Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Nov 1931, p. 12

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UTPOMPONSaIl colors, buncéli U...Se corCARNATIONS, -ail colors, dozei sec CHRYSANTHËMUMS, VLOWERS doz., up frotu ..... CALENDULAS, al :colorýs. dozeni 3Sc Aise ail other eut fiou'ers and Potted Plants at whoiesaie prices. ln ourir"eh ouses, ecLoverint more thon throe acres, we grow floweri in immese quantities en4d .1er them to the. retail custoaner et .low wholesole praces. We Invite Visitors t lu's pect Our Greenhouses Va. 88288K 6 SON8 2246 Wilmedtte Ave. Phrnie Wilmette 1065 avenue, was driving nortb on. Nintb street. The accident, accord ing to tbe Wilmette police records, occurred as the boy rode bis bicycle ont of the alley between.-Central and Green-' leaq>f avenu.es onto _Ninth street andl cra shed -inito the side of the -car. Jack was attended by Dr. ]H, . OWishaa-- and taken to the Evaiiston hospital Xrtays showed.th'at lie.did not have a skull fracture, as was .at fir*st su.,- pected. He is back in scbool. The. Delta Gamina Mothers assçoci-. ation.gave a mothers ýand Daughters. luncheon and bridgeon Tbursday of this week at tbe Georgiani hot.el.. Mrs. Otto Seidenbeck-erý of Glencoe bhad charge of the arrangements. Mecats -for c-vcry menu was in -charge of general arrange.- ments for the. party, was ably as- sisted by a coznmittee consîsting of Mrs. Williamn Flynn, Mrs. J. D. Kin- near, Mrs. H. Nevins, Mrs. Randoîpli McCandlish, Mrs. E. W.. Burbott, and mrs.. Ludwig Skog. Proceeds will. be turned into the social, service fund of the schéol to be used among the children for promoting. healtbi pro-; grains advised 'by the nurse, Mrs. Stopka.. The eîext regular i,'nnthly. meeting of the association bas been post- poned to Tuesday,' December 15. Thbis change seemed 'advisable that the> iembers may hear ýa n unusual Christmias program by :the scbool children. The, Babies Friendiv and Pre-school meetings wilI be hield at the regular tîme. A diligent canvass of the parents by the room mothers under' the leadership of 'the mnembership.chair- nian'resulted ii a total memhersbip) to date cf 3:0 It is hoped that ninany more parents wiil place their tiaies on the roll before tbe close of the vear. Miss Naslis rooni, at the Hé%%-' school, again steps into thle limeligblit.- Ihv being thie sole rooni to achieve a 100%/ of niothers or fathers during tie recent drive. INIi ss Olthoff's roonr %von the' at- tendance record at the Nýoveîîiber tirov&es Laxative Bromo Qu inine I-ili's Casva ra Quinine Listerine, $1.20 amize. Lixterine, 50esi kze iIsterine, 30< size Listerlne Tooth Paste La voris, *1.00:size 25c 25c, 89c 45C. 25ç: 23e 89C Gillette BIadeis,89 $1.00 size . . . . . . . . 9 Gillette Blades, 5 50e Slze . .. .. . . . . .4 c Broi'nîo Seltzer, 25C 30......e..... .Mennen'S. sthat%-Îng ('I a i 45 50(-,izt-45 9alIîuOive Slîaving Ca eain, 3 35 slze3C Pond's CoId (Ceifl, c 35(- s~iat . .. .. . A & p meats maintain the sanie standards of high quai- ity and low prices thatha:ve Made our groceries famous. CHOICE BEEF POT. Sev-eral*of the niembers of this a,.- sociation are registeriîîg iîterest ini the cbild study groups being organ- ized by tbe Central-Lauirel P. T. A. under the guidance of MNrs. Rollo Gullickson; these classes are o pen to ail Wilmette mothers w%%ithoeut charge. Mrs. Gullickson, iii peakiî.g of these groups; says : It is -a .curious fact thaît ihile ail, professions requiire. along rigid course of study', followel by a per-idd of apprenticeship. that* ail-important business of being a parent, especially a motber, until re- cently bas required no preparation whatsoever.- Todayv we are feeling s" ring 28 jars W4l. 400.4O TEA co. 4va ,Jones and Miss Polly Petrie, ,eport that the pupis enjoyved ivatcb- ng the bottling of the milk. Sev- 6rai of the.mothers donated cars to ake the cbildren on tbe trip. I en Suvsdays until Phones: 10OP.M.

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