.KM YOU i ýOld.Lgtn ltae thyare worth m oney. For a, Iimited tie we wiII give you. aLIBERAL. ALLOWANCE on them in trade, for new fixtures. Tlake advantage of, this'unusual opportunity. to beautify your home!' Dannmeauark Eleetauwri C. 1151 Wilwnette Ave. Wilmette 214 Opeu Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evesings .,ý ACoat of Paint .,W1orksWlonders", . e .9 * 9~ w, . e *9 a. . e a u .F771. 721 MAIN ST. WILMETTE Phone W~i. 2600-2601 Milen Hardware Coampany 1217â1221 WILMETTEAVENUE WlÉnotte, DL ( MUR