George F. Dick, Donald DeGolyer,1 Roger L. Foote, Gretta Patterson Fuller, Dennis S. Gent, Glifford G: Gruiee, Edward B. Hall, W. B. John-> son, Rollin W. Keyes, John Wood- ward Leslie, Charles G. Little, H. Carman Lutkin, Elias. Lyman, J'r., Andrew McNally, Wallace Patterson. Robert Pettit, Sidney Porter,. Gilbert M. Smith, Eugene M. Stevens, Ches- ter D, Tripp, Stanley Tuthill, Stewart Waring, Helen Warreni, Henry Kit- cheil Webster, Raymond C. Wieboldt, Clement Wild. The club will suggest atmo0sphere of the famous resort with gamtes and dancing, the festivity to commence at 9- o'clock. Mrs. Everett Cook of Winnetka is one of the members of the board, as is Mrs. E. E. Sheridan, a former Kenilworth girl, who is chairman of games. Proceeds f rom the. affair wilI, go into the fund pledged, by the board to. carry on its child welfare, work. Bridge for Visitot Mrs. Harold G.. Bersie,'1619 Green- wood avenue, will be% hsteàsstoday at an afternoon bridge in honor of Mrs., Llewelyn Lodwick of Youngs- town, Ohio, who is visiting her father, D. V., Nicholes, 816 Forest avenue. Mrs. Lodwick was guest cf honor at a luncheon and bridge given last week Wednesday by Mrs. _Harold L. Garwood of Evanston. 1Burrows have sciecteci 1oveIy. prizes and arrangements are being mnade for a special luncheon. Early reservations are requested. :A, special football, party is pla nned for Saturday evening, November 14, witt-tables in football shape and the, decoration. suggestive of the fall's most popular sport. Carroll Shaffer. of -Highland Park is chairman. Baptists to Seo Plage Friday, November 13, the monthly meeting of. the Baptist. Woman's se- ciçty will be> held. atth churcli.' Luncheon will be served at 12:30. 1with members of Link NL, of whic!i Mrs. J. A. Reicheit is chaàirman, as hostesses. The program at 1:30: is ini charge of Mrs. 'W. A. Keftdrick. and wvil1 feature a playlet entitled "Ladies in Waiting." 'The devoitiona! period- will be led by . M rs. B. R. Taber on the theme, "Let Reverencle for Law Become .the. Politica1. Reli- gion of the Nation." There %vill be a solo by Miss Hoose. Hostess to Con ference Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, 721 Green. %vood avenue, entertained the memn-. bers of the Conference of Club) Presidents and Prograrn Chairmen at a luncheon àt ber home ve'sterday. M rs. Charles S. Clark of Chicago is president of the club. o attend, it is ai a of the home. Djuice, --grape and vegetables 515s that canned ially are Mr. and Mrs., John G. Mosbacher of Council ,Bl.uffsi , owa, left -Iast Tuesday for their home. aiter -making a ten-day visit with. Mr. Mosbacher's liephewv and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Louis N.. Brenner. 1330 Greenwood avenue. at luncneon and oridge.un 'auesuay. KEN~TUCKY RANDWOEM EXMBIT' miss Mary Ann Harpole, who repre- sents the Regina. Studio of Louisville. Ky., wIIl be ln Mrs. SpegeI's shoplat 811 Chestnut 'court, WInnetka,: trom Novemnber.16 until after the holidays. This ls truly an art exhibit of the beautiful hiandwork of quilters from tiie entire state of Kentucky. Lovely glft suggestions and most practical things for the home.-Adv. >__ q Give Photographs by Bernie- of Your ýCh1dren. *Friendà.a and relatives who love them will ap- preciate this thouightfiiI remnembrance - T he gif t that only, you can R OTHMOOR COATS' .A. grTup of dress and sport styles- Otfaer Rothmoor BER-NIE STUDIO "B et ter Pictures-Better Values" 1623 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, Tel. tniveràitY *Sikes 12 to Maun*ce L Rothschild 8998 'Ï**ý ,né..