Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1931, p. 40

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-More Progress Council Press Club AT TRAINING CLASS' Made by Scouts Plans Relief Pro ject tliàry-One Men, Represent North . ..Under New Plan T he regular monthly meeting of the1 Shore Area Counci at Regional The recently adopted plan for the Cou.ncil Press. club 'was held in. con-. Training, Course. t roop committees to conduct- the nection with the, Executive board The North Shore Area council '.was monthlyboars ofreview, for. thearTedyevnnNvmbr Atrwellrepresented .bythirty-onemen at own troops is nowv productive of inh- dne iihth ordmmers, the Regional. Training course for Cub creased advanceme nt for the Cou the press club editors a djourned, to, and. Sea Scout Leaders of the four, cil, t ià iDbsrved.the* Scout headquarters -for' their states of Michigan, Indiana, Wiscon- ci, t s bsrvd.meeting. William. Lehie, president, sin 'and Illinois -held on Saturday and Following are reports f rotui several called the meeting, to order. A dis-SuaNoebr7nd8 The of local troop reviews showing ,many cussion of troop reports'followed. It- were'nearly 400, men peeta h -awards for Scout advàtncement: was pointed out that the numnber'of Grecat Lakes Training station to take Wlmentte-Troôp 2. Tenderfoot,- Lb- troop reports was' belo%- .standard and nuutopotnt Secnd ln- iJ kadvantage of this unuua Pptnt nel Toeppen, eodClsJc Ran-.Plans were. made for rapid progress for1training dail; menýtt bàdgem, Donald Toeppen; in the'coing month.. fr-teCui Cureiasle.b ,ld public bealth, personal, health, cycling, h u.otewsldb àd athieticsa; Press Club quilli,,Jim Dlon»: The project of thecollecting of'-old Shiaver of Régional- headkmaters, hbue. Troop 5: Tenderf.ot, John> Sauv- 1nrewspapers and 'magazines to be' solId Chicago, and the Sea Scout course agem met adg, Td 1 .ing Ifor, relief was thoroughly discussed. was headed by'Comfmander Thomas t Wlnnetkh -Troop 44: Tenderf<oot,' 'On November 21 Scouts will ask peo- Keane., National Sea Scout directow t Warren Corning, Stanle*y Miller; First Ipie to sign pledge cards to the eff ect from New York.. Myroný C. Ryboît[S Clame, Ivd lloffman;, menit badges, that they will save 'aIl old-,papers for and Hl G., Boltz, -Scout Executive and D ld Hofman, cycling - Jack Met.tli, the Scout opc peeymnhAssato the, North Shore Area Tropop 5 TenderfortdHarnisBrer; ' stàrting in December. Arrangementsi council, both gave leadership to some William 1)aughaday, Spencer Mosele,' cr mde for 'the editors to visi th of the ssils 'aniey 'Hoolter. 1'eVè Ward, Dan K.reer. 'Pioner P-aper miii 'who'are to buy the 'l'le Rev. H-. C. Case, Cubmaster of TrhIld 17:Arthur Clame, Sherman ol aers and magazines. Pc of the North' Shore Methodist Bob oe, rtur Pl(eperneter; is.Cas' ctrhiiGlencoe, broughit about BobCol, BllMtfyerm; me'rit badges, 'After a discussion of various Scoutchch Robent Cole, >swimming; HaîItjlton pages for the District papers, the twenty-five Cubs to the course andi( Duveyln, prsonl chalth,. fist iD' meeting was closeds-.Kenneth Vetter, put on an actual demionstration of a a -yn, iz-oal eltfis ao;Not Soe raPre Ç ub Pack metr.f Arlhui* Littlefield,, prnîtIng., luseeallcrtary North Shore Anea meeting.s 3Jierit Badges Awarded cu.' SvrllclSaSot evda Troop 19: Second Class, PhIlip Greer, ' ordenlies for the leaders. of the i John Kipp, Jack Porter, Robent Sauer;scool-AIlan Hudson, Sea 'Scout el Firet Claes, John Frankel'; me!rlt badg- lno ropI ed Ship) Sea Eagle, Libertyville; Jim 0-., Tomn Andelrson, woodworklng, Wood-. o ero el okMNreSaSotSi larst carving, carpentn$', publie health, finst frY a fR a WokMXme e cu hpAbtos alid, Bob Campbell, scholarship; Syd Troop 27 of Glencoe met Tliursday Wlinnetka, and Walter Haas, Ship pi Craig,' woo>dcarving, woodworklng, evening, October. 29, at 7:30 in the, Ango, Wilmette. printlng, cooldng, eairpeontry, bookbind-NrhSoeM .cuc.Ti a The men presènt fromn this council i ing; John Fratnkel1, firemansh'Ip, cook- :OI .Rbl, .F cau mng. Trooi 20: Tenderfoot, Edwal'd an outstanding meeting for the troop were: .C yot C'.MMns -Adrich, Second Cla.ss, Lansing ilin- and' every Scout was present. Our H. G. Boltz, S. J. Demorest, A. L. cu richs; Flrst Clasq, Bob Radin~; mrit committee was there aiso-Keith Garniss, J. C Mead, Ed. Kunz, Jr.,, s t badges, Bob Brown, flremanshlp; 1Bob Roberts, district. comnmissioner, and Ed. Kuflz, Sr., P. Arden, H. Sieck, It tra, wiin.