church to be iet« on *Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, December 2, 3. and 4, are well uinder wayý. The chairmnan of the various divisions re-, port fine progres-, by. theirgroups in m-orking ont the details of tliis inter- esting event. à The.. W.Ometl announiice tlat there Wvill bie a. large selection of attractive, usef ut. and: inexpensive Christmnas gifts on. sale., "Your buviig dollar. will-'-briïik greate.r returns. than ever this year, anid you will )e. able to quickly and satisfactorilY complete niany cf your hioliday purchases, they foretell. Each day a luneiheon iand a dinner at v'e rv inoderate prices. will be served. with' plenty of good,' food. There wllalso, ,bcentertainiments each evening, twvo, f %which will, be fret. Mrs. J. Robb Harper is general chairmùan of this enterprise,' Mrs. R. B. Miller - is secre-tarN-.. and, Mrs. Lu- thier -W' . Benson is treasuirer and cliairnan of, . ptblicity.. .Further, an- nouncemnents wjll bie made giving iii detail the varions features of the fair and listing the different booths and those in charge. Woman's Club Giving Dance and Casrd Part y Whlien the \Vomnan's club of XiI- mette gives its first ev'ening soci ' a affair of this winter. the dance and card party Saturdav evening, No- vemnber 14, t 8 o'clock. it will have rnevu: and Mr. and lurs. Hrayes Mc- Kinney, Mr. and Mrs.ý F J. Scheiden-. I helmi, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. P. Klime, Mr. and Mrs. William Harridge, Mr.- and Mrs. Roger Williams, Mr. antd Mrg. Paul C. Lang, Mr. and Mrn J. E.: Worthen, and ýMr. and Mrs. George N. Lamib. For those who prefer cards to dancing, tables will beý arranged in the club's attractive lounge. Earl Voyles and the Harvey Black Frairs are providinoe the music for the affair. Miss Mfargot, Atki,, of Wiinu'tkîi is in charge Of the group nf y(pt. 11*<i swcicty womien. wvho havle bv vited tla ct as, usiers ai i'- certb l' ifie. Claire I>ur îtich is being given at thte Skokie' school in Wiiunetka .Piday evening, - venmbe,- 13, tander t/he auispi ces of ffe IFinetkq Nurser v Schoal board. of w/tic/i Ilrs. !HerbertSik is presidenit. Edgewater Beach Studio, Helen JleIdges, lyni'c sopranto, W nI be heard iin théc bene/it nmusicale and. tea g4vée on, afier- noon, Noveinber 16, ai the home of Airs. Elmter F. Wieboldt, Briar laite, Glencoe, ueider the auspices of the Skokie chapter of the Gien- coe Garden club. Frederick Schau- wvecker wvlI be the accompanist. Those -Usual Display of Prizes Toewho ]have beenl asked to act as ushers are the Misses î.ouisc ai at Woman's Club Bienefit .Antoinette Lacknier. Eleanor Nash. 'There will be the usual display of Margaret Eniily [,Nide, Acta B. wonderful prizes' that we have each W\ýardIrop,, Agnes Peirce. andI Mrs. year," said Mrs. Otto Von Der Hoff, John Shaw. chairman of the prize comniittee of In order that the: patrons and the annual evening card party to be patronesses and ushiers may have thce given by the ways and means com- opportunity of meeting Madame Du,-,.mittee of the Woman 's club of Wil- aftet ber concert, Mrs. Ralph Snyder, mette, Saturday, November 21, at 8 secretary of the Winnetka Nurserv o'clock. School board, is arrangiing a rece» - The prizes, gifts of inerchants of tion in the Nursery school*roonis. the north shore and of Chicago, and The patrons and patronlesses for of members, miany of the prizes the affair include: Messrs.', andi worth several times the price of the Mesdames Alfred Alschuler, Walter table, will be on display on thestg B achrack, Ernest S. Ballard, Luther .ntelreadtru.Toemk Barber, Sidney F. Bartlett, r.aird i be give Bell, Arthur Boynton, Robert, B. tables in this room. Each table wil Broivi, Arthur W\. C'ushnîan, Robert receive a prize of value, and there Doepeli Walter Fishier. Alfred Free- ..ii.~~ of offhcers for 1932 resulted in the follow ing being chosen to go into office at the january meeting: Ms J. Benton Schaub, president; Mrs. C. P. Berg, vice-president; Mrs. Don Wiley, recording ,secretary; Mrs. Charles' Norman, correseondiiig sec- retary; Mrs. Hayes'McKinney, tr.eas- urer. The present oifficers' are M Jrs,1Ed- ward Scbeidenhelmn, president; XIrs& John Clark Baker, vice-president, mrs. J. Benton 'Schaub, recordiing. seCretar3r; Mrs. Charles N-ýormùan, cor- responding _secretary; Mrs. F. (G. Broolks,-, treasurer-; Dr.. Alice Tuttie was the assistant hostess at the meeting Friday. Ms Harry H. Barnum of Winnetka gave a talk on'.NýeWOrleans, her old home. She showed picturesque slides of the odFrench quarter, the- plantation bouses, and southern gardens.. Sonie of theý pivtures.were of' Natchez, an interesting qld city fnot well kio"vn to the tourist. She gave sonie -cÔnbinations of' flowers easily grown ini north shore gardens: bine spiderwort and lemon lilies, annual iarkspur and forget-me- flots, snow-on-the-mountains and calendulas, campanulas and deiphin-: ium, late pink phlox and etapatorimil, Miss Linard phlox and colunibine. A beautiful arrangement of autumnîn1 leaves was made by Mrs. C. N. Hurl- but. J<endlworth Club Plans Football Celebration The Xenilworth club is having a supper- and dance on Saturday eve- ning of this week, November 14, at 7:15 sharp, in honor of the North- westerni-Indiana football teamns. Northwestern's victories have been so thoroughly appreciated by the foot- .ball enthusiasts that this dinner is given in the spirit of a celebration. Mrs. William Moulton and MNrs. joseph White are co-cire fo this event. are fo On Friday evening,'November 20, another of the series of supper bridge Spoke Hostess Spoke Three of the TPresbvterian chû'rch will have an afternoon nieet- ing Tuesday, November 17, at the homne of Mirs. Williami H., Ellis, 823 Grcenwood avenue, r-. *JAai5~ 'U. m MI.. A. Kend Mrs. B. H. 1 and. Mrs. P. k, Mrs. C. T. ler, Mrs. R. A, Newman. losi- tea nd an exhibit of antiques is ;A. planned for members of Spoke Four Mfrs. of he - Presbyterian' chnrch Friday, pley, November 20ý at the home of Mrs. ,eitz,. R., H. Henderson, 2710 Blackhawk road, Indian Hill estates. Armistice Dance Nov, 14 .Shawnee Country, club will,,hold 'a senior dinner and Armistice d.lance Saturday. l