memoriai to the JKeniworth boys wflo gave ýtheir lives in the World war. With the coming of the winter sea- son the gymnasiumn, which also serves] as an auditoriumi, will be used more than ever. The Monday and Wednes- day nighit gymnasiumi classes, for 1boy sixteen years1 old or élder- started Wednesday of this, week. 'l'lie boysý play baskethdll, scheduling gamles with other north shoreý teams. 01. Tuesday night th e gyninasiuîn isused by the Kenilworth Boy Scout troop. Thursday is an open day be- cause of the community dancing classes at the Kenilworth club'. Fni- day night is special occasions night when meetings, dinners, parties and other affairs may beý held in the gym- nasium. The after-school gymnasium sched- ule Ilikewise is full. On Monday and We dnesday.afternoons ,150.boys use the gymnasium. On Tuesdays lit is used by about one hundred girls. Fni- day afternoon is open to basketball for. girls and boys. It is planned to start classes for men or women Tbursday nights at the gjymnasium, if sufficient interest is shown. The gymnasium is frequently used Saturday niorniings for leaders' train ing classes for boys and girls. Mrs. Walter Parnell Bermingham. 718 Laurel avenue, bas returned from a seven weeks' stay in Milwaukee, Wis. tnat causea uite or no damage. The twelve calls are listed as fol- lows: prairie fires, 4; automobiles, 2; fences, 2; rubbish, 1; oil burner, 1; telephone pole, 1 and shack, 1. The shack in question is the one located on the, north side of Lauirel avenue west of Furth, street, which has been the subject ofprotest on tlie part of property owners living ini the vicinity. On Hallowe'en night thîe fire- men, were called to extinguish a blaze at the shack. Last Thursday night about 8 :35 o'clock they were called there again,. but this, tîme the. btiilcî- ing could flot he saved. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Sears, 415 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, will be host and hostess to fourteen guests at 'the football' dinner and dance at the Kenilworthclub on Saturdav eve- ning. girls would play on the two teams: Eighth grade-Gertrude Orvis, cap- tain. Adelaide McClary, Aurica Simon, Mary Louise Connor, Mabel Sample, Betty Thornton, M iriam Holmes. Jane Holmby, Virginia Richards, Shirley Hermann, Annette Williams aInd Marsha, Huck. Sevenith grade-ýJeannette, Robert- son, Edith :Gillett, Betty Sullivan. Peggy Ketcham, Suzanne Maurer, Geraldine Cox*, Shirley Claffey, Bu nn .Dahm, jane Krause, Maryý Jane Smnith,, Barbara, Barting and Charlene Driver. Mrs. Kenneth C. Brown, 515. Ab- bottsford r o a d, Kenilworth, acconi- p anied by Mrs. R. D. Cunningham. of 'Evanston, has returned from a de-, Iightful mnotor trip to New Yoerk. rhev were gone three weeks. Untfil November-25tfh Biggest Va llues Everf At this fime w'e offer to our friends and patrons the. facilities of our unusually modern and welI .quipp.d studio for the. making of portraits whch wiII prove exceptional values. The JUNIOR Striking in design 'ad performance, 1he G - E Junior is one of the most ouftanding values in radio today. Eight-tube, screen-grid, super-heter- o9dyne. Eigkt-inch dyna- mic sp eaker. New type. unusually effective. ton. conliol. Special phono- graph terminais. R ic h ALBRICHT BEAUTY SHOP 1167 Wilmette Avenue WILMETTE For A>poinmnt hone WlIm.1t.2526 1 122 Central Ave.. Next door to Wtmtt. Theatre fo r a demonat ration in your home