Business, and the Addition of an E x pe rt Manicurist Perýmit These Very, Low Prisces.. I * Manieurs$ for ýOnly*. 7 2 or Gabrieleen s >fedel- $5.50 $7050' $1ý Steain Scalp. Treatments Benificial to ail Scialp: Trouble Hegest Quality Beanty Work by Exper,.nced Operaters et, ~LowestPFrevailing, Pries At Rear of. 417, inden Ave. Drug Store. Phono WiL. 1133-1911 -.altiew F'rancis Photo In the aliracive à<md ,qutai>it. garb indicativye of an& early period in~ thc history of the village wid the if e o! the Wo)i>Ws club> Mi':. )du,«rd L. Scheidcnthèlii of 704 Lake ave- nue read her iteresting paper oei "Thie Early History of Wilrniette" at the meectlingq of the, Wom4n's> club of Wl'Iimette, November 4. The special pro grain, reininiscent of the fime of th hi Ib~s j»!akcy and child- hood, was given in& celeb ration of i s fortirhi birthday. The wor1d renowned Eis.k Jubilee singers will present a programn of f ollk songs and spirituals at the mneeting- of' the Wilniette Sunday Evening club November 15 ini the First Congregza- tional churcli. This group of remnarkable singers, which lias appeared, in other seasoris before *the ,Sundaýy Evening -cIlb toured Europe on several occasions and lias appeared before King George and. Queen Mary, Lady Astor and Mussolini. The group to. appeair lere Sunday is the' third generation o these singers.: A striking example of the colored raée 'as. a highly potential, musical people is found in the Fisk Julbilee Singers. The present grô,up, a mixed setti djudged1 the quintessene of the third generation of singers pro-, duced by Fisk university, at,, ville, Tenn. This was, founded ini 1865, on the site of an old slave market, at a. critical time in the Americaii Ne- groys. exi stence. 'Set, free bv. LincolIn. the war-.of liberation ended, the Negro was put on his own feet :with. the rest of the population and without the educative advantage of the white folks. An army officer and an ari y- chaplain, înterested in. the welfare of the enancipated people, enlisted the aid of Gen. Clinton B. Fis k, who was in sympathy with the aimns of the 1Freedmen's léague. The school -,as established but was sorely ini need o f funds from the first until it discoveretl there was gold of a' substantial nature in the native vnice of the studentq. 310 ,WEKEN EAT SAL Meat Prices Continue Low.. Ail Fine Quality Meats at Pre-Wàr Levels-Pleasant, Courteous Service-Free Delivery. Credit Can BeArranged. SPECIA LOW PRICES-wFIU. and SA?. NOV. 11014 Mrs 1 remse"dN PORKLOINS WHl orb.18 louug Tender porkers Bone1e'~s MolIed RIDROAST -NioWaste 627 Wibnette 1870, Frederic, Vita Tonce, Eugeno, Le Mur Permianent Wavei ............. Ais e Junior Wave, s Try One of Our ARNOIL WINBERG' S ...........