Suggesionst. Hors are 'a few sug gestions to assist. you in' wrifing your -Want-Ad. Te ofrpossible descriptive -essentiels, lso intewrwested psnsMay have a comprehensive idea of your offering. Oneef 5h. fist rues of -Clasuifled Advertisi q s to tell your story as completelY as possible. A few additional descriptive words moy assist i securing.more inquiries and'botter resuits. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Kind;, name;, original cosi; use; condition; ton*, etc. PETS: Kind; maie or fem.i.;, br.ed ; six.; age; céolor;. sof. for children; good watchdog; training, pedigre, etc....... RADIOS: Make; model: stye of cabinet; condition; kind ci. speaker; ton., etc..... WATCHES: Make; site; woman s or mans; numbor of j.weIs; condition of works; case description and *condition, etc. TYPEW91TERS: Make; modal; condition, etc...... PERSONAL SERVICE: Profession or work desired; experienco; reforences; suggestion of charges, etc. AUTOS: Mêle; model; style: condition of paint. tires, màotori, top. etc.-. mileage;, extras; price; trm, commants, etc. ROOMS, Sixe.; location; heat; ight; vntîtin six. ýof homne; number in family;, privileges; meals; transportation; features, etc. ROOMMATES:- Male or. female; share apartment or room; Iodge or religious affiliations; ≥, foatures .. ... of placeb etc. *APARTMENTS:, Location;,number of.rooms. condi- tion, finish, foors, walis, etc.; bath, show.r; furnish-.... bos;liat-, transportation; garage-, renter; conces- Sion.- etc. *4OUSEHOL.D GQODSý, Kind;, description; lkind of mateiIoI, number of pieces;, condition.; color and finish; soiaI faeftaars. etc. WU5RING APPAREL.: Ktnd and stYe; moteriol; inng;spociai features; original st. etc. -ihe. HOME PAPERo teImmnt