BelleTannenbaum, Agatha Lewis, Charles Milton Newcomb, at Ail Day Meeting The. Wmnsclub.,of Vilniette bals its next al-day prograrnm ednes- Iday, Noiember,18, The morning ses- 4ion, beginning at,10 :30 o'clock, will have as its speaker, Miss. Belle.Tan- nenbaum, pianist,.who bas chosen as, the. subject of her talk, Sekn VMusically." Mrs. George Lamb,, the schedule discloses will current plays at 12:15 o'clock, and luneheoii will be served at 1. The afternoon programn for Novem.i- ber 18, wMllbe opened witli a group ô songs by Miss Agatha' Lewis. Miss Lewis is well known in Chicago and. on the north. sbore for her l~l soprano voice. She has sung with the, Chicago Symnpliony orchestra, at the- Ravinia childreti's concerts, and for WVoman's- clubs -ai d chuirches-, and over the radio. ,Wednesday~ afternlooni is the oc'cca- sion of the'second programi for the child, and home department of the club, of which announicement is iiiadtc, as followvs: "Through a stroke of gookl fortune we have MiI-ý ton Newcomb of Cleveland tolgr*ve an address. His subject %will be 'Tbinking. Your \Vay Out.' As a speaker'n.r, Newcomb is par excellence. He - tersperses bis theine with witv and poignant stories, lias a pleasing and forceful delivery and a subject iin- spiring the .decpest thoughts on tliu present situation for the future. TIi measure of bis standing in the fie! ( of lecture work is indicated intfic façt that lie has appeareci before. fle Executive club of Chicago six con- *secutive times. This prograni shiold( .not be mnissed by any club mcnibcr.$> C. D. of A. Annlounce Names.of -New O*ýff icerS On Mondav evening, Novembe r 16, the Catbolic" Daughters of America, Quilmette court number 848, will have instalation of officers. At this meet- *ing the narnes of the new officers to be installed. arc as, follows: Marion *iiowi in thie Daroom of the Duilçl- ing. Assisting bostesses are to. be ,Mia Frank Chesetnan of the Orring- ton hotel and Mrs. Israel Cope, Woodley road, Winnetka. Aseca mimje rogainis Rlanned. of Women Vters are planning ic- attend li groups the annmal con-1 vention of the leagîze at the Wýinder- mere hotel November 18-21. Thev will attend a1so the Institute on IEconornics f.or Citizens held Nvm ber 19 and 20. The president of the league. Mrs. Clarence L. Clarke, ?20 Wood court, urges that ils members attend the 'onlventi'on in the city. Those not delegates or alternates wishing 10 go, mav make reservationfs Mwith. her. As part of the conven 'tion, MNIrs. Clarke announces, a whi.te elephant sale will le held in order to raise funds for Alhe league. 1n order that this sale wil liot conflict, with the drive the Emnergency Relief comnmittees and (ther gnou-ps are, making for clothes for the nëedy. and uniemplrjyed. Mrs. Clarke expiains, the. things. desired for the league benefit are party clothes. slippes, costume jewelry, and bag whchthose desiring suchattire- nîay punchase at a nomninal 'cost and fi>r Nwhîjçl their present oviers have îî,. frîher se. Anvonie having such otrbtin ici make may either leave them at \Ir.,. Clarke's home or phiote her and ilhey will he collected. ,The last of the of four l:c-ý tures by. Mrs. QuiincNv Wn"ight -on- itrainlrelatioin> u.imder thle ausiIces of thc coilnînittte on* inter-, national cooôperation,l. of . whchî Nîs. Shelby Singleton is cliairnin, will btc givenl Mondav, Novembiiler .1 (, «it 10:30 o'clock, at the Congrei.gational chunrch ii XVlnette. Bake Sale Funds to FUil Thanksgiving Basketsi 'l'lic junior auxiliar.y o(f the .~Won- an's Catbolic clubl) iiWlhînettc î11ý holding a' bake sale Saturdav, Ni,- veniber. 14, at. the \V1inete grocv,,-v and at Schloesser'sinianket. Dorothy !Br ooks, Cliai4rniaii.of ihe was and means conrniiîtee. wiith. ler commiittéec consisting ig fKathleea Harvéy, Katherine Schmiidt, Virginiîa Buck, Mary Florence Koenig, are mi charge of one store, anid Mrs. Johni Craig, chairman of the lhoilsc and so-à cia.l cornmittee, and lier, comnîittec, t Helen Lynch, Lorraine Moourc, Pai- ) M.\rs. Cona C. 