Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1931, p. 38

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Saturday, Nov. 21 Max von Schillings' -Mona Lisa" will be heard for the first tinie in Chicago on Saturday evening of this week (Novemnber 21) at the.Civic Op- era bouse. This novelty to Chicago opera go-, ers is a setting*by.the Germian coin- poe-onductor of a iiîodern ,story daigwith the fainions "siing ome" of the da Vinci painting. . It. Ws told in a prologue., two: acts andi an épilogue, and the work enlists tlîe services of.' Frida Leider, Maria. Rajdl, Paolo Marion, Oscar Colcaire, Rudoif Bockelmnann and Cliase Ba- romeo, with Egon Pollak coniducting. "Mona Lisa"ý belongs to the mod- ern school of opera, and the, draina is thrilling froni the 'openiing 'sceite tthe closing curtain. It tells of the love of Mona. Lisa,I tied ini love- less wedlock to Francesco del Git-,-, condo, for the young Salviati., Thie tragic denouement of theirlvei related in graphie and tbrilling miai'.-J ner. "Boris Godunoif" coines ini for a repetition this week end (Tlînrsday. November 19) with Coe Glade, Paul Altbouse. Vanni-Marcoux, Oscar Co!- caire, Êobërt Ringling, Salvatore BaccaloniTCh-sýBaromneo and otheèrs.. Emil Cooper is the cônductor. "Mona Lisa".is on Saturdav afteIiý_ noon, as. stated above. "Aida" Is tO' be' heard on Saturday evemîng. , witli Iva Pacetti, Cyrena Van Gordonx, Paul Althouse, Cesare Fornîicli Sergio Benoni, Virgilio Lazzani and others. Roberto Moranzoni coiîduct',. Apollo Club WilLSing "Messiah" December 25, The 'Apollo Musical club will sing "The Messiah" on December 25, atý Orchestra, hall, with, the. Chicago Symùphony orchestra. Helen. Protheroe is thée soprano. She bas a, fine voice, a delightful personality,:and has had inany ap- pearances in this particular role. Gertrude Wider of N1ew York will bc the contralto. Critics of both Eiî- rope and our country acclaim lier ýveia n muicianlifi . .11<,n' Mcornc sirtional star of the' Chicago Civic Opiera comp- an v, ;"ili have th le roie of SoIomr' Ilm~n assenet's Herodrade is P/re- st'ntcd Thaiiksqh',iuq i.qht at 8 ýo'- clock. Thr work wcas last sîigy by> aCvcopera castinh 1925. Others, j»n flie ast -wl bc .1larid OIs.ce- s..k, Reire IMaison, .John Chrles TIîopiîs and C'hase Bartmieo. I-vril Coijper will conduct. Victor Chenkiu at 11Playkouse Sunday Victôr Chenkin's second Chicago recital is sclieduled for Sunday after- noon, Novemnber 22, at dte PlaylîIouisc, under Bertha Ott's direction. This actor, a talented Russian. woni marked praise when lie first appeared last year. He giVes life to a super]) group of charactèrs familiar to -van- ous cornéris of continental Europe. and makes each ichara cter ,the voice of the folk lore of an ancieîît people. He deals in drainatic. uood ratlitir than dramiatic incident.. Chenkiin's. singing voice is a flex- ible organ wdiich readily bends to jus Vladimir -Horowitz, who gives ai piano recital at Orchestra hall )w Sundav afternoon. Novemiber 2(),unu- der the direction of Henry E_. N'oe- geli, is an artist %vithout a storv. He ivas brouglit to America with.- out -ay unusual preltininary ca ni- paign., There wvas noth ing ini the wav of a personial camnpaign for Horo'%w.- itz, He wvas conîing to pla.%-th.e. iano). There were, ot course. Europeau cnit- * cisms Which hailed hini in.aniazing terins, but that aroused skelpticisxni rather tha'n.pleasuireable anticipation. Horowitz liad flot' been patted on thîe head hy Liszt, lie had îlot play- e d the piano while machine guti but- lets ,wére rattling. about the concert *hall, he had ,neyer .beezi rescued. by bandits, and lîad flot issued niani- festos 0o1 the subject of compllaion- *ate. marriage. There \vas no scanda. publicity. Nothing wvas invented wlich ighlt serve as a label. Thé sensational success oôf Horow- itz camne out of his music and oui, oi nothiiig else. After two season.s it is a final and a wholesomne proof of the fact that an artist wîho lias the power to stîr audiences eau Win attention.