Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1931, p. 7

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Francis Xavier churcli. The bride was given away by ber uncle, WiI*- liam D. Mcjunkin of Winnetlca. A. tvedding breakfast at the Sieren home followed the ceremonv. Theý bride wore a white satin princess gown With long tight fitting sleeves. lier, white tulle veil ýwas caughit C. a cap of: real lac e by orange blos- soins. She held an arm bouqu etf white roses, liles of the vallev, and white gweet peas. Mrs.,Edgar Brumer of Oak Park. niatron of honor, and ber sister's only attendant, wvore pale pink satin, a. silver. turban, and shoulder length'l .pink kid gloves. ýHer slippers were I blue. trimmed in silver. She carriedr talisman roses aJid orchid colorert sweet peas . Edgar Brumer. serve.I Mr. Caldereni -as best mil. The brideý and groomn have de- parted on a honeymoon to Detroit and Canada. They wvill be. at hot. afeNovember 15. at 821 WVashing- ton avenue, Evanston. * Hawiiiian Trie to Play at Taylor's Saturday' The Jacobs on Hawaiian Trio, Oscar .1 acolison., director, wjhl appear at Tav- I0r'%; dry goods store, 1125 Central, avenue, Saturdav of this week in a. rrograinofsongs and instrumentalj mnusiîc. The. programn will be heard in Otue buisiness area through an am-l plifier sNystem. The trio, made up of Mr.-jacobson and the Schwark sis- 1 ter.s. is well known in Evanston and1 ~iogthe north shore. The program f1 wilI cointiniue from 7 :30 to 10 o'clock. Quirnback. Mrs. 1Barr,' the rnusi'- teacher, Marian Kares; Ezra Hem- melberry, member of the school board, 0din Peterson; tbe pupils- Lena Smith, Clara Graf; Mamie Long, Ruth Grundstrom; M 'artha Clog. Evelyn Peterson; Edna Em-; inioins Elizabeth Iteh1es; Ada Brad, ley. Loraine .Staak; Mary >Martini Adeline Graf; Joe Cumminigs, joseph 1,evernier; Jàffrey Brown, Robert. Bartz; Lemuiel Sterus, Olaf Lind.- -quist; Thomas Tomlinson, Bob>An- hiait: Robert. Rummel, Jacký Anhalt, and Clarence Kitter, Edward Wagner. Mrs. Glen Clinebeli has been di- recting the- rehearsals, for the play. A large number of:,parents are ex- 1)ected to attend the achievemient, program. Otto. F. Aken, director. of education for Division No. 3 of the Cook county school.s, aiso -will be .there and wvîhl give a short talk. Mrs.- Edith Cotnam, principal of the school,' who was iii for many, iweeks, with typhoid fever, returned to her duties this week. Because o01 M rs. Cotnam's -condition du e to hie- long illness Mrs. Glen Clînebell, the other teacher, lias consented to teach the