Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1931, p. 52

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A son, Jost Monday, Nov hospital, to à Shopen, 1332 eon, was born on S9, at St. Francis A Mrs. joseph avenue. .Mr. and Mrs. W. S. MOorýe,' 531 Washington avenue, motored to Terre: Haute, Ind. and Turkey Run lagt .week- end. William J. Spillane. 724 Ashland avenue, returned tohis home early this tek.from a weekis bus iness trip in. New York City.' ÇGREtenleaf Ph...: ~UNlIversasty. The speaker .oï the evening was Miss Donnelly,. art supervisor of thle WVilmette -schools, wbo had as lier subject, "Wbat to Look for ini Pic- tures." She illustrated lier talk, by smail prints. The assoc'i)-atioiîî had. chosen her as. speaker becatise it is Soon to purchaze several pictt'res for the school. A conîmitte lias already been. chosený to -selec thte *pictures;. 'fhe prograni was followed hv a so- cial hour with gamesç andl reiresh- meitS. Mrs. 1L. Engclý is social chairman. M and Repalirbug Carpets >arking Spacc 5712 TOLOFF PIIOTOGIMPIIS for the Discriminating Buyer'of Christmas Gifts, I most .comppietely olsappearei. Ai puisare flot engaged ini thé' sanie activities at the same tinie andi in the same wav. Individual needs and interests of each chiîd have been con- sidered "in setting up the school, pro-. grain. >boue* quiet does flot prevail ini such a classroom; yet the movementsI and the- conversations of the pupils,1 are, orderly, and courteous.. The teacher is alert to alil that is going on, but the orderliness> of the. roomË- is due, tô pupil self -cdntrol-one o Aiss Susannali Armstrong %vas elected corresponding secretary, suc- ceeding Mi BJarbara Erwin, and Franklin M. deBeers was elected treasurer, repflacing Fred W. Bray- Ottoý R. Barnett,. president, opened, the meeting and talked informnally, on the aîms of'the ýsociety, saying that. its membersbip consists of pa- trons of the arts who are eager to. further the ipterests of the *MacDow%%eil colonyii Peterboro,, N. H. The programs -a re sufficientlv varied in tfhe Most important productsrof edu- s. cation.-Nellie E. Moore, sprio es ats lof elemnentary. education, Wilmette Cal ideoug oth ior Public schools. artist. ivas presented in a brief and (A' discussionochiclolCr intere sting talk on b is impres sions1 of riculum and Classroom Organizationîth eebr ooy ewssn will appear iin tiese coluinns nextlte frth ure*y t~ot week.)den bas been invited to visit the col- lig i ony again next. sunimer, an. bonor Offer Fuel Savig ïaccorded himt because of the artistic ewSrcefor Homes merit of his work., At the, January A, ew uelconervtio an hose-mee ting of' the society soie loi hiý heatn ervconhsetin and ousce- paiiîti ngs Will b e on exhibit, inclilding heain srvie ia- ~ef lno n i any b in say inPeer bv Hoffmann Brothers who are urg- boro . b u tyi >t ing Wihnette residents to make use of it without charge. The. musical part of thé programn According to Phil J. Hoffm ann ,i. was ýgiven, hy Fay Palmer .Kreer, with thi copan mclifue i wated~'Mrs. Margunite McAdans, at tbe unsatisfactory lieating. results .1Ob- piano. Mrlis ICreerawho hens i tained due to three major -causes. Winta-isbdmn perne "Man peple sas Mr Llffmnnas a soloist on thé north shore, and diis also well known to'radio audiencs "use the %wrong kind of fuel, unsuited Sbe possesses a voice of unusual to their lieating pl ants." "Others range, ricli viola timbre in the lotver waste a good share of the coal they register and great clarity and brl-. buy by feeding or piling it in the liance in the upper. Her rare in- furnace so that niucb of the heat terpretative faculty and personal goes up the chimne.v instead of into chari delighted the audience. Mrs. the bouse." . McAdanis, also well known ji nortli ;A third and perhaps the largest shore musical circles as a soloist. pro- wastç .according to '.\I. Hoffmann is vided keenly synipathetic and antis- due to hetat leakage tlirougli roofs.,- tic ýaccomipaninients. This last,' lie says, can be stopped .b)y,' Mrs. Kreer gave. two- gro ups of a recently 4ecvèloped wood wool bla il songs. displaving mucli taste in.,her keta cane asan-of oe l whicli séslection., "D'une Prison," by Hlann. sprad ii ttis o hosesalradvwas the loveliest. She included "Chuld l>uilt. Substaîîtial resiîlts ini fuel sav- Asleep."ý Volpe; ."Song of the Palan- ings are reported h-v those l ho hiave quin ýBearers,"- Shaw; "Iris," Wolf; had such a hianket finstalled'. lie "The -Sea,", Grant-Schaefer; ý"Trans- âSserts.. formation." Wintter Watts; "'.'Inithe Silence of Niglit," Rachmaîî'tinoff. Mrs. J.' D, 1-odson of Galveston, Texas, has returnedl to lier liomeH rvr ,Chcg after a niontli's visit with lier brother H rad ncg and family, tlie Williani A. Figterias, Take Itntramural 411 Laurel avenue. ---0- 1 ,oobalLaurels ,ýf- 'VT ----oitball_ I 4 I I58 Davis Sret Phone Unversity 2178 Evanston Jginia, 202 AI -,orhhave [tand Miss Vn avenue, Kenil-i a two weeks'i Mrs. Edward W. Thomnas, 1136 Cbestnut avenue, spent last week in Cleveland. as. guest of her brother 'and wif e, Mn.. and Mr.s. P. B. Frencb. F lynn' and Jred gamnes and tiedc weigbt champion tchlli, won to cop the1 *Billy Smnythe, who has been in St. Luke's liospital for a :number of weeks, is. returning to bis home .at 43 'Kenjlwortb avenue -in .a few'days. f QUICK ACTION SALE! Th epressou is*ovr!, We are offering 50 different patterns of INLAID LINOLEUM,, includig Arm- strong, Congoleum, Nairm's and Sloane's-values you must sec to appreciate the great price-reductions. REDUCED TO ]Pro,. 85* up to> $225 per square yard. (A few of the Iower priced Linoléums are îlightly imperfect.) The olttest and largeat exclusive Carpet, Rug and Linoleum store north of thé "Loop" Laylmg Dai 806l-810 GROVE ST. vi*d -Garry x Established jin 1920 - - - - Private.Pi Please make y'our a»pointment early J.n.TOLOFF 1 *

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