lý u Ltn t !sut. tc o a Uscussio nLu3ul lu irls a c r ia c forthcoming contests Ivith other to 1hord the office of class president: schools;.. and to wvin other hionors while thé:-I The' question is, -Resolved. that t1le are juniors. several states. should enact legisiation A schoo! iprecedleit savs that only providing for conipulsory unemiplo-v- we se' ajnor can a girl be class ment insurance." I____________ There are enough students orf.theýt debating squad at present to miake vp six, teams. This week :an affirmative teai composed of Albert Ackermann, * Donald. Nelson and Jaines Donialiu. wvas to meet a negative teamn coin- posed' of Lambert Maguire. William Doty, and Carl Enchelmaver. Next -%eek tWo debates are schie- duled, one bet-ween* an affirmative team comnposed of Glenn \Valker, Bruice Ellison and:Donaàld Toepan and.a negative-team composed of' Tom Antrini, John Griffithi and Jameâ Kingery,: and another between an affirmative teamn composed of Ada Pancoe, Anne Lupean and GladNS Pancoe and a negative team com- posed of Ro;bert Greenhalgh, NVilaàrd* Hopkins and another student to Ise named. ý,\,inners of these three debates will.0 W pemnn eaesquad. StamP Club flears of New U.S. Issue:, *jeanne Campbell. of Winnetka talked on current issues oi United States stamps and Arthur Jones oi \Vilmette told of his special collection I of British colonials at the. regular meeting, of the New Trier Highi school staMp club last week. Both are memnbers of the stamp club.. Miss Campbell spoke especi.ally. ,i the .new. issue, of' United State1- stamps to :.)e made available to the public Januarv 1. commiemorating thc t%oé hundredth anniversary of thz.. birth -of GeorgeWaint. There are to be tvvelve different stamps i.1 this issue in denominations rainging frorn one-haif to teul cents. On the iace of each stamnp will be a picturo of. Washington done. by some coli- temiporary artist or sculptor. Arthur Jones, besides giving a talk on Britis.h colonial stapips, exliitedl Y.2 V~jL) OPTOMETRISTS Site 1I~4 M.ywowth BI4g. 29 E. Madlgon, tchiengo F4Ued 1 FRIGIDAIR BR INGS YOD LIFETIME PORCELAIN CAINEIS AMI -OTHE# EXCLUSIVE. FEATUES.AT R PRIE.Sl IIDIAM OUT EfFective nt once, priées on ail models have been reduce. Now Frigidai re hos been made so easy to buy that you can't ofF ord to postpone getting it anottier entertaining Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Germann of Chicago ov-er this next week-end. - Jôhn tarîton of 707 Brier road, Kenilworth, was. home .f romn Purduetlt college the week-end of the Purdue- Chicago game. 1 T HubbardI'Woos - Ave. - Greenleaf 4480 n Ave. -Wlnmetkà 1512 W.ir G. Ilcyrer -, *WiI mette oent .Illinois 1-15