next forty years alone wilI be sufficient to- A-Pay the entire cost of building our own waterworks. B-Pay ail operating, maintenance and interest costs. C-Leave the people of Wilniette a profit of a-t least $2,375,178, or an average yearly profit of'approximately $60000O to be used either; to reduce water rates or taxes. D-Leave- the present profit on water intact. E-Assure Wilniette of an adequate supply of filtereci water. Jif \Vilmette buIikils itS own aterworks it wvi11 av over a 40-year p)er'iodl. at &St 2,.3i75,.17 8. You miust dlecide this quiestioni: Are we goiiig to take these vast profits out of our own pockets and put them into the, pockets of Evanston citizens? Decid. k in Your,Own tefl*!'t iy Vot4ng for tA. Wa*,rwe,*a HARRY C. KINNE, Chairman, Citizens' Cornrnittee on W-aterworks.