I 7eacher and Pianisi Studio: 114 Third St. Ph... Wilmett. 1705 IMrs. George L. Martin, 1M wood avenue, spent a recentv - ~ ingf rieiids at Kensington. near tlirill downi in re niany people a lot of thrills, of this pleasuire ýsert in, M exico. woo. rioSr Turns Any Meal Into a Festive Occasion: THAT' be - more TIse. 'abbagesj THE FARM Hô'USEI, 2Ml8 IsobeStreet, Bvanston IPlace Vour Thauksgiving wMf Ibë staged at 10:30, 2:30, 3:30 and STurky Order Now 4:30. Macine Nichols will be at gs the piano. PLAY VOLLEYB4LL The eighth grade girls of the joseph Inc* Sears school in Kénilworth defeated DIvsthe seventh grade- girls, 21 to 12, iiin ieîeçphone 280042 voîîey-Mlball game last .w'eek.' T and the first baslcetball practice' of the year was beld Mondayrafternoon. Boys playing football will flot be per nitted to practice basketball until after the Thanksgiving vacation ne-ýt week. Prospects are. bright for a goôd- heavyweight basketball teamn at IN e W Trier this ye ar. Pour of last. vear*s first team., regulars are baIck. Frank Chturch, a forward; Co-litï-Finiays.;on and Bol) Gordon, guards. and Toni Sinding, çenter. Churcli and Finlay- son are co-captains' of this v'ear s teanm. The onlv regtilar lost by graduation wa% Patil Joies. last, vea*s c aptain. wvho played the other forward posi- tion. Basketball Coachi Clyde Grater lias an able substitute to takze jonle place ini Clvde Warbleé, center on last year's Iiglitweight teeni. wVho %vill play, witb the heavyweight squad thsseason. Last year New Trier's heavyweiglit tearn finished second in the Suburban league standing. The EI*ghtweigliý tean finished fôurth. Coach Grater -%Nill have .to build Up an entirely newý lightweighit team this year. New Triées first Suburban league game will be plaved at Oak Park, Decembher 18,' but prior. to that the north shore boys will play three lion- league gatnes. with Lakeview. WVau - kegan and Hyde Park, ail on the home court.. The complete schiediule follo-ws: Friday, Denember 4--Waitkega-iiXat Nýew Trier. Wednesday, Decemier 9-Lakevieiv at New Trier, ,Friday, Dece'nler lil HyParl; a t New Trier. *Friday, pecemiber -ew Trier at Oak Park Friday, January 8-Proviso at.New Trier. F'riday,. January 15-New Trier at T)eerfleld. Friday, janUary 22-N'e%V Trier ai Ev7an,;tùn. F.yjanuary2-[rti at Nemv Trier. *Friday, February -Oatk> Park at New, Trifert. Friday, February 12-N*Yv T rat Provigo. Friday, ,February 1-)efedat New Trier. Friday, February b~îsoia t New Trier. Frd~,Marchi 4-Ne ,v TIio~ r M4'r tonl. i J.