Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1931, p. 42

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ession at 1A 'Mrs. Rollo Gullickson xvili have charge of the programvi NMoïida),.No- vember 123. at the, meeting of 1the Minmette1 League of Woémen Voters at Wéeks'. She is. chairmanl of e$.i ciency n* ovrnet.Mrs. Horace Dawson will speak on "Is Our Tax: M.Loney .Always EfficienitlvSpent?". Miss' Margaret Haley, business manager of the, Chicago Teachers federation, will be thc. other speaker.ý Her topic is ý'The League's Efficiency in. Government Programi." Lunicheon will be at 1:1l5 at weeks'. 1129 Central avenue., Reservations. are to be made with Mr.Murdo R oss, social chairînan. xrs. C. L. Clarke, the présiden~t of the: Wilmette leagu .e, again reminds *memibers that the prograni begins at 2 o'clock and that those unable'to at- tend the luncheon are asked to corne a littielbeforc 2 in order to énjoy the social, quarter hour that 'precedies the *program. There will bc a board meeting at- the Village hall at Il o'clock. The membership tea for new inembers will be given Thursday afternoon. No- vember 19, from 2'until 4, at the -home of 'Mrs. Earle D. Lyon, 1504 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. J. D. Kinnear, chair- mn of membership, will introduce the speaker. This week the mneeil)rs of the league are attending ini groups the convention at the Winderrnere hotel: The December meeting of the league .will bc a joint meeting wit}a the civics departmnent of the \VQiiiaîù' club of'Wilnmette, at the WVonan ,s club W,\edtiesday, Deceniber 2. 'Mrs. Quincy Wright, editor of the Illinois *Voter and, president of the Cook County league, and _Mrs. R. B. Tread- way. president of the Illinois League *of NV'omeli, Voters, ivilf bc"the Morn- ing speakers. Mrs. Shelby,>'M. Sin- gleton, chairmart of international co- Ôo.peration, will .have charge of tAhe niorning prograil. Jucige Marcus, Kavanaugh xiii speak in the after-, noon on "~Ca.use for Crime." îe thrrolecture of ner series atuare Monday morning, N-'o- 23, in the lounge of the 's club., "The Literature of and India" is to be the tte Brate1ton's talk. Mvrs. John tYUoil a venue, Kenilwoî the Civic Ofîera J. . the He dwelt on the mechanics of the opera and spoke of, it as a great in- dustrial -propositioni, told how all the stage settings to the most minute, de- *tails, were 'made, in. miniature, and that al scenery and everything per- *taàining to. the stage was, absolutely fireproof. He described the .design- ing and care'of the many hundreds. of costumes, of the great amount of research .done to mak 1e everything true. to the period, even to period jewelry worn. Mr.. Carrick spoke' of the splendid transpo rtation of. the* railroads, the. company requiring. seventy cars en tour, wmhich meant an immense > nov-, ing job, to have everything arrive exactly 'on time for a performance. He described the stage 147 feet high, taîl enough for a fourteen-story building, and gave in detail th.e paint- ing and making of the scenery and how the wonderfùIl lighting effects wverc achieved. He conimented upon the great steel curtain weighing fif-. tee» tons, and many other tinigs.ô great interest. Altogether it wvas a splendid morning. Mr. Carrick is a: Xery pleasant and fluent speaker. This interesting niorning . %as l)rought to the Neighbors througiî the Chairrn an *of.the'dpatm Nt, rs. Earl C.. Moss. Doircas Home to Bene fit bg Philanthropg Seuing Mrs. Walter G. Blake is tb be flic Juncheon speaker Friday, Novenîu 20, on the occasion 'of the next of thme philanthropy sewing days at the Womnan's *club of Wiimette held. un- der the auspices of its philanthrop ,5 comnittee for ail women of ýthe Vil- lage, wbeèther. club mnembers. or' liotd Dorcas 'Homne, an orphanage just wvest of Highland Park, is> the belle- ficiary of the work tQ beý donc Fn-ý day. Seing hours begin at 10 and continue until about 4:30 in the after ýer ZOat 1i «dock, at ti .ouse. Gloria Christi iguished European and er. and. writer,, will sr Law of Life and Livink ing Sthat abe.r 9. Mir. ation Affect- m"and said rodulced last and children. only four bils passed