Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1931, p. 12

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H e wanted $ 500 signaturi and we got it/for him A FANIOUS glish author A was a taUnitcd Hotel. Hcé feh th.-anâgèr had gone ,out of his wav to make him com- fortable, a'nd often. expressçd a: desire to show his appreciatuov. One day the manager asked if he -would mmnd'autographing onc of his books, 'for a friend. Though he seldom signed his bo~oks, the auchor gladly, sent the manager's fricnd 'a $500 autograph. -his our.business to make cvery guest as happv as our author friendl We think extra. service courîrs eve .n more than our larger rooms . .. and popular priced'dining places. ~a these 25 Ilin coanectionui wth t!,h popse ,,. Jworks oiiId stll-effect -'a-great sa- dependent waterworks for Wilmett e.,i ng over purchasing .vater front Ev. Muicli confusion of thoutglît an1d, anstoti. Nohody can doubt a future uinnecessarv personalities hiave l1)i groivth in WTlnette population. injected inito the Wilinette w'ater suip- 5. Financing Sound - Th e iîewl 1 y P roble . A fm sa!ient oillis statute of 1931 authorizing thé. issu..- determine whether the proposed in-. ance ot water revenue bonds prom- dependent waterworks is or is not a vides ain except iiîlly favorable bai ~goo 'rposiionfdrtu ile.. T1~~upon vhichto. fi nance'an independent viter's attitude' on thlese imnportalt 1aterwvorks. This niethod, of finan'- points1 sliolul(1 govern bhis or lier v'ote ing mnay be slightlv more expensiv.Ž at te cînig reeredum than, financing with genieral revenue L , Prop osai, Carefully Plan e-lionds, lbut the long. terni feature and An n(lpeidet atewoks fô wi-L other provisions are, definitely in its mete las he najînus aerovIo favor, This is, best illustrated Ibv the ý7illag truséesstatingÉefthat fthe average aniual co.,t tlî Vilag trstes aterfor interest anîd. aiortizatioîi of tlï' ~crutilny of ail th.c facts.. Thé trus-1 l tes a%"e fot 'heen subjected ýto thti .1général revenue bionds, wliich, were ee tree isa nfu n e f c gier. conteniplated ,in the proposai on lawvrs.iîxestmnt ankrs. r aîy-which we voted last ytear %vas $58 500. l>oclv aîiîong .tii: % vlereas the similar.charges o ae tes ucîe iiere igitueri g1revenue bonds now proposed is onl'Y tesnd tîirn bsnes cM5îerl ,3960 1',liîe réduction of $22,6001i i,, alrelpIripee to arrive a sOui(l conclusion., on the lais (1ofo u lngrten o fi bn teral nbnîttd *tue0f.na and thée*rédluction ini the cost' of thé 1 eîîg'îneirnt. i en WItîigreater cs attoriies eiffîloved bv tlue .])(ard. xrveeîtKicî 2. Wter a asi Necssiy-Ad IOf financing. ant independent wate - ample~uî~py of ure wter t NUrI orks. represenits a substantial s~ goo prssue i fudaîienal o t.' iig for XXilmette. Just a year ago,(l ~velare an prgres. f Xilmue.voters disapprovcd the, use' of geni- t Wile thxe qualitv. of the water froîit eral revenue l)ols 'Ieécause.fthev ust-' Evanst 1on is eiitirelvN sa tisfact orv. Wi! up thle bI-ondiig power of t he Villaget mette lias stxffered severelv froîi ndt dc otetxrt.Xde s!xortàgc of water an.d front lack ofrenubndistd detene l)rcsur. Eixcgenc uxa .ues v- statute wil Rçt curtail the borrow- relieved(-1 tie situiatioti duriîg -1931. 1tng Powr fte ilgeilI o lai reccureçe f tesedît'itîli; add to lits taxes, >and Wall make the is itievitall. Are.,we willirig t'(- de-' 1 wrstad:i:onrnn penid on Evanston "for so basic a uitil- 1ii ît a or atr tip1- r vil e-1 taxation. Furtherîùlore, water re y-s more srctire witli anit ileîieiiîd-t.t.nîebdsndrtenwtaueo waterwvorks of ouir own? 13ear M l ot constituite a miortgage onitIle iiiiil lsotlatevii f e oillilliNorks 'and leave complete freedloil'1 znitd alo tht evii i ~vecon in ~'financing additions fo' the'an to take' water fronii Evnson , < wievr he ae echd itist stili ixaitain .aiid olerate we asrte r nee.. booterpllliilg satin lff tat ,17- Plant an Asset Architecturall d onpeeindependent p)lant involves il.)aitio at.iil.tlel ý-tr\bk 1)t , a smnall expansion of t'peratiniý i at the foot. of Lake avenxue.