Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1931, p. 1

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AUGMENT.AIR SERVICE HRE North- Shore ProvidedWt Shuttie Service Bewen Curtiss and City Port By means of an airplane shuittl'e service redentlv inaugurated between Curtiss airport a t Glenvieiv and the Chicago municipal airport residents of the north shore c'an noýv"bop into a plane at Curtiss airport- and mnake connections. at the Chicago airport with. Century Air line planes operat- ing regularlýy between Cbicago, St. Louis, Toledo, Cleveland and De- troit. This service bas been inaugurated by Century Air Lines, nc., to' give residents of Chicago's exclusive north Shore suburbs a direct air "boQk-u pp between these five large cities. The Century Air line planes also make regular stops at Springfield and Blooînington, 111., and at SouthBRend, Ind. The first pâsseligers to take ad- vantage 'of the new service arrived tat'Curtiss airport last Tbursday night. Planes Always Available Shuttle trips betwveen Curtiss air- port and the, Chicago municipal air- porte are not made on a regular schied- uIc, but Century Air line planes are, alwvs available at botb airports for inconiing and outgoing passengers de- siring tç avail tbeinselves of the serv- ice. One of. the pleasant f eatures of the new service is the fact that the busi- ness manx arriving in Chicago on one of tbe Cenltury Air line late planes does tiot have the tiresomne drive from the .municipal airport to bis nortb, shore home, but, can take the con- veîiient shuttle plane to (;Ienview. Similarly, a plane lis always available at Cirtiss airport to take passengers to the Chiicago airport to connect with outgoing Century Air line planes. DEBATE T AX ISSUE~ Wilmette Civic League Sponsors Pro. gram to be Held at 'Luncheon in Chicago November 20ý Every tax payer ini Wilmette is in- vited tô join in a luncheon, liear. a debate and, take part ini a discussion of the -quesion: "Wbat is the best solution of theý Tax 'Assessment Administration Prob- lenm as to its effects on Cook County Tax Payers ?" The debate and subsequent discus- sion -wiIl take place'at the. regular November luncheon mheeting of the Winette civic league scheduled for Friday, November 20. ii the Wedge- wood roomf of Marshall Field and company, 121 N. State street, Cli,- cago. George R. Hia'rbaugli, New Trier township assessor, will present the advantages of the present focal tax unit systemi of which there are more than 480 nuits ini Cook county, rang- ing from the School district, the vil- lage, -and the township to the Great. Park. districts and the County of' Cook itself. T1hle benefits of consoli- dation will be upheld by George 0. ýFairweathier, business manager of the. University of Chicago. A special session of the Legislature is meeting to consider this very prob- lem. The serious inancial plight of thýc respective tax units will he presented by President Henry B3. Cutler of the Wilmette Scbool board, and Village Treasurer Harry W. Miller. As is customary at Civic league meetings, questions and conîments from the floor will be welcomed. Reservations. for the luncheon are to be phoned to Hector Dodds,.pres- ident, at State, 0633.ori Wilmette-. 4329, or Ralph Durhanî.,-secre tary, at Wil- mette 2040. Applications for inemnbersliip ini the league are welcomied fromn any, cit- izen of Wilmette, it is explained~..The Cali Mass Meeting on Water. Question A public mnass meeting, will be h e 1 d in the Wilmette Masonic temple, Monday evening, Novem- ber, 23, for the purpose 'of, pre-, senting what is announced by itË sponsors as "the side not yet pre-. sented," of the water works ques- tion in Wilmette. Amhong -the' speakers, will ýbe F. J., Scheiden- helni andI M., W. Lauer, the latter of. wbornhas annouinced' bis sub- ject as, "The Trutb About the Cost of - Water." Speaking Willbegin at 8 o'clock, it is stated. Ail residents of the village. in- terested in the wgter works ques- tion, wbich is to be voted upon, in. a special referendum election, December 5, ha ve been invited to attend-the mass meeting. Prepare Underground Work on N. Main St. Resolutions providing for the in-, stallation of lead water service pipes, sanitary sewer bouse -drains and storm sewer bouse drains on Main street fromn Elmwood avenue north to the Kenilworth Village liniits. were passed by the .Wilmet te board of lo- cal improvements last week. The to- tl estimated cost of the i.mprovement i s $1,619. This work has *to be donc before the village of Wilmette, working in conjunction with the county, can go_ abead with the extension of the Main street paving from Elmwood avenue north to south limits of Kenilworth, where Main street will. connect with Kenilworth's recently completed por- tionof the new through bigbway tra-. versing the north shore villages1 and running parallel to and immediately west of the Chicago and North West- ern railway.tracks. The a<ctîvi wnrk of conmletinizthe RELIEF DR I VE STARTS TODAY Workers -L a u -n c h House-to- HIouse ,Canvass to Secure Wilmette's $50,006 Quota :The hoqusé4-tohouse canvass, by -the W'ilmette committce of the joint Emner- gency Relief f und drive being con- ducted. throughout Cook county will' start today (Thursday). The canvass is to be conducted by 'a large, corps of, women, working under the- direction. of Miss Rebecca Fitch. Miss Fitch bas an office in the Vil- lage hall andmnay bereached there be- tween 9 ýand 12 o'clock in tb ,e morning, by callingWilmùette,4345. Wilmiette's quota in theý drive to se- cure $8,800,000 for the relief c~f Cook county's unemployed bas been set at $50,000. The committec in charge of the drive here bas empbasized repeatedly that Wilmettc's needs are to be met first and thatwhatever surplus reniains will be turned over to the central coin- mittee for relief work elsewbcre ini thé county. Aid 50 Families Her. At present there arc fifty families wîtb 250 dependents receiving aid f rom the Wllmette Board of Local Charities, which bas cstimated, its needs for the coning year at $l0,000. In addition, thiere are, 270 unemployed registered at the Village hall. These 270 unemployed have approximatcly 400 dependents. The situation is actually worse than this it is pointed out, because of tbe fact that a large number of villagers who are .,uneniploycd do flot register at the Village.hall Fowker in Plea Henry Fowvler, chairmnan of t he Wil- mette drive, issued a statemnent this weekcalling upon every resident of this v illage wbo bas a jiob to contribute to the joint Emiergency Relief fund local-. at the Chicago, North Shiore and Mil- - - waukee railroad stations in the north Recr«tioin shore villages. The North Shore line SbciÇty Pl is an aïsthorized, agent for.,Century Wihnette Air Lines, Imc. Lren. ..i.... 48 11, aî 1the VViiiiettc Masoiiic temple. 5 liiudb ...1......2 Music wiIl be provided by the Wil- Village Manager C. M. Osborn and .....343 mette cbapter quartet. bis assistant, B. H. Platt, held sev- tge .. Mrs Johneral çonferences with 'Attorney Rath- ge.....50 Ms. ohnW. Ilif1, 1115 Green- bun last week on the case which the ..36-37 wood avenue, will be bostessto menm- Village of Wilmette will present to >os.....0 bers of the Dramna Study club next the Commerce. commission on track' week. elevation.

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