Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1931, p. 5

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ta the proposed new municipal water plant for Wilmette, are announceil in an advertisement appearing 'in thiýý issue of WILmgTem Uv over the, signature of Martin W. Latter, ai chairman, of the publicityv commuittec of the objectors to the procj'eet. *The. first meeting will, be hel-ini the Wilmette Masortic 'tepleMat- day evening,' N\ovemùber 23. at 8 O'clock, wbile. a second meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening. No- vember 24, in'.Hoffman hall on Ridgýe avenue, also at 8 o'cloick. Speakers..will be Martin W.. Latter. 11142 Forest, aveniue, and ' F. J. Schei- detihelm, 804. Forest avenue. Oppor- tunitv for questions ivili be afforded. tis stated. "ri ese meetings 1 i, op position to the water plant plan as approved bthe Village board several wceeks ago1 anxd which wilI be. voted upon ata referendum election on Djetemiber , followed,.a series of meetings., soine of wbicb were* called 1w Village of- ffcials,' and others by organizatians;, notably the Wilmette Civic leagu,- and Chamber of Commerce, ami Men's, club of the Congregational Churc.h. At the meetings ta' date thc %vater proposition bas:l)een iscse hy Village Presidenit Dubbs andl otiierl leaders. and apportunities affOrdedl tor discussion of the question. The Vilge ýboard as itiuc pamphlet several vweeks ago i11 wiuch tlhe proposition was 1lacee(l ieore ail residents in detaile<l forni. 'l'lie, municipalt watèr plant plan lias received the offcia] tdrstin of the \\'iltette Chaniber of 'Coin- Next Grade Separation Hearing Is Dec. 17, 18 ilge Attorney Willïs. Nance rel)4yrte(l at the meeting of the Village !>adTuesday night tattu îcx e m ~o mmerce commnission with reference ta' separa. tioit 'of the railroad grades lin Vil- Mette andl other north shtore' villages w iil be held Deceinher 17 and 18. Hear'. îngs have heen hcld before the coini- ni*., sio this imontb on 'the mattet 'and mette public schools will include Thanksgiving day flext Thursday and the following, day, Friday. Classes :i1 be, resumed Monday morning, Novemnber 30. 'By virtue of these contests, the first baby born in the nionth, and the record of wbose birth, is duly recorded with the Lucky Baby con- .test editor, receives a shower of gifts f rom the merchants joined in t,,rjc next weeks' issue for 'the ,November winner and rules'for the December contest 1 Offers Residents' List of DeservingHelpers, WVilmette residents-wbo' bav>e *odd jobs they wouid like ta have donc around, tbeir homes: have been in- vited by- Mrs. Ruth. H. SiNyder,,cliair.- maai of the .Village boards 'special committee, on, unemployînent, -ta cal] ber at the Village hall., Wilmnette 2700.. any morniigl betweéen 9 and 12oclo)ck, except S untday. Mrs. 'Suyder ba.s a compiete list of unemployed persôn.ï who bave registered. at 'the Village hall for wvork. These persans arc deserving of work, Mrs. - Snydei' states, and she lias asked the cci- Joperatian of viliagers i the. inatter. Bandits Get Receipts of South Water Market Leo YaroW, an employe of the South WVater Fruit and Vegetable mnarket, 401,1/ Linden avenue, reported ta the WVilrnette police tbat he biad been beld up 'by twa men nii a car at Sixtb street and 'Greenleaf avenîue Saturday' nigbt about 7 :10- o'clock and roblied of $125 of the stare's receipts. YarQW vas on his wvay ta the bank te deposit the mon- e%- Wben tbe robbery occurred, accord- ilIg' ta the police report. Wilmette Will Purc.hase Truck, for Hauling Ashes * î#age orvte Tusaytighit te purchase a' three and -a biaif tan International A-6 trutck for bauling rubbish and ashes ta the Vil- lage dump on property owned. by' the Swain Nelson nursery in Olenview. The' cost of the truck is $3,331.50. lt was decided ta pay for ithe truck with 1931 tax anticipation warrants. Ju irW ie . . ...1...a MscPages;....... 