% and draw crowds, without resorting' to any outside aids. It makes it plain that there is an. audi-' ence for nîasterv and that this audi- ence for niastery can be found m-ith- out resorting to extra-musical trick- Ensemble of Twelve at Art Institute Nov. 22, 'lle Ensemble of Twelve f roni thîe Little' Symphony orchestra of Chi- cago, George Dasch conducting,. ivili present another of its Sunday after'- noon concerts at the Art Institute of Chicago Novemiber 22 froin 3:15, to 4:15 o'clock. The program baàs been announced as follows:' Overture to "The Barber of, SeviII&' ... ... ... ... ... ...- -. .. R ossini Two 'movernents for String Quartet (a) "Arietta" from string Quartet,. Opus 18 ..... Pick-Mangiàgalli' (b) IlCanzonetta" from Quartet, Opus 12....... ... Mendelssohn Suite from the Opera, '.'Carmen". .. . . . . . . . . . . . . B izet Prelude- and Aragonise By Ruilioda L. PretzeI The Muenzer trio will be heard in the Kenilworth Assembly hall on Sundav afternoon, November 22, at 4 o'clock, under the auspices of the North Shore Chamber Music asso- c iat ion. The trio lias received the most fiat- tering press cinieti.ts silice ts in- ception after the World war,. and. it retuirns to Kenilworth every vearat the urgent. request of patrons of the association's' chamber music serie$. %it is an artistic group of ensemble. players who interpret, chamber music îvith great sweetnless and 'charm, ,inaking it vital. Hans Muenzer is* first violinist, Hans Kocibel is cellist and Rudolph Wagner is at'the piano. Onic.finds the spirit of enthusiasm and youth conîbined %vith the insight and judgînent of inaturity in the trio's playing, and always there -is the best of goodtasteiii initerpretations. The pr ogram on Sunday is as follows: Trio in Dinndr Op. 49..ý. ..Mendelssohn-BarthiAdy P-hantas.ie lu C iminor Frank Bridge Trio lnu F miflor Op. 65 ............ Anton voa Opera- Comique's First1 O pera Is "6The Poacher" The Newv York Opera Comique opened its season on Novemnber'il with Lortzi,îg's opera, "The Poach- er," which vill play unil Novemixer 23, first iii 'New Y;ork and then iii Brooklyn. Othier operas in thie rep- ertoire are "The Blonde Donna,- ix American opera by Ernest Carter: "Parisian L.ife," by Offenbach; -The Chiocolate Soldier," Oscar Strau.ý: "Mireille," Gounîod; -"The Bat, Jo- hann Strauss. OPERA. NEXT WEEK Moriday, -Nov. 23, at 8 o'clock-_ Samson and Delilah, with Maria Olszewska,- :Charles Marshall, CesareFormnichi, Chase Baromeo,. and Sergio Benioni. Enijl Cooper con ducts. ,Tuesday at 8 o'clock-La Bc- heme, with Claudia Muzio, Marie Buddv. Jan Kiçenura. Augusto.,, (Chain- o'clock, under Bertha Ott's direction. uinder Bertha Ott's direction. toive~etrameug HANS HESS AT PLAYHOUSE IN FRIDAY CONCERT MUSIC CLUB MEETS Hans Hess, Chicago 'cellist,' wiIl Roland Hayes, a negro tenor vl The Junior Music club of *New give his ,annual recital at the Play pera rhetahl nrcital on Trer High school met Mona atr bouse on Sunday, November 29, un- Friday evening, Novemnber 27ý, tînder noon at,, oeo AieEeig der Bertha Ott's direction. the -directioni of Bertha Ott. . 26 Ninth 'street, Wilmette. Edouard LCotreuil and Antonio Nicolich. Egon Pollak wvil1 con-, duct. Saturday at 8 o'clock-La Travi- ata, with ClQaudia .Muzio, Charles Hackett, and. Augusto Beuf. Rob- erto Moranzoi will èonduc t.

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