Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1931, p. 50

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schiedies i>uI>ishierlini iast ~e" lU~~iF WJM'r:lWEad 10 he revisedan teanis piaying in the girls' adult leagiie will play accorrliîg' b' the fol- 9lowing prograni h 1tREVJSEI> SCIIEI>ULE i ::M pan. X-2 vs. Brcwnies, RA:1, p.i. (b Ka.y ve. Nèýw Trie~r Specialm. f' :0 m,.A ' XYZ vs. aktrs Tesdlay, Nftvemher le, é :30 pas). Six Bits vs. S<jiltz & Niprd, S.:15 p.m. Wild ]irdiant;s XI t 0 .m1. ,Mallineýkfgdt vs. 111.' Bell.T1. phone Co. Monday,,Nov eniber 16' 7:30 p.m. O'Kay vs. Basketeers; S8:15 p.n.ý Brownies vs. le Trier .$Ie- <ii ,9 :-05 p.m. XYZ vs. Wild Indians. S:0 Tuaegday, Novei r, 17 M ÔP.ni. Six Bîtuvi.t - (Howard gym), 8:45' p.m. Mallinckrodt vs. X-2 (Howard gymn), 9 :20 p.m. ]IL, Bell Telephone Co. vs. S. & N. (Howarit 7:3 ..Nw.Tre pcasv.S i x Bita, :15' p.m. O'Kaygs vs. Brownies, Tnesday# November 24 7:30 p.m. XYZ vs. Mallinckrodt, 8:15 p.*r. X-1 vs. ScýhultË & Nord, 9 :05 p.. ._-2 %,S. 111. Bell Telephone Ci).. Monda.y, Novemlber ý80 7:~30 n.m. $Six Bitm vm. Browntcs,.4 :1 p.mg. B:tiketeers vs. Malllnc-kiodt., 9 :05 p.m. O'KCtys vs. Wild Indians. Tuesday, liecember 1 7:30 ..m. X-1 s X-2, 8:15 pi. XYZ, vs. Sehultz &Nord-(, 9 :05 p.ni. New Trier Specials vs. 111. Bell Tclep)hotip Co. Monday, Ievemiber 7 7:30 Wild Indiatis vsYM tWinckroit, X :15 1p.iii O'Kaiys vs. Six Bits, 9 :05 p. n. Brownies vs. III. Bell Teleplitne ('o. 7:0 uesday, 1ecember 8 7:p.m.' X-1 vs. New Trier Seas 8 :15 P. M. XY v. X-2, 9 :05 pin Basketeers vs. Schultz & Nord:. I Xa.udSy, Derember 14 7:30 p.m. O'Knys vs. Mallii»krodt, S8:15 pn. Wild Indians vs. Schultz & N4urd(, '9:05 P.m. Six Bits vs. 111. l3elil - phonve Co. peir1' 7 :30 P.rn. Brownles vs. X-1, 8 :1-5p1). X-2 rwe vs. XYZ, 9 s, :05 p.m.Ni. Hask ewTier S ew ier eils M1onday, January 4l 7 :30 p.m. Malinckrodt vs. 8X-, 8 :15 & Nordc8 -.15pmNordx 'vs '. X-1a, 91:5ý p.ni. OX-1 vs. 111. Bell Tééphone . Co.. ... 1..~... ~t 7 pm.-J"nioé league. Men's basket- bal.'East Siders vs. Sophomores. Howard gymnasium. 8 p.m.-B League. Men's basketball. Hoffînan Flôrist II vs. T1erminaIs. Howard gyinnnaâium. 8:15 pa.m.-Ping pong. Stolip gy na-. s'uni. 9 p.m.-B league. Mei's haskeihali. 8-Rocks vs. M~ites. Howard gym caS ulfl. ~'Saturday, Nov.mb.t 14 8:30 a.m.-H4ike, for ý gramma r school boys. Meet at Howard.and Stolp schools. 8:45. a.n.-Trip to Garfield.,l)ark an-, nual chrysanthenitun show. Girls. Leave elevated station at 9 o clock. Momday, Novemberý 16 7:30 p.m. - Basketbaii for. girls. O'Kays vs. Basketeers. Stolp gym.- nasium.. 7:30 p.m.-Volleyball for' men'. Co n- gregational vs. Wilmiette Tailors. Howard gymnasiui ni. 8:15 p.m. - Basketball for g i r I s. Brownies vs. Newv Trier Specials. Stolp gymnasiini. 8:15 p.m.-Volieybali for men. How- ard P. T. A. vs. Ridge Phiarniacy. Howard gymnasiiinm. 8:15 p.m. Volleybali for nmen. Methi- odist vs. Gym niCIass. Iloward gymi- nasium. 9 p.m.-VolleylbaIi for men. Hoffmian 'Florist 1 vs. Hoffîian Florist IL. Howard gymnasium. 9:05 p.m.-Basketball for girls., XYZ vs. Wild Indians. Stolp) gymnasinni. Tuesdaye November 17 7 >m-os.he for nien. H-ow- ardi school attic. 7 pau.-Acro club for. boys. Howard gymnasium. 8 p.m.-B.asketbgll for' girls. Six Bits ývs.. X41. Howard1 gyninasium... .8:45 p.mn.-Basketlball. for girls. Mal- linckroit.-vs. X-,2. 'Howard' gymna- sîum. 9 :20 p.ii.-Basketball for girls. ]IL *Bell Telephione Co. vs. Schultz &' Nord. Howard gynînasiumn. Fricday, Nov.uber 20 7 p.r.-Chess and Checker club. jStolp- school ibrary. 7p.m.-Basketbalt for.nmen. Junior leaguie. Wildcats vs. Sophomores. Howard gyninasium. 8 p.mn.-Basketball for men. B league. .Hoffman Flonist I vs. Lyman,,Tex- gcos. Howard gymnasiu m. 8:15 p.m .