Soth HEAD 'ýCHEF cooked..ber meal h im self P OR litte lady. The docor had said, "Your food must bc cooked jut a&certain way." And licre she was in a big hotci. She called the manager and told Iiir. He sent for the hicad chef and the hcad chef cooked lier food hisnself. Just a littie extra service, 1 per- fls-ot worth telling. But it's onec of the things that bring people back ýagainti t United Hotels 0 f coursc eut rooms arc' biggr. Ô our closers larger.. our caficerias 1Iow priced. Al that counts. But it's that extra effort to please that rcally seas people talking. Try u... th.dic you'11 understand. The Golden Text was. "Awake thon that sleepest, and arise from the' dead, and Christ shall give thee i g ht" (Fphesians 5 :14). Anong the citations wihich - cern- prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- lowinyg frpnm the Bible: "For ail flesh isas.grass, and ail the.glory of manr as thé flower of grass. The grass UIILIX Cleaners & ý Furriers Ladles.Men'a Talloring" Wm. Raplan, Prop. Phono Wihntt. 67 8 EeetiePlae s e iscover man in tne s cf God. We se er lost lis spiritual etèrnal. harmony" B1AHAI LECTURE Albert Va il, c f'Evanston, na- tional Bahai teacher and lecturer, will address the meeting next Sunday at 3:30 O'çlclc, in Foundation hall of the Bahai temple, Sheridan road and Linden avenue, Wilmhettei. Mi-r Vail's subject'for1 this-address W'ill be. "The O r i g i ii of Soul, Mind and On hand promptly at the time and place. YOU can depend on WILMETTE 21 CABS. ~ Rates by Meter, Hour or Trip 24-HOUR SERVICE E g lHere Is an. Udea for-a Xmas Guf transmitters and soine old niodels sucb as the receiver used by the club before the war. The club is anxious to exhibit the oldest radio receiving set it cati locate in.the township offering a'prize of five, tickets to the- show to the owner of this set. On the. night. of the exhibit -there' will be a television set in operation, a demonstration burglar alarrn and other devices using the electric eye. Members ofthe'ý club will 'be on hand -te démonstrate and explain the ex- hibits, and if is -expected that a large numbe 1r of studenits and residents of' the township:will attend. Officers ofithe New Trier R ad'i o club this year are: Ben Brion, presi- dent; Bob. Howard, vice-presidenit; Lewis Birdsall, secretary -treasurer, and James§ Ricks, chief operator. Mr. Jones is- the facultysponsor. The niext meet-*ng of the clu!) will be held Tuesday,. November 17, after schcol. A special invitation has been* extended to prospective girl menibers to attend this meeting. Mrs. Mary Perrault Is Taken by Death Monday Less than three weeks after the death of lier husband Mrs. Mary Per- rault, 1527 Central avenue, Wilmette. died Monday morning. She was 78 vears old. For the past year she hiad been suffering with pernicicus anem ia. and the shock caused by her hius- band's passing hastened lier death. Mr. and Mrs. Perrault were miar- ried 49 years. Diuring the past.fortv years, which the'y had spent in ii - mette, Mr. Perrault. was in the up- holstering business. Hie died.October 21. Mrs. Perrault was born in Holy-, oke, Mass., and came to Chicago NYhen. a young wonian. She is survivýed by three daughter s, Mrs. Mae Tapper of. G lencoe, .Mrs. Aibina. Schmidt cf Wlmette. a> Mrs. Ada Udeli of Evanston, and hv six grandchildren. The funeral services were he.ld Wédnesday afternoon at 2 o'clock froni the residence, 1527 Central ave- nue, Wilmette. Burial was at St. Toseph's ceme terv. L........J LA4e............... ... .. .. .The orn ............. .......The y UICA,.VBW.L.TheCcG 4>m LEugene L 1606 Chicago Ave., Evansfon Ray U NIv.rsity 2238 Th1e utpartmvent aiso reporteu Iilteell other cases of whoopinig côugh stil! active i n the Village. f The Men's Whist club mne t on Mon- __day evening at the home of, W. Nevin Pomeroy, 116 Ninth. strect. Telephone»: Wihuette 21-22 WILMETTE iCAB>SERIcEý HERBON GARAGE, 732-1Zth ST.