Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1931, p. 44

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Soouting I's Help in Americanizing, Gir Leader Observes Gir.Scouting -as an aid in Amer-. icanizing the _ alien' and ini interna- tionalizing the. Ainerican. was the subject of:a recent, discussion by Miss julia Williamson, "F-ield Owl» of the Girl Scouts, who> is giving a course in ".'ýBrowniëe" lýeadership trainiug at the Christ Churcli Pari4h House ili \Vinnetka, November 9-14. Before joining. the Girl Scouts iii 1922 as.local director ini Philadeiphia, Miss -Wiliamson . liad been, in charge of cl ub; work in the Philadeiphia public librr, where she also gave, courses1 in story-telling to librarians. She found that the- dildreiî Who profitcý. Most :by this wvork WC ere the sons and daughters of foreigners., It helped to introduce theni unobstrusive- ly and pleasantly to the Amnerican. viewpoint which was lacking in their homes. The Brownie prograin of the Girl Scouts, Miss Williainson founid, suppleniented, wherc it did îlot act- ually supply, this cihok uBro*ieProgran, Need.d The need for the *Browi"e9 pro-: gram became obvious to Miss NVil- liamson only, after she had joined. the Girl Scouts. Then shie founid thiat it nmade for better Scoiuting, particular- ly anîong the iinderprivrileged and alien children.- Thev olwiouslv re- quired somne preparatioti, if tiel ere Miss Wiliabîsoiî's kiteen interest in this prograni îas iiucreased after she visited ro i' packs abroad a .few year ago. At that ftu. e steï gave some courses in leadership in D~ublin., In 1930. she, returned to Europe and visited paùks it Englaxtd, France and Beigitun. The interîtationial aspect of Scout- ing bas always impressed Miss \Vil- lianîson wlîo sees ini it a valuable kneans of broadeni.ng niational culture. " ,Field i~ El MisJidlia, Willianrtson, '"Field Otwl" of the Girl Scouts; flies Io. ail parts of the couintry, findin ' i thlus met hod of travel inosi tusefil! fit her. work of "Brownùit"' leader- ship. ,Çhe secs Girl Scoitin.q as an aid in Arnericanizing lte alien and ins interiiatioiiali.zinq, the Ameni- F roin Novenîber 9-14 Miss WVil- liamson is giving a course ini "Brownie" Leadership training at the Christ Churchi Parish JIlouse in Win- netka. The "Brownie" program is designed for girls of pre-Scouting age. in "Brownie" Training The first meeting of thie "Browi&'e Trraining course wàs lield on Monday norning froni 9:30 to 11 :30 i tli Girl Scoutsý' Room of the Chirist Churcli Pansl House. Miss J ttlia Xilliamson is> giving the course on November, 9,; 10, Il and 12, at 9 :30 to 11 :30. WVe have ail, found the "Browîîie" prograin ver.y interesting. W~e were ail divided off into sixes 1 finding miagic papers aroid in t1î", roorn. Then we wvent into our sî:. Jiazaar November 17 On Tuesday, November. 3, we dis- cussed having a bazaar. We have de- cided to'hold it Tuesday, Novemnber 7,froin 4 p. rni. to 8 p.'ni. and we: hiope to, have it between the ten cn store and the WolfF-Griffis store. We think the bazaar will be a bigiuiccess. WVe are to'have inany booths. The refreshment and grab-bag booths arc .beiitg taken care of by the. Inter- national patrol, Betty: Gebert- Patrol.1 Leader., The candy booth is, under tlle care of the Nature patrol, %vith, lýucille Watson as leader. Marie Gaither's Indiaâi patrol is taking care of the gif tand bakery' booth. We. are also -having, Mrs. FitzPàirick, an Indii .%vonii, and a little, mdi. girl who wvihl tel us legends next f'.uesday. Oùn1Novemnber '71 we were. to make doîls for the'Indian children at the Crass Lake reservation.*-~ Macine Schnieider, Troop 11, \Vilmette.. Investiture, Games Feature Troop Meet Tùiesdav,-Novenib)er 3, Mrs. Burti- lin said that it vvas such a ilice day thiat -she tlîougit Nwe ought to play ont of coors.. Slie lîad chosen four trees ini the woods behind the parishi house. On ilein w~ere tacked birds made of cardboard their real size. WVe Nere suppose to approach the tree where the bird was without being lîeatd by thie Patrol Leader w4io stood it front of the tree where thie bird wvas tacked. Thie Patrol Leader was blind folded. It was quite a lot of fuit. 'Wlen we went back, to the Scot room ive-ltad an investiture.; Sally. Eastnial was iinvested as a Tender- foot Sco-)ut-. Mary Hainînond and Rutli Clark wr ie h Observers' badge. Sally Bull suggested tîtat we give two dollars everv inîonth to the inîergency RelieÈf ftnd. \Ve de-I wivî et neir tnngers iiippeci, whilc they prepare themn. The nîeais should be heavier, too. Cabbage stew, oyster stew and hot -driiiks- are a mong the things which every week- end camping group niight consuie freely. Time for Nature Stisdy. "As. far as occup ations, are con- cerned, the. variety is as endless as ini a 'summer camp. This is a splen- did time for nature study, as *many do not realize, especially for stuldy of trees. Tracking is a game which gives as rnuch profit as pleasure. Of and inspected tne coral and marine new ones become Tenderfoot Scouts. Owl. The "Brownies" met at their. plants and the gaily colored fisli --Betty C. Ellis; Wilniette Troop 5. regular meeting place lastWee- found in these regions.. day and, oh,. what fuin we did have.1 An enthusiastic flyer, Miss NVil- NEW BROWN OWL After haviiîg our '"Brownie" songsj liamson finds this modern method of The Winnetka "Brownie" Pack 2 and taking the attetîdance aroundr travel most useful in lber work, which lias, a new Brown Owl, Mrs. Mc-' the Toad stool we wvent over 'to the takes her to>0ail parts of the country. Kewen, and Miss Brown, as Tawn%_ village greens and played games. and taught us an easy way to tie the bowline knot which was -fun. Miss Palmer and Miss Grobben played a gaine with us which dealt with the making of t he Scout Laws of letters. It was great fun, too.-Sqcribe Suzan- ne :Lyon, Troop 19. il, Expert Suggests Open Air Party for Thanksgiving, Why flot plan. an opeli air, Thanks- giving. party? -Nothing could taste better than a barbe.cucld turkey,'ac- cording to Miss Emelia Thoorseil, head of the national Girl, Scout camp. departmient, at New York. Miss ThoorselI would have ail Girl Scouts ýspénd as-ntany wreelk-ends. andl holidays 'as 'possible ini the open this fal.and winter., ýýeare. concentra ting,' she saYs, "oni -vea r -round camping. Gilrls b.et.- fit. a 1s much by outdoor life in *wviJ- ,ter as in suininer, and it. cati be just as safe,* if, properly planned." Her flrst,,advice is' to see that the wi"ter -quarters are coinfortable, for girls, Miss Thoorseli thinks, should lo0t* sleel) iin the open. - 'abina Slould. B.eWann. "Banik your week-end cahins," 'site tells the leaders. "htwill help keep the floors f romn becoming stone- cold. If. possib>le, arrange for an air- tighit stove. You will need th ,at ini addition to an open fire, if Sou 1ive ,ni a rigorous climate. Put glaS3 where you hiad window screens in summner. Give your girls instruc- tions about .woolly clothes. And above ail drav Up a, good list of one- ýpot nieals." A variety of dis hes, Miss Thoor-

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