-Ping pong. Stolp* gymna-. sium. 9 p.m.L-Basýketball for men., B league. Hoffman Florist. il vs. Elites. How-, ard gyntnasium. jBasketbal Leaguesj LEAGUE A Resu*its of men's. basketball league A games during the first week of play: Y- of C. (28) State Banxk (30) Pierre Van de North David E vans William Melbye' Anthony Varney Jatck Harrison Tom King Jack Heitrnan Ballard Robinson Tom Obermeler Bob.Snt h Richard (langer -Jack.Cle Kanning, referee. Irish (14) Blackhawk.4 (45) Ted Buck Jamies Iverson. Fred Baker Paul Jones Robert Miles Russelli Hort Gordon Bjuck Robert Berndsten Paul Foy William Webster Charles Meginnis Todd, referee 'Methodist '(6) Charles Varney George Waldener Harold Lundbèrg Robert Hens Fred Waidener Todd, Shamrox (48) Vernon Wyle Wlnfleld Rogers Carl Nordberg Tom Sullivan Howard* Winýberg, refere Preseyerian (24) ' Hawko,.(17) Charles. Roth1 El Berol Joe Moody Jamnee Lawton Hiarry Stone Don Langdon Leonard Koenen Paul Onio Fred Selimidt' Lawrence t..angdonII John Moore Todd, referee Teani Standings 'W. 1. Pet. Bla.ckhawks.,........... 1 () .00() Sha.mrox................ ' O 1.000 Preebyterian '...... ..... 1 '1.000 Stat*. Bank........1. 0 1.000 Irish ..... .000' Methodist ......... 0..O 1 .000' or* mi883 Sfla l. tor*ii piaS flt l *t -)ai- îîrday's prograni for the graîiiar schooI childrén at the Piayground atnd Recreation board. The hike for boys will icave Stolip s.cbool at 8:30 o'ciock and 1proceeil Io Howard school, to 1ick up boys f romn that conimuuity; ieaving there at 8:45 o'çlock. The boys wlI hike.to a riding academy on 1larins,, roail wiere they will be shown 'throughi the acad- eny and given instruction on the care of horses, their training, and the cou-~ ditioning of ploponies. Afte'r leaving the acadeniv the boys, wilI have lunch. at, the Forest Preserve and returil to Wilme tte by 1- o'clock. Dudley C. Stone *will, be the director.i charge of the trip. The.girls' field trip will -be-'to the Garfield park annual ichrysanthenmuni snow, *ill. leave the Vlnxtte elea- vated terminal at 8:45,' will be limited to girls in the seventh, an.d eighth grades of the schools, and wvilI returù to Wil mette, at l o'clock. Miss .Joe' Skidinore wNill be -the director ini charge., No' charge for either trip, wiil be made with' the exception of car fare- for the girls. The boys are requesteil to bring lunch. Information regarding the hikesinay be hciaI ý-tthe Wilnette Playgroind .aid ,Recreëatioi board, 914 Central avenue.: lia y Hobffnani Georgýe Hassis Alext Hoffnian Ralph Reardon Kanniflg, referee' S. P.'s (17) 'Charles Hall Sherwood Palmer Hubert Pelott Don Melntyre Bob Koenan Henry Spech t Hoff man Florist 11 (39) 'Richard' Huck Ervin Bramnier Victor Deinlein' Joe Hoffmall WNilliam Johnson Ed Phiillips, Bo b E~ n kanning, ireferee Teaml Standings, W.] HioffmaIn.Florist 1 FHoffman Florist.IL TerminaIs.............. Elites........... lyman's Texýaco....... S P.'s . .. . . .. . ldge Pharmacy 0 St. Johns . .--. .. . 0I. 1'd 0 1.0001 o .0011 . 1000 i.00o played at the If ter 8. dclock. nWard p ivuuiv ;.s ve~war Hiowa~rd Tburaday, Novembr 19 o nes sched- 7 p.m.-Gymnasium class for gram-.. Horffm1& 31 November mar school girls. Howard gymna- James Bagnei tn wiIl be sium. HrodJohnson nasfium af- 7 p.m.--Basketball for men. Junlior George Huck P AuuetWallowitz league.. 8-Rocksvs. West Siders. JaeHofmaa pwee ' st TenaStandings EatSîders ........ Ridge Junior A. C.. ..... Pharinacy (6) Wildeats ............. Pà.Y Steffens Aces.... >...... .......... TÔnY Schil~er 8-Rocks................. John Miller Eit............ HarrY Peter. West Siders............. .Adarixi Bauer, Sophomores........ .... W. L. Pet. 1 0 1.000 0 O1.000 0 O1.000 0 O1.000 O1 .000 1 I .000 o i.000

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