33 Public Forum .......1-17 Rereation Page ...... 54 Society Pages .... 40-41 Wilmette Schools ...0 Mrs. Ruth H. Suyder, chairman of. the. Village board's special conunittec on iinemployment, bas given severa! talks before groups of women whnt are dojnig solicitation work, empha- siz.ing 'the seriousness'of, the unenl: ployment situation in Wilrnette.. lEveryhomne in Wilmette where the head of the family is employed is bc- ing asked. to contribute to the joint emergency relief fund. During the past week the, responseto the> housII to bouse canvassing bas been'grati- fying, Miss, Fitch reports. Girls' Club Provides'. Valuable Scholarships Interesting reports corne f rom girls who- last year, received scholarships froin the Girls' 'club of New Trier High school. - Anong themq are, three who are'doing eff ective work ýi n vry differ ent situations.- One -is taking a six monlths' course in a cowptornetry, achool. in Chicago; ainother is beginning a tbree-year course in home ýeconomics in Stout Inistitute.; a third is coùipletinig a normal traini- ing course. These girls are receiving' a train ing wbich- wî1l enable thein to support theinselves and help others. Nome of, these girls would have hiad the present opportunity witbout the bhelp f rom the 'Girls' club, it is pointed Fout. 'l'hie Girls' club f unid for this- yea r will corne lirely f romn the organiza- tio's Bridge Tea to be held December .5 iii the schoot miess hall. 'The club is preparing ta welcorne former members ta this event. Postoffice in Wilmette to Close Thankçsgiving, The Wilmette postofice will, be' closed ail day niext Tbursda. Thlanlks- n iiz 7nnoulc.ed this week.z No, mia il deliveries wilbe madej and there- will be only one collection, ini the afteriuoon. The regular Sunday scbedule xiii be oled CALL WILMETTE 4300 Ask for Ad-Taker tor charity Saturday af this week at Dychestadium, Evanston. The gaine wîll start at 2 o'ciock. It is being sponsored by the Junior league of L'vanston with the cooupera- tian' of the two' bigh séhools and of Northwestern university. Northwest- ern's Wildcats, play ont of townw this Saturday,. making Dyche stadium avail- able for the high school- gaine. The athletic f unds of the twa, high schools. will hiot- suifer because of 'the aict tbat the gaine is 'tabe played ,o, a neutral TIhd 1ie achools'will get f rom the gate receipts the amount, of maniey.they anticipated making had the gaine been played at Beardsley field in, Evanstoni. as, originally scheduled. Because of'-ti.e keen rlvalry -between NeW Trier and Evanston 'and the great. value of the game as a drawing çard it. is exp)ected that a substantial sunfi j will. he turtied. imta the Junior league chariti fund. The money received by the league wiil go toward the support. of the f ree dental cliinic in Evanston andI toward the other charities it hielps stil)p)ort. On ýthe basis of comparative scores throughout. the seasoin the contending teains are evénly matcbed. ,Each bas. wô n three gaines and lost one ini the Suburlian league, while both have conted' Chicago high scbools amnong their vietimis by decisive scores. The Juniior league' committee ini charge of the gaineis composed of Mrs. WVilliani Stahil, chairman, Mrs. Donald WIalker, co-chairnian, Miss Harriet Cunniinghiam, Mrs. Donald' Rogers, Mrs. George Baker, Jr., and Mrs. Mitchell Harper.' .Tickets are on sale' at thé, Snider- Ca-zel Drug store in.ý Wilmette,. Adams pbaârmacv in Wrinnietka'and Chaindler 's, T ighmscbool stadents ad grammars scýHih sool uistmay otsan.dticetsfr the game 'at re<hsred 'nrices These 'toys of a.ny and alau iinas. 1i. nkm you have some to give us. -Mrs. Henry Cutler, chairman. Note: Economy Shop ls conductedil by the Woinan'a Club. of Willmette. Proeeéd.s go to charity.

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