Village Trustee and nationally known> sewer and. watèr engineer Says: "Four reasons w-hy Wiliiiette should have its, oNvn waterworks appeai* so obvious that I feel, sure the vote rs., wi11 fot beé led astrav by anýiiv specipus :.rop agaudca or uniidigested si a pshot proposais "ls1t-ADEQUATE SUPPLY is essential'at ail times. We have flot had,,it. "Z2nd-ADEQUATE PRESSURE ls just as important as adequate supply We have flot. Lad it ".3rc-SAVING-the opportunity now offered te get a plant at a.'largain price' becauseý of the present low level of construction costs, besides supplying work to the uneinployecl. "4th-THE COST as worked out in the financial- setups LOWER than we now pay for inadequate supply and pressure. Nee efrc alid 1p4 )1 a 1) l V (1 eer a'lan111i\\. 11the vil1- lage hlavc the fiîanial endl of wat .wr~ buiiling ý.vorkcd out i such carufil (letail as President Dbs the "ITrustees alAi:d eiineeî-s have worôÉked out thlis plan. (jie 'eîiwr f v Ilr V i l1age o3ard have NOT'beeu Subjected to the pl)>iotiouial influence Qf eniginleers. lawvers, inivestnwîeit balkers, or auvb-Iodv ,else. ' Iere. is airong thein suf'icieti«ing and legal exl)erilelice to arrive at Sotifi(1 conlutsionls 0onthel* 1)as is of niaterials in ttheir hiauds. "Water is a basic îîecessitv.The intereste.d iii de- velopiiîg a real higi. grade comuiitiitN- realize that withotit a (1 cpueJlal water sulpi v if ive are to gyrv. îrospcr .and rogrcsý,. Once let the Ridge -et pQu flue, %vithl1ittle avater in the mains and ýt feeb!e pressure, andonurepuitation woul.sifer for years to èoic,é be- 0"iden costiug us more. tham th ue hoe waterwork, plan t C vill post. n 'iiAow% any t hïukiing ciizen, business man two banker ca,!ign,)-tore the imminent i re hazard 1 cannot see. WTe are living ini a fase paradise froint ilch, soute sultr-V sui nier nighit, we iw-jR ai-ake to the greatest tragedy Wiluîette has ever kiowN%1. HARRY C. KJNNE, Chairunan Citizens' Com mittee on Waterworks,. g~. .7 u~s