dloor of the~ homne. On papcr this, and will absorb the rain an(] thi From tlz Daly oteooklooks frnc, but in actual practice, artificial watering. _____ __the_______________________ - these trees, pushed info sc corners, Ordiîîary :oil may bc rnixed witli dry, dead spaces, with lit le air circu- adiwelfrlzenyb ixe By .1 R 100telation, hecome scrawny looking at th e *saw if lîc t is , i robted woo base. Therefore, the points in the LEAF DISPOSAL are large entiîghi to warrant il, al planting %vhich should loo k ft 1 1)st with leaf wpold or wif h ceani coni- A convenient pla ec to htinthe 'Portable Je:afiincerator can bc ar- ofen look the worst. otwatt:hv h leaves :is lacking ini n<st -lawn raranig.er at a small cost, or tan he 1r) lir s hcetestfe O If one- th>cs not à.tohaehi and tlie distance that they twist be l cl .already' made. . . it h itr. e ectda-additioîial gardien. area to CulfivaLe_ carrier! before fhey cti. lx: burnc<I Th e incincrator may cofsI.,t of a g - r well* colorer! and. wcathercdi and xveed, fcrns or wild flowers niav makes double the amotîtit of Work>. setirontra!uronder! by a limestone .houlders placed, among b lnel rayhn hc vl If the leaf-strewtn strtCie o *aw OVCII ire fencing a 'foot or more theSe tree,. groupings, will fil! in the spýread <()ver the entire space.si) hih Ti crl)ntin ma [ebare a nd unsightly spaces left so by thîckly that weeding aud cultivatilng ______________________________d on a whee hrow or <>n atec mohelbarow he assith. ;ing off of the lower'evergrcen will he eliMinater! Almost entirely. Incincrators are also huilt with fourbanhe.sucha rwill usually be made V, B EZ a E K Vrv low. whc.els attacher!, but what- These>stone gro)upîng> also lîelp the more thrifty anr! oth.erwise bcautified j tr tpe f prtbleyounia prte further growth of the trees, as they 1y edging it with a well arranged S10 S. it shouldbe high enough froni thée hold the tnîstiire aur! k.e hesi border of stones.: Y' O ground l that thc grass underneath' aa ore uniforni tenîperatur. ..-~e vçitorswill no be inurer1.Boulders may be secured ! whIich havu daTu eun infetrgen/sucs ht:ier ator 1nîay just as %veI c - plants growing ini thern, tht usomTavel i ýn Oin muade up to fit the needs -of the more charmn and nove.ItY. rmT a li'O in Pntan FlowerNs at grounds wbich it -is to ýs er e. Th1ere arc other points, shoulers Miss Eýdna M.* Trucý of'.418 Forest --ia.nd corners adjacent to the found. - av-enue, Wilmette, director, of the reasonable prce NEWAUSES FOR tions which are (lrv. toyo slîadv rNrhSoeTrve evc uE-ny 2246WilnetteAveOLD STONES which get framp< b heÀttig fton, has just returner! fromi a thrce 224ne Wilnette Av6e. r4le corners, and whicl, becomne un.ighitlv. tnonth's journev in Japan and! Chinla. Phn WI pitte 106SI1 vergrevirs flaiikiiig the Often these spots and! strips arciiiut In company wi'th ber partner, she i- ~ . porcli or sinall landing at tfri on t where the\- are epcal objection - vestigated travel conditions in thv abe eal awa1 nin()ou rient. Miss Truc sailed fro,~n - us le of stones and, planfiiîg com- couver August 15, on theý Empr essow Il Ibinier!, lt.urn thte vesore inojapan. She arrve ri o Fkio ii tlit» ýU U on1üluîng -tr c ie for flic réception for flic I<indbcrkh Importers and SpecooBis in FINE HOLLAND TULIP BULBS 100 Mixdils N.c75 I0 SECIALDfo Mise ad Nri s. $4.7 TELEPHONE DEERFIELD 241 CASH and CARRY SALE We are ofJfering Pot Planits 50ê and up Cut Flowers-per 'bunch-SOc and up BeçuuNe we arc Ietting these plants and flowers go practically at cost' we wiliI ot -make deliveries. Drive out arnd select YOUR flowcrs. 1Flowers Rockery Work OVER COMING TH E UPPER TERRACES oficil beco nue wasIlie(loff- lban.,anI aytliing blit <1 rtv..lqecal %vhcethe~cae have a consi<lerab>lc -ovcerhalng, fuis strip 5(X1U5 110pclcss. Nfany tintes this condition can Ie greatly îiproved Ihy rCmlovinig the soil which i ikcly 1,,liard. and 1perhiap.s even a Ieft-over fromn the building 111) rations, and then by filling to a dIelpth of f ec with good frialtt fertile .sôiI. 'Ihîs soil shouild co bpen that it itil ever 1 ac.k <o 0 cràate 4î, 't, Newl -ceédc'd to Vokohaia.kaakra Iiiîand Sca. J. Frotîtijapan 41e -tra.vclcel * b.('lmavisiting T]ints'ih and M- Iiiîg, the higli point of lier trip. whîer , he visited tflic Great N\Vall of. China- and otlicr historic, aur nd cet pîlaces. A traini ride toiok lier t, Sh;Iangliai, anr!lier ititierarv %wou have taken lier* througli Maniclmnria *at flic finie of the climiax in the Japanese-Chinese situation. Miss Truc, : and lier partuer passed through the flooder! area, whcere they glinilpsed flic people dwelling in temporarvliouses, sïoni of, thein sailin.g ini tubs over tlîcir:flooded fields, and, at Naniking, refugees -%ith ail of. their houischold goods, an'd their farm aàiinals, sek-ý ing temporary abode in ftic station yard. Shanghai, Honigkotig, and Cali ton also were included in the travels' which brought her thbe cxperence of M. I'ortenhauser. Painteand Decorator m me OGreenleuf 'Phono 27U-