-inîng liesaigcrîn Haroldi G. Boltz fjel<l executive. A R. Hamrick, J. Baldwin, P. Siegele:eV Trop 1: ecod 'bae, re Loopicturc vas takeni of the commnittee, W. A. Berg, 'B. Carpenter, 1. An- ne AtNlel.en,.iHarold Wilder; FIrst Scoutmnaster, Assistant Scoutmaster drews, H. Knox, the Rev. Mr. Pie-S ('aGeorge PJederson, ih IBtiikhat-t; and cômmiissiotier. The Scouts were penbrok the Rev. Mn. Smith, W. W.C merlt batdgesm, John Baýllenger, life, sas'-called téotoder and theRev. Harold Clarke, Ml., A., Pottingen, M. J. Mc- ing, à§wïiining; John Bull, stamni) cPNu>lW.Rpp .Got, .R 'ea lectlng, bird study; Bill Burkhardt, l<,'ae introclucc<I. the' new Scout- utW ap .Gez .Ree savlng, swimmlng; C'harles Hahn, per- miaster, Dr. . 11. Johinson, and the W. Haas, J. Betak, W. Melzer, G. ai sonilhoalth, leattheÉcraft, public hettlth, nclw Assistanlt' Scoutmaster, Carlton Gaidzik, B. BaIl and 'J. 'Rouse. 'h prlntlnig, starnpi coliecti ng, handicraft. aswobt laea 'ywt Troop 18., Second Cae Ted ' reen-Masho othvea ay it r hall; First Cîasq4, Tom OGetmnan, Richard~ them 'that Scouts like. From what Troop 5 Participates sa WIlel, ackKIdd, Jack Byrum,"Gog Dr. Johnson said to the Patrol Lead- inM moil evie Q1oe~ Ewad alanr;metoag- ers, there is apparently an overnight W es_ Prank Borovlcka, firemanshîp; B3ob hike in the offing. There is a ire- Troop 5 had a rather unusual meet î Ehrler, fremans'hip; Perry Crawford, w readlrig, scholarshixm. place where thiere is a lot of ivood to, ing Thursday, November, 5 We had 1 Eagle Scout Finds That Wax Figures in Paris Deceive WVax, figures, so startingly real that he thought 'they were actual persons, kept Eagle Scout Paul Gilbert on .edgeduring one of his many interest- ing jaunts 'through'Paris.1 This is highlight' of the third insgtalîment of diary and lett.er .s received fromn Paul Gilbert, Oine of the two Eagle Scout sons Of Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Gilbert of Kenilworth. In company with hlis Eagle Scout cousin, Walter,- H. Fors ter, j r., of Philadelphia, Paul Gil -bert is spending the school year abroad -in travel and- ýtudy. Fgllowing-is the tird instaîl1- ment of his letters which are bring- ntg sjants onParis'and vicinity righit back home to the north shore: Attend Ice Hockey M1atchi 'After supper we hopped into a sub- way and, rushed to the Palais 'des psrorts, for -a, skating ,exhibition and aal ice hockey ýmatch which, vas .to beiin .t S :45. We, went a station too, far,. but ushedback again and got in In time,. for it began late. ý.There were skating races and skating exhibitions by ýOlym- pie and. wo'rld champions, ýand at the ýnd a game of ice hockey, a German ,am versus a French one. It Is the fast- ýst' spor-t there is, The Germans won 3 'o 1; the French according to Walter, laýyed very unsportsmnanly. We walk- cd home and saw the Eiffel tower wviti. Ls fliieing illumination.Monday, Jetober 12. "After dinner we went to he Paris Tounist office w-here w4po di.s- mssed our program with Mr. Lichten- tein (theil, fathef counseler in Paris). tis: Monday,, Musee Gravin; Tues- [y, Musee des Arts and 'Metiers, and lening with the Lichtensteins; Wed- isday, SevresÈ, ,anid evening Tannhau-ý en; Thursday, 'ontainebleau; Friday, ,asin.o de Paris. S8ees Somebo0dyFamlar "ýWe went to, the M-usee Gravin, only few blocks away.. It is mosýt remark- ble, rontainlng, wax figures.. The fhting is. designred to give things ai mnaturai effeet, and so the figures are Il thë, more real. The first one was- cstar-tlngly real that I jumped. A ornent later I was. waiking alonig ing. i ne.classes are held as folioiw 9-9:30, Swimmning Meit badge; 9 :3 10, Life Saving Merit badge; 10-10:3 Finit Clas swimniing. Pass your. sw imming test, ýit urged. 'S: nopes to ecomplpete. 0 Perry Crawford received merit 0, 'badges for reading and scholarship. Frank Borovicka and , Bob Ebrler is both received menit badges for fine- maànship.-Stan. Jones, Troop 18. vuUilie. varios fOoiorealM V bERVE AT IflEAI.UARTERS' ights were turned on arranged In dif- Th-ree Scouts f rom Troop: 36 High- ferent patterns. *You were under the wood, St. James church, served at thxe'impression that you were ln an Im- Coumxci hadqarersias Saurdy.merise 'palace wtth rows of lghts an~d Coucilheaquater lat Sturay.eolumns and arches stretchiing a.way ln The Scouts were ýRichard McNeil,' every direction a far as the eye could, Charles Nowliix and Vincent. Pedile. treach. -The scenes ihlfted three' times«. The Council thankï these Scouts, .forý each tie a 'ihythmical play of ligWhts thei wothy> seviçý .kept going. t was weil worth the six thei wothy ervce.cents, ît. ostu* 1* -wm-

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