SINGS TO VETERANS Phil Maguire, tenor, 518 Forest ave- nuec, Wilmette gave a group of song sclections at an entertainment given at the U. 'S. Veterans* hospital, Greaf Jakes, %Vediesday eVening. He vas' ac- comanedatthe pianob% George, :S-'track uof Chicago. lPh ils songs in-' cluded "Sweet and Loy cl%," "Good Nigbt Sweetbeart." aild -Onie Alone' îroim "The DesertSonlgl LESS ping pong club at the home of LeRoy Harvey, 131 Sixteenth street. MN-enbers of the club are: .Mr. Har- vey, H. S. Freundlac, C. G. Robinson, Louis Condy, F. Heerens, William Çondy and C. Reed.. Mrs. William M.': Raiguel of Phila. deiphia bas .béen called to. Vilmette byr theý illness of hier niother, Mrs. Mii- ton R. Barker, 730 Central 'avenue. .Mrs. Raiguel arrived yesterday. at ber mother's home. FUEL MORE HE AT Our advisory Heating Servce shows you how to cut your coal bis and have a warmer, more comfortable home. We are flot making, a charge for this help. You don't have to be a customer of ours to obtain this expert advice, We have helped . many; perhaps we can aid you. Phone us i you have troublé heating yu house or if you want- to save coal and money. We'1l cal1 at your home. IHOFFMANN BRlOS. 1208 Central Ave. Phone: Wilmette 131 ýTroop 4- of VÇt .uyudsine's Episcopal chfi-cia, IVilmette, j: backe d by standlard troop Ieadership as outlined byý the national council The, leaders are pictiured aboty: Front row (lef t -10 right) George Bersch, Assistant .sýotPIIasfer; Hen.ry:,Fowlver, thrift of &c a toop commnittec; -D. c_ Leach, Scouitniaater. .Back row (left to ri9ht) 10Jh15 FPouper, Assistat Scoutt iiai-.ter; Cairi E. Sterner, adviser inember of troop commfittee; O. H. Fersch, chairmon of troop coknitee; iandolph IlcCàndlish, ondixr vtnebr George E. Leal, educational 1). C. Leach, Scoutmaster, bias been Fial Estimate on leader of Troop 4 for nearly ten years. Henry Fowler, thrift niember of the Sewer Job A pproved. troop committee, is president, of the Arslto prvn h ia 'North Shore Area council. The suc- A * ouinaprvn h ia cess and long life of Troop 4 are engineer's estimate of $56,395.13 on said to be largely the results of expert the Cannell Conrad Constructioul guidance. cornpany's storm sewer job in 'the. west section of Wilmette and calliiing om n *for withholding payment of oc1 'Wo e Injured When ýdue the ompany until al daims a( Aujtomobiles ColIIde settled was passed by the Villagc jCars driven by Mrs., H. W. Cross, board Tuesday night., 538 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth: The vote on the matter was nt and john Rogers, chauffeur for M. B. unanimous, however. The board pas- !Mervis, '141 Robsart road, Kenilworthy ed the resolution over the objection collided at the intersection of. War- Of Village President C. P. Dubbs. Nwick .roôad and Kenilworth avenue Mon- Trustee Carl Renneckar,,<l day night. Mrs. Cross and ber mother, the motion presenting the. resovltîtiîn. -rsM. B., Gosweil, who was with and Trustee Ruth H. 'Snyder, who iber* at the time of the, accident, were seconded it, voted in, favor of it,- as taken to the IEvanston hospital for first did Trustees W. W. DeBerard. and aid t'reatment, but returned home later A. W. Froehde. ýThe negative vc>tvý in the evening. Mrs. Cross wvas go- were registered by Trustees Stacv,, ing Nest on Kenilworth, avenue and Bennett and Arthur Lee. Rogers was driving north on Warwick rsdnDubste efeth road when the crash occurred. Twyo resuidnt Dubs ated tabere , of th XeVi chl ré. .A.. rslu --a a -A ha e Mr. and Mrs. Ray S, Warren *of and eigbt of chicken pox still active in 932 Forest avenue, Wi lmette have re- the village. ceived work f rom Drake university at DesMoines, Iowa, that their son, John Miss Mary Kirchner of YoulIgS- Martin Warren, a freshman, bas been town, Ohio, will be the bouse guest elected president of tbe Sigma Alpha this Week-end of Miss Mary Fanmer, Epsilon pledges. 915 Elmwood avenue. -For More Tha, Forty Y.aa-