Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1931, p. 17

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By Rutheda L Pretzel The Threshold Players of Gleni- coe, ini presenting 'Meet the \Vi fe at the Central school auditorium last Friday evening, gave a productioln that was smooth,, brilliant, -and pro-. fessional in every way. W lien. an, emateur comipany, sucli as, the Th'Ireshold Players, reaches theý high level found in M.\eet the Wý\ife," it cati be regarded as better than professionai, for it has flnot had the .deadeninig influence of endless repetitions. One :finds in these amnateur-professionals a zest for act- ing that lends freshne.ss to the pla% and gives. the audience the îeeling that it is- not viewing j.ust anothier pierformlance, but actuality. Ideal Coanination OIf course it isn't often that tIhe Threshold Players present such ,.a pertect cast ýas in *"Meet theWie, plays beinig %what, they, are and som1e- timfes demanuding ,ability beyoind amateurs. It is doubtful if there is a better-. comibination than that inade up of Ruth Schuùlte, W.: Albert Kemp anid Joseph K. Shippen, who plavedl lea(liiig roles last week. Ail thr-ee have appeared in mnany Threshiold Plavers productions, and. ail have the kmack of putting theimselves so thoroughly in their rôIes~ that one is -unable to detect where their own personalities leave off and their stage personalities begin. They know how tu project their characters to miake the munderstandable and (what is so important) their diction is excellent. There are no duil moments wheii they are on the stage, for each lias *a- senise of humor and txaggëratiotu that dramws spontaneous chuckles and bursts of Iaughter from the audience. * Sprightly Coxnedy "Meet the Wife" is about as funni,. a coxnledy as one finds anywhere. [.ynn ,Starling, in wrî.tinig it,,piles 0one ridiculous-- situation ,upon anlother, and center al action around Ger- trudle Lennox, who finds that she suddenly bias two husbands, lier pre - suniably dead hiusband having turned up, unexpecifedly as a fanous author. Mrs. Schulte carried off thçe Two new members, Mildred Por- tenhausen and Jane Penberthy, were received by the Book Wormis, winter reading club f or children at the WTil- mette Public library, at the club's. regular mteeting Iast Friday. Miss Mary. Winner Hughes, childreni's'li- brrintod -the Book Wrms about the children' stôbry hour,' whichi be- gan at, the library.hast S at u rda y morningand will econtinue each Sat- urday morning throughout the wUi-' ter, The Book Wormns will help Miss Hughes in conductingthe story hour. At their meeting Iast Fridaýv'the' Book Worms,:who have been earning the systemi by whjch the books are filed on the, librar-y shelves, picked ouit volumes fromn the shelves which had been. intentionally mispflaced to give the Book WNorms prac.tice in learni-> ing the, sheif systern. - - w w '%MOI eKNIT SUITS *KNIT BLOUSES o. KNIT HATS e KNIT SCARVES COLOKIAL M7- ,KNýlýTTED SPORTWEAR., 203 SOUTH WABASH 1629ý ORRINGTON. -CHICAG,<) E.V-AýNS.TON I-J Mrs. Nancy Harris Pershall di- rected the production and deserves credit for its' unity and the speed .with which it went along. Williatn K. Child was the stage' manager, Helen* Martin and. Mrs.. Frank Morre managed properties, Gerald Culver and-James Martin-assisted in. JUERGIENS &ANDERSEN 'COU *TH LOOR: PITISFIELD BLDG. Bu., E. WAsHiNGTO.Nsir. -coRNEReWaUAHAE n

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