Tvy iAKivwutq E A iq'Iu~at Nary 'a ganigster wiil appear ini the * picture to be offered. at the iimette theater on Tuesday and Wednesday, Novemiber 17 and 18.' Nevertlieless, this film, "Bought," wiii keep the * audience spellbound, tense and iin a state of 'admiration for the splendid work of. Constance Bennett, ber father, Richard Ben nett, Beni Lyon and Artbur Stuart Huli. Here's what Photoplay magazine says of "Bo ught": "Constance Ben- * nett does. some great acting, and Archie Ila yo A oCes soflI grand direct- ing., Connie is thIle daughter of lier father îin the picture, but sule doesni't knoiv it. You, it he audience, suspec.t it. Sbe's. eighteen !1 UL.Lli e first slhot ; twentY in the Constance Bennett Ie a r ned the comnion sense sile did in two years, flappers- would go_ out of style. You feel that mostý girls have as many troubles as 'Con- nie, which is one reasoil the Picture is, a wow. It's human. -*Warncrs were clever ini the de-ý vice they uised to show off Connie's * figure. Thev made her a model for 4one-third of the production. Those (lothes! No womian will want to miss the gowins; no man the figure wbicli displays 'theiu." On1 Thursday and Friday, Noveni- l)cr 19 auid 20, Clive Brook and Char- lie Chase wiIl be two reasons for at- Steniding the Wilmette theater. Brook * wvill star in '*Silence," the feature film,~ and Chase will caper in a comedy, one of the cleverest short subjects ever brought to the niortlb' Sshore. Ifax- Mar-- *'.ciliis great. play, '.Silence, is lieart-g r ip- p 1n g, eniotion- fi lied IlU m.a In *rgri UII'wnomI5 I' ,.w~ nas ovr ay IInUtini - murder trials for' leading dailies,. re- Strong draniatic situations and Up- ceived assignilents to "*co%,er" oie roarious comedy contributes to the of the greatest niurder trials of al excellence of 'the double featture pro- iewnPamotsardflii gramu offered at the, Varsity theater trî hnPrmutsatdfln on Thursday, Friday and Saturda'y, ing "Ait American. Tragedy," based Noveniber 12, 13 and 14. on Theodore, Dreiser's epic novel, to "The Squaw Man," starring War- be sbown'at tlle.Teatro del Tago oit ner Baxter, *provides the. powerfui Wednesdav and Thursday, Novein- draina, W h i 1 e ".Caught Plastered," b)er 18 and 19. with Blert Wheeler, Bob Woolsey and The newspapermien selected miere Dorotby Lee, wiIl rock the entertain- AI voit Beroldingn Leo Êagnall, men wr'd wthlagbtr. ' ruce Fowler,, Thomas 'Welles, Hal "Cqaught Plastered" is the 1il .- Roadley and Ralph Stringfellowv. AI! awitd omintin f lan-ang, hadz read the Dreiser, novel. They knock 'e'nii dead: comedy. and a real were instructed by 'Josef voit Steri_- storv. . Nof a berg, director of the picture, to "co -- d l oet.e"the screen tria ju'st as tlieý' Thedilogisbywould naturally report. a widely (lis- R a . Sec * cussefî real-life trial. and wvh at theé boys say. is fun n n becaus c' Court Seene' of the action'be-Wa he hind the situa- Federal Judge ïa-he tions. As for Three of 'eut Federal Judge John M. Killits, onle Dýor o t h Lee, of the distinguished niembers oif thec she 's more appeaiing and f unniier American judiciary, was a visitor ait than ever. Bert 'Wheeler and Bob the set during the filming of "Aii Woolsey, glad to be teamed agaîn', American Tragedy," Teatro.del Lago simply bubble over with nîmirth. So attraction, as the guest of Josef vot' will the. persons who see. this flm Sternberg, its director. "The Squaw Man," one, of Ameni- JdeKlis hi 'tet ca's great stage classics, bas been ug Kiltwo'ina.wn3- adapted for talking pictures by the year career ont the bench, lias tried, eminent director, Cecil B. DeMille. many famous cases, wàtched the filin, Not content with auything but' the ing of the famous court sceîîe in "Ant best' Mr. DeMille has' produced this American Tragedy," in whicli Phillips .play with an excellent cast whom Holmes acted in the character' ot lie lias inspired to do mucli of their Clyde Griffiths of Theodore Dreiser's finest work, Warner Baxter, Lupe epic novel ug ilt n i Velez, Eleanior' Boardman, Charles wife ocupied seats in the spectator' Bickford and Roland Young are' soute section of the true-to-life courtroovi of the stars. buiît ont the Paramount stages. "Street Scene" and, "Honor of the !Famiy" wili be the Varsity attrac- LAST GOLF CHAPTER tions Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. - "One Round. of Golf," the last cbap- stilled into "The -Bargaii4î" the samea ter of the famous B obby Jones se-1 quality that made ".Holiday". a grandrison"wIPa Glwil1 job. The. last of. the Bobby Joues shown at, the Winmette theater,,on. series,,"One Round of Golf," wiîî .also Sunday and Monday, Novrembeir E15 feature Sunday and Monday. and 16. One of the most delightfui and ro- mantic pairs in al'screendom-Janet 'Publix .alabon Katz Gaynor -and Charles Farrell-wili be am- -MK are aIl excellent. It's a story of what happens to the hopes and dreams of people-peoîple like "You and mne'-when those bopes and dreams collide with worldly needs. Director John-lilton bhas iii- UcADMITS THE E and "Honor of the FamiIy" ils *A «Hold Mer, Sherlf"-Joîne<y Chapter $-Red Orange sefflI "The Gulloplng Ohost" Set. Mat. LEWIS STONE CHAS. BUTTERWORTH DORIS KENYON ia '4>ime Rouned of Golf", Tues., Wed, November 17-18 wtla RICHARD BENNETT in peu AlSO Chtenile Chase Comedy Saturday, Novemibr 21 "Thel lis 'i