'Olds of Cleveland, who las been visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. C. Uicken, 506 Fifth stneet, for two weeks, is~ leaving in a few days for ber home. Mrs. Dicken en- tertained at luncheon and bridge ye s- tedyin honor of ber niother. W* 4 i, WTic*8 i4 AUs*00 t4* .l 4LSfUtol.c the 'Chicago Tribune's book depart- ment ivili lecture on interesting per- sonalities in the literary world. "Au- thor.! Author 1» is the titie she gives to the se personal sidelights. The hostessý for the afternoon Mrs. Harry .Mons. A large, and enthusiastic audience beard Clifton Utley, give bis talk, "Around the W~or1d in Fifty Minutes' at the first; November meeting Tue - day last. The department of music met -t the home of Mrs. John O'Connor, 149 Kenilivorth avenue, Novemiber 10, wvhcn J.- J., Carrick. of thie Chicago. Civic Opera: company told about "Grand',Opera: in the Making." Thc department of art-.and liter- ature vil1 fane forth to the Art insti- tute, on November 24, for a prome-. nade lecture. Tbe Amenica.n oil cx-à l1iibit wilIl. e thc principal- attraction of the day. Miss. Helen Parken, who* i.s in the department ýof inuseum 'in- struction at, the ansttute, will be the leader of the promenade, a fact wbjch, the committee annouinces, will mnake certain, a monning both inter- esting and profitable. Exhibit Famous Catoonç at Wilmette Woman's Club .Cartoons, varied lu ,subject from thE political and the Mrorld war, to cur- rent comnic strips, fnom the private collection of Carey Orn of Wilniet te, Chicago Tribune cartoonist, are hanging on the walls of thc Woman's club of Wilniettc as the second of the .mionthly exhibits the art comnlittee of *the club is sponsoring this season. These cartoons, vanying in their ap- peal, will rernain ai tle club througb-: out tIc rnonth of November, and. will- l)e on exhibit to thc public, on Sunday3 afternoon, November 22, fromn 3 until 0 ýo'cloÈk. In addition to tic drawving of, Careyý Orr- himself, the war time and political cantoons are thc wonks-of McCutcheon, Harding, Ineland, John-, son,, Fitzpatnick, Morris, and Kirby. Among the comic strip oiginators are îbie following, also celebrated for their work, Darling, Gray, Smith, Willard, Knight, Ed, Bernd, King, schouol chldren. Mrs. Perry L~ Smithers is clairman of the sewing for Dorcas home, -as- sisle4 by a commrittee consisting of ýMns. J. F. Comee, M rs. W. W. DeBenard, Mrs. Percy Idien, and Mns. A. L. Page. Mrs. T. J.. Moreau is in change of the luncheon. Noted Feature Writer, Traveler, Explorer, Author, to Speak at, Evening Meeting Friday Wheni Robert J. Casey, author, lec- ý-turer,. and- explorer, br.ings his ex-. *clusive- motion piétures of Easter Island >to the ,Wilmette ,Wornan's club on' Friday, November 13, at 8 o'clock in the 'evening, on theý oc- casion. of the- animal, evcning mieet- ing, of the Womfian's Catholic -Club) f Wilmttehe will. have With hlm a numnber of the, i>dls which hc coIl- lected ini the islands of the South Seas. 'r'hese ýtickies" or gods, are par- ticularly interesting* because they are authcntic examples. of the wvood carving and, handwork, some crude and soine. exquisite, donc by these p eop les, Trhe husbands of members of the. club, vili bc guests at this meeting,. and the. cemnmittce in charge feels that the progrim presented by Mr. Cascv, shoing his pictures and tell- Iig in his own way. the story of the trip that nmade onc of bis colleagues sav His safe return that he the luck of, the Irish," wmill .prove extremnely eéntertaining and gratifying to the members of the club and the guests of., the ening Thc club chorus, composed of. the following members, M.\rs. Arthur Adamis, Nlrs. Harry Barker, Mr s, Harry Bettinghaus, Mrs. Charles Broad, Mrs. John Downey, Mrs. John Falvey, Mrs. Paul Fieberg, Mrs. \Vil- liani FitzPatrick, Mrs. Russell Flood, MNrs. Robert Fonthanj, Mirs. P. J. Kirwan, Mrs. Frank Kaye,. Mrs.- Harrv~ McDermott, Mrs. Carl Schaef- fer, M-\rg. F., J. Rothing, Mrs. George Séhilbatch,,will sing a -group of songs %which:they have arranged.for the oc-. casion. The hostesses for thc evening are Mrs.* Edwin -Georger. ,Mrs. N. P. Zeck, and Mrs. Force Miller. Alpoha Phi Alumnae to Have Meeting Nov. 20 -AUXILIARY TO MEET The Junior auxiliary of the Fnieiîds' ini Council of IEvanston is having its regular November meeting at the home of Helen Carney, 534 Michigan avenue, Evanston, on Sunday, No- vemben 15, at 3, o'clock. Germair book reviews and poetry' are to be. discussed»'ý I ¶1 mé.