Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1931, p. 25

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New Trier 'counted its seven points aftcr a séries of successiul passes. Nordburg. quarterback, three firat to WVolff, right end, then to Williams, Ieft end, and then to Dahi, left haif- back. Dahi threw to Nordburg for the, tou.cldowni. Waters,. substitute fulback, plunged, over the uine for -the. extra point. \Vaukegan scored after 'a twenty- two yard run, by Christianson, leit hi.alfl>ack for the Lake county team. and a successful thirtecn-yard pass brouglit the bal to New Trier's five- yard uine. Schreyer, Waukcgan, full- back, plunged over for the touch- Hait New Turie Marches Twice ini the second haif 'New Trier narched doWp the field, only to be stopiïed near the Waukcgan goal line. On one occasion the -New Trier bovs lost the bail by fumbling, -on their opponents' ten-yard line. The second time a bad pass on the ýfif- * teen-yared lne stopped what appcared t easteady march tab the Wauke- gaii goal. New Trier made nine first downsi and conpleted five out of eight at first down.and tri.ed three passes, two ofwhich %were completed and one in- tercepted.- For bis statting linieup 'Coach Walter. Aschenbach 'of New Trier 'used the following: Preston, lcft end; Wachs, left tacklc; Ogan, leit guard; 'Lind, center; Fleming, right. guard; 1Kimball, right tackle; Wolff. right end; Nordburg. quartcrback; Séiler. left halfback; Foster. right. halfback, and Nicolazzi fullback. Aschienhach reports that.- bis twvo co-captains, Lind and Wolff, and his left tackle, Wachs, did excellent de-. fensive work in the in.e. He nmen- tioned Seiler. and Ni.colazzi for their stellar work in the b)ackfleld. N. T. Froih-Sopha Win While the best the New Trier var-' sity could do with Watukcgan was a tic, the freshman-sophomnore teain *defcated the Lake countY >ovs, 12 to 0, scoring in the seconid and fo.urtli quarters. Muiss Laura l'IrlCR, tead of the-so- cial science. departinent, working i conjunction with C. \V. Reiley, alsoi of this department. 1 The plan is to have contests at both schools Ibet\%een teamns repre-, sentiig. New Trier and Parkér, ecdi teami to have five speakers.- The speeches dill be limited to four min- utes, and those taking part. will be giveil thirti- minutes to prepare., The fifteen subjects- on -which the con- testants will talk will be announced immediately' before, the -preparation pe.riod. judging ivili be doncý.by niembe«.rs; of the, public speaking departments .of the. two schôos. T he judges will base their, décisions on. the basis of high school standards 'and -%vill1 consi~- der material, organization and de - liverv. Tlissue is "cotton-sofe"-miade of cellulose it's the same sufe and pure and sterile material surgeons use on open wounds. Il 111 W. Wasldugton St., Plioue Deairboru SISO DIVISION,-IXTERitATIONAL ?APEB COMPANY North Shore Diatr4 butor BENT PAPÉIR COMPANY 194m, Harrlsou sst., Evankston, 'Phone Greenileaf 122e fume To Send ..Tha nksgivi ng Cleaning Drapes, and hangings that furnish a, worthy back- ground for the feast - smart toggery in tunie with, the holiday spirit. Beauti- fully.n ne ihoriginal, eharm restored, full of new life and dash. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Mortals and hnrnortals" will be the subject,.at the services in First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wil- mette, Sunday. morning, November 15, at, 11l 'lock.' .Sunday achool convenes at 9.:45 o'clock. 1152 Central Avenue, Wilmettc Phones 320-321 Evanston Phone: Greenleaf 6660 sealed in moth proof bais, at no additional charge. à&.

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