A FEATURE 0F DEPARTMENT 'MANAGERS' SALEI AMillin ery E vent You. Simply must Not Mi ss! A SeIIiïng,.of CHIC H-ATSI Actual Values Prom $10 to ý$ 12.5 0 .85 Tbursday and Friday, Only!f tkoso sofs, leek, Iuxuriôus kat fabrics intk. smartest of the new brmmed end clos- fitting styes . authentically r.flecting tuefushion suc- cesses of the. season.. Choose from black, brown and ap.- proved costume colorngs. .11 ilIiu,.ryv Sa 1-cou lo attend er o. >Mis s jane and Mi$s Helen Holden of .527'Warwick road, Kenilworth, who are attending Laké Forest col- 1lege, wilI go to Beloit next Saturda'for the' football game ând danc 1e.> Mr. and Mrs. Fred -Floyd,. former- 1y 'Frances 0O-lesonl of Kenilwortli. have moved into their apàrtnient at 812 Clark street,,Evanstoi.. Gir e Negfligees anîd Lingerie for Chrdstmas! The EICHORN COSSARD SHOP 72 E. Madison St., Chicagio Y'oto under the persona; super- maion of Jftag Jane Mau for- merly with& Bonwii - Tel er, of New York C<iy. etiofl serv-. DAVI S 507509 Main St.. Evanson ls Univ*rfy 6262 Mf's. Albert S. Webster, 314 Ox- ford road, Kenilworth, entertained ber club at luncheon andi bridge on Thursday, November 5. Mrs. John G. Corrigan, 1606 Ehn- wood avenue, entertained ber ive -"lundred clubl Thut'sday of lastweek,., DT' S-EVAN STON WILMETTE 1ueo Models Sirnilar To Illustration Suede feIt, fur folt vel*urs- To make it possible for the Chi- cago and Evanston students to be present, the Chicago' bus was kind enough to offer its secrviceý and to arrive ýthree quarters of an hour earlier than usual. The spirit shown by. the students this day was characteristic of the true spirit which oô'ur loved Sister Albertis, endeavored so, earnestly to inculcate and to. foster in the hearts of ecdi and every Mallinckrodt girl. At the close of the first quarterly examination, last Wednesday, the sen- iïor class had a pleasant treat'in store for thcm. Chaperoned byv Miss L. ,Mclnery,> Mallinckrodt's gym teacher, the class made a trip to the Majestic theater in Chicago to witnessthe per- forniance of "'Hamnlet," presentedby the Chicago' Civic, Shakespeare so - ciety. Due to the fact that this particular - drama of Shakespeare -has been the subject of study in the senior Englishi class for the past three weeks. the presentation was doubly appreciated. The niarvelous setting of the scenes and the wonderful drama tic power displayed by the actors, revea led beauties heretofore insufficiently ap- preciated' by the readers of the draina. Ail agreed ihat the performance was, truty a rare educati.onal treat. A field trip to one of Chi- cago's prominent map companies wvas another instructive feature oi the, past week. The Americali Iiistory class accepted the invita- tion of the Denoyer-Geppert. corn- p.any to visit its plant and ta witness- the. process of nlap making. Thro ugh the ouresyof M r. Denoyer, several automnobile s were.placed at the serv- ice of the students. Tjpon their. ar- rivai,,they were côurteously received. and were first entertained by Mr. Denoyer himnself. who disclosed to thiem.some of the -secrets of mapý. making. The students were then per- mnitted to visit the various depart- nients. and to see in opçration the ina-