Studio:- l Phonie Wil 14 Third St. imette 1705 DO£ S MENU' CALL FORt TIJRKEV? Are you one of those pieasandty sentimental ooula who like to as- sociateholidayfoodswithbolidays? Then Trhanksgiving will not be comtplete withoutaplumpand juicy turkey. At this low price for tur- Iccys, you can incIuIge ycur feeling. for a festive Thanksgiving with a royal bird in the centerof the table! FANOY NORTHIERN DRY PICKED Turkoys LB. sponsors tor Ulic class. TANKSIDE DINNER l'lie Shîawnee Sliarks 'wilI liold .a tanikside dinner at the' club next Mfo11dIyevening at 6 :3() oclock. Mé. aand Trs. Kiit Blanicliard wiispen4 f ,1lîak.,giving %ith tlîeir son, Roh)ert,_ at tue'ç Shatttick 11iii- tàry acad.eili, Faribaulft, Mini., Thev are miotori.ig tle're and l)ack. Cleaners &Furries Ladles-Men's Tallorlng P houe Wiln,tte 667 3 electrie Plae. r <2 i 6 'p - K EreDeliven' Lullas FRUIT AND VI 605 N tit Wil Phone m Th", Nice Russet juicy. and si' Large Florid Oranges, 3 di Large Size 6 for....... s t the S( playi at .2 and ifu possible please a few more o'c 1ock. this vear.. Tuberculosis hias long beeni The scliedule «of gaines for thle ré<- described as a 'poverty" disease. Ili 1niainder of the week is as follows: Chlicago fotlowing the depression of the early 189O's we, experienced the Thuirsda, ,Noveniber 26 (Thank- lugcstdeah rte u te hstoy f guvng 'day)-Mî1dwest teain vs. tuleruloisiiiths rea ~ 1atdo1 Northleast section teai iat 10 a. i. this nîeanl to us, vicwving conditions as Southeéast section, teani vs., Scotch they are todayeana l30an. Chcao ubercilossIsiuesa Friday. November 27- iwt go on sale ilext Monday. They wil tal s otesttai tip n be, sold bv' the schoôol chiildren. for1 Nortlheast teain 'vs. Scotch teani. at .Onie ive ,ask th-at you give 1:0p i your liberal. support to this cause, as i atürday, Noei e 8 cuo Iel as eiéotlragiiig. these children in girls' gaine at, 1 p. m.. AiI-Anmericauî tlei. esretobe goo iin. teani vs. Scotch teani, at 2:30 p. i. -_____The school girls' gaine on Satur-: j- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Mr.Faw .Prvo lviili .be plaYed between ýtwo teamis Mrs FriikE. arr of()22 M1aple of- equal str ength, 'picked froina avenue, lias returicd f rom ithe Evanston jtc otiryo telesfel îiospital, af ter iiindergyoiig' otioperato. hockey players. in nine schools in ttue Chicago area - New Trier, Nortli Shore Country Day, Evanston, Deer- fll-Shields, M~aine.. Town-iship, Clii- Free Delivery cag aisFancis Parker, Faulkner and Menidota Township Higli school. -- Ten of the thirty girls on thie squtad are froni the north shore. bye ecdi B , r.o th e rt f roin New~ Trier Highi scliool, and tlie, North Shiore Country Day schiool. ~GE AB E AR ET The fiye f roin New- Trier are Loretta *Anderson, jean Giourlay,, Nanicy Har- [MU1, Stti ris, Virginia. Snithý and Jane Waid-, miette A venue school are B3arbara -Hobart, Maria n !IL RT E 19Daughdcay, Ami Jenkins, Debor-ali Piayers participating in tthe inter- national tournament liere îiext week and. othier mnembers of the Interna- ksgltrvlag P IDees tional iel Hockey association wilI attend the organization's ainuall>auît- Florida Oranges, $1I met at the Illinois WVoman's Athiletic iCet, 5 dozen ......... cub, Fridav nighit, November 27. la or California Tickets for thie tournamnent inay 1e i0c Obtained at the gate before ec ozen ..... 1.........9 C gie Grapefruit, gie .. . . . ... .. . . . I2 Fine st Jonýathan Apples, for eatin9, 5 14É. 25e;C erbo , Cooking Apples, 8 Ibs. for ..................... 25C Tbanksgiving Celery, crisp, %Nht 5c9 hearts. nied. b~uneh 10c; large.. 45 THE GREAT ATANTICi MiddIe Westeu TABL BLE FRUII AT LULIA: I WILMETTE 1167 Wilmette Avenue mo + * Il luisicm