andtes a ffectedchi îdren. . "The future.of the nation depends' on its children and it is in the inter-, est' of good government to see that those children who are unable to be taken care of in their, own hiomnes with their own families are taken care of in government homies. and in the care of, adopted families. The Fifty-sixth general assemblv appoint-. ed a ýcommittee of fifty includilng Mrs. Edwards H. P. Chandler, Mrs. Bobrer and othe rs "to study, child wel-. fare. and report to, thé Fifty-scventh February session." "It wvas in 1872,7 said. M r. Foster, "that the law wvas passed forbid<ling 1%vomen to work on streets and' to serve on-juries. The -,Noimien onl juries bill was defeàted,,by one vote. at the last session, but nxo doubt that wvill be brought up again."'1..1 .Mr. Poster closed bis talk with thle cheering news that wvonen are îlot s0 bad off as thcy seeni to think. Ac- cording to law thèy are nom- not'lia- blc for their husbands' debts and hiave equal property. rights. The meeting took place ait the homne of Mfrs. Edward Devlin, 2015 Thornwood. and assisting the hostcss ,%erc Mrs. Reynolds anmd Mrs.,H. B., i i.gersoll. Tlhe bridpe tea given by the mcm- Ibership )comnittec of dt.eclub took place Wcdncsday, Noveml>er 1l, at the.. home of Mrs. E.; B. Ingersoil, 2001 Thornwood. Mfrs. L. Van fleur- .,en, meinbership chairmnan, was as - sisted by ber committee, MNrs. Bruc Reynolds, INrs. Edward Devlin, Mrs. Kenneth Long, and Mrs. S. Johnson. A vcry pleasant afternoon was spent Nith twènty members present. Ethel Col1son Brazeltion at Catholic Club Tuesday The Woman's Catholic club of Vi!- mîette will meet on Tuesdav, Noveiîî- bcèr 24. The meeting wilI open vvitIh coînmunity singing led 1)y Mrs Robert Fonthiam, withi Mrs. johari .43, ÂNo- se chap- 0. 0F M. HOSTESS Esseus, rs John Budinger, 614 Maple Oriental avenue, ivilî be hostess to the Order eeak on1 of Martha 'Momaday aftertnoomi, No- vember 23. The junior. auxiliary of the Wom- ain's Catholic club of Wilmette at its bakery and food sale last 'Saturdlay, realized $36.07, wbich they xviii dis- trihute among needy families in Wil- mette. Trhe auxiliary is. giving four Thanksgiving, dinner baskets. 'j I eek,$,*',, ade Lecture of Afterican Show Current at Art Institute Mirs. George M. Vaught, chairmian of the art andliterature departnient of, the Neighbors'of Kenilworth. bais arranged-for that department's next inor-iing meeting of Novemnber 24, a promenade lecture to be beld at the Art Inistituteof Chicago :at .10:15 (>'cIock'in the.morning. Miss Ieti Parker, head of. museum in struction, %will give the lecture and conduct the group through the American exhibit. The high point of the month at the Art institute is this 'Fortyr-Fourtli Annual Exhibition of Americani Painting and Sculpture." Miss Par- ker believes the importance of, the shlov is> to prL--ent to the public a corner of what, is beinig.accomulishc(î in American art.. And even iif tbe corner choàsen by the. jury does- noct happen to be a particularly pleasing one, nevertheless it serves to show a public otherwise unawvare; wNhat is being created, and perhaps decper appreciation rnay be attained. The. prize 'pictures, sucli as :the "Haunted Houise," which *won first p)rize, consisting of the Mr. and \Mrs. ,Frank G. Logan medal, and carrving ivith it a cash award of, $2,500,. are mlost unconventional as to subject and clothed' with assurance. atnd strength, and this xviii add to thc In- terest of Miss Parker's wveJll ornied criticismn. This lecture is open to thle entire niembership of the club. and-- t 's hoped' there will bc a large atteni- (lance to enjoy this deliglht fti l c- ture tour. Motheres« Club He ars Dr.- oiW Saueir The Young Mother's club of ý Vil- mette miet at the, botrne of Mrs. A. V. Gruhn, 1à33ý Elmwood, avenue, >oln Monday evening, Noveinber 2. ,Aes- sisting hostesses were Mrs. Rssl Johnson and Mrs. Dohlstrom. The speaker of the evening was Dr. Louis \N7. Sauer, child specialist of Evans- ton, %vlo gave ,a thorough talk on all phases of child growth, feeding, and habits. Dr. Sauer stressed the lmn-

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