HERE'S A HAND-PICKED AUDIENCE, FOR YOUR ADVERTISING MESSAGE An .Audience 'of 221, 000 Chicago Su'ur-ban: Residents. Intelliet. Accustomed t GoQd Th ings.. Able to .B.u and Willing! 'WISE advertisers are choosing t;h e ir advertising audiences with greater care than ever before., What kind of circulation? That's the question they're asking. If yours is a quality produet that can profit by becoming known, or better known, among the buying- leaders of the Chicago territory, the- Chicago Suburban Quality Group offers-you an advertising "buy" that cannet be duplicated. The Chicago Suburban Quality Group consists of eight dominat. w TALK - GLENC( LAKE, FORESTER merchandise and responsive to.thel really worth-while advertisement. -And mark this difference be. tween these publications and theý daily newspaper. They-kep your ,message ini the home for a. week or more, instead of a day. They enjoy a reader Ioyalty that coun- terpart. The publications comprising the groupare alike in format and.pur- pose. One order, One, set of plates, and one billing suffices for the. group. MAYWOOD HÉRALD .1