îîear the. res.ponlsibilitv. hwxecu and, on proljertv 10 3. Faire Hazard Seriou&s-Wilnmette oivned hy the Village is fecasible. wor k- lias beeti cxceedinglv fortunate Mi able a 'il(lý unobjectioniable., AIl strtic- U tlîat there havé heeti nio large Coli- tures. ill be kI.ept thé fl top of, the flagratiotis during periods whith bluff so that. thé view of the lake \vill Evast» resur lasbee s lîi ot be iii the least nbstructed anid théîe 'alid wvater. for ire. filiitig has iîlot biligs will be miade archiitecturallyý- 7 been available. pleasing. lcre will be no uindue ei- ' 'Witlî auit ilepenldcnt croaachinenît oit the beach and( space wiii systeiî iluch igher punmping lire.-b vial vtii sew \*r-. ti suire wil~lbe' available tlîan is now ie auil e~ir lo in e e ad lrwr niaitined at the Evanston puînpi l buali gfor hce r o of h n liowrj $0l2 Elmnwood avenue, (E41iti'i"s note: Page referenuees ii 1thc- all)pflded art, to' pamîphlet disrIbujt' 1,l Village board.) Tu le vcters of Wilmette: l)o you vant to, mortgage oï riglît to a drink, of Water? As a businiess, man I wvish to takc issue wvitli the findings and recoin- niiendations of the Wilmfette Village board regarding the water suppiy-. I hxold no brief for' Evanston anxd tliink in fairness that they shouldrc- duce their price and that1 they ,votild have donc so before this- had XX'il- iluette sîibmiitted, to a propèr' terni contract. Tlxey can ;afford to oper- ate a large plant and furnish us wvater cheaper tlîan we can produce it.. 0n ,the otlier baud, if, tley liave hecil conservatîve anxd carry tlîcir plant ait an appraised value of $1,004,0006, ve sliuld piot use.tlîat figure (page 1Il1 iii figuiring tlîeir costs and-deprecia- tionwhen wve priopose.to spenid $é-)s0o, 000 for a plant to, supply about onxe- fiftli of tlhe amouint of 'consumnptioi. Iii other words, they are suipplying a !Iop)ulatioii of 80,000 people ivi tI a planît tîxat ive figure to be, wortli onlv $1,W4-0O00 and we are admitti Il L that: Nve ivlspend,$600,000 to supplv 15.000 people. 1 take no issue with the enginiecrs enîpioyed altliough I would teed niuch b.etter if 1 knew tlîat nxy driixk,- ing water came froni.,furtlier offiË shore tîxan 3,000 feet and I. dislike lu rini ou r beautiful beach wvitl buýildl- ings, as somie of thie other norhli shiore townvis have done. The plant at Highiland Pitrk \wIli serv-es. sîubstantially, the same popui- lation as, that of Wiliniete appears to have cost appro 'xinîiately $609.00 (pages 34-37). lhis does not includel distribution, and no mention is muade of bond"I discouint of abo .ut '$62.300. nakiig the cost tô' the taxpayer $071.366 e xclusive of the cost1 of: tlic iitake. Bjuilding- operati-oins of thîs Sîze îisý ually~ ruii ito soine extraor(linary anîd unforescen conditions and 1 amn SUS- picious of the estimate of $600,000 fç,r le proposed. WIl]mette plant.' 'lie, clart on pages 28 and 29 giýves. estiniates of the inicrease in conisunxip- tioui. 1 have no doubt that tixis chart %vas carefuilly drawn and that it i,, based 'on 'tîe last twenty-five ycai-s rs I:. growtlî ao 1xtlirs:.t ý-xt tiib imm u iie 115~ gallons, a figure subst-arlially be- an independent waterworks can be low the average consumption of any buiît at exceptionally low cost and its of tlue north shore communities. That construction will 'contribute substan- Xilmette citizens will use less water. tially to' relieving the unemploynient if it is available, tlian their neighu- within our village. It is preciselv bors is' unthinçable. Eveni if there is -such 1econionicallv justifiable improve- no increase in per capita cQnsumfptioii ments that it is flthe duty of everv n-o -chlianges are made we. will stili 'have a fair supply for at least tlxree years as there was. no great shortage this year. T'he whole report is com- plicated by the qu estion of 1 dded mainus to take care of the wvesu- side. (Continued,-on Page,63). 4' .4 NUGA 1FLU.ONfT.............- The Cifton WD@R.OT.... ....The Ptince Ewr aDbeTON.IAbMCA, B.W.i. .The ConstanSpring

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