The library bas been known to Io- cate missing people, as well as missing authors and q1uotations. Gratifying. as Ithis ready reference is, it does flot rep- resent the more vital service for which the ibrary stands. A business woman of broad experil- ence who feels« that. ber job desAo offer sufficient scope for lier organizîing ability cornes in for a conifidential talk and aid in making a systematic surveyý 01 fIndustries wbîch could use the par- ticular type of service she has to offcr. Aman of good appearance applies t or .a.list of b-ooks to read on ail subjects 011 Which a person of general culture slîould be informned., Hé had to leave school at 16 and go -to %vork, 'aid finds 1.imself ili-equipped for contact, with .peOple 'Of, liberal education. * An engineer whose eduication)i and subsequent reading have been 'alon.g tie uines of bis profession feels that his horizon îs too narrow. His re(luest-'is lor a ist to guide hir'n ii is reading11 to broaden bis viewpoint and educate hir n i'ithe appreciation of. art and lit- * eratture. Thie librar'ian reccives a letter frein a club asking for a selection of tlhe last vear's better books to, read anîd reviîew. The Wilmette Public librarv caniiot alwa s-give the aid, you need, bt hit k is.àvays willing to put its best effokrt into the- attempt.. Let us outline 3-our winiterî' course of reading,. or eolkect the information, whicb , ill help t> solve:orusiness problem. Try, ls 0o1 big: 1roblems or little. E Legion Auxiliary (WiImette Post .40) The ext, regular sewinig imeetingl of the Auüxiliary will bc lheld ' 'l hurs- dlay. DIecember 3, at At1he homie of Mr .'H Berschi, 1454 Lake e- nue. Cook county counicil1 4, (Friday) at 1:30 P. M.' nmecting De-, . lhc Palmer at the M meeting Nalk. Phone Wihmett. 2433 815 mg R04d -s Mrs. Pauil. Hl. Davis of- Keil- worth is chairmait or Wilmqette and. Kenilworth for the Chicago Mount Holyoke club iftthékèsàfrof ad- vairej tickets for a lecture~ by the lion. ýWinston Chu rch ill in Orchestra hall Weditesday, Decem ber 16.* T'he lecture issmie iii Tomn Hall series for the ýbeniefit of the clî<b's scholarshib fîmnd. Mr. and Mrs-. H. . Davidson, 1695 H-ighland avenue, entertained dinner guesis from Elmhurst last Fridav._- INDIAN IKILL AUTO SfYt FormerlyLAKE.RiDGE GARAt;w TED) BERQUIST, Maneager 1920 Lake Avenue Phone Wilmette 710 Under New Management ..Standarîl 011 roduéts ih.nnplrl Service THAN KSCI VI NO Witk the many soial, activities centerod ab out thaee.esive, holidays, ladies appreciate the. ad- vantage4 of Iooking best. Our beauty troat- monts assist in this and add- muclite, their channs. Lot. us ýarrange your hfair to suit your p.vsonality. And we can, restore flhe softness to your skin, which Novembers wnd8have -ckappedý. Before Tha.nksgiving fonctions staît faate advantage .Of Our special holidiay prices now in affect. For A»poisimcnt Phome,1711. 3151 salon ra Avenue ________ -PERMANENTS for 4 thie Foll eso EVERY MON.-TUES.-WED.- Shampoo .aid'Wa.vol $ VA"~N DU long hair $I.25.aut Eyebrow Arcli and eay 'ManltuVe ... ....135/2 Cenfr Ask urAd ce on Cosmetic; oand owder Blendinu Holiday Spetials MENS WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS. Arrow Brand at $I,95 $2.85 $4@25 Others ini fofcy anid soIid colors at $I0.OO $l1995and up TIES at Coý SOCKS. patterns. ý,65can $fla00,.Ch PER a n y 5 for> $ I .00 and 3 for $I.00 BOYS' BLOUSES in fancy stipes. also Pastel BOYS' SOCKS, -we wiII deliver when you wish~. RIDGE AVENUE PHARMrACY C. C. Renueckar PHONE WILMETTF 316 OppositeS. Joseph. Sehool )FFHANN IMROTFII Ridge and Wilmel1, Avenues Phone. WIm.te. 4271 111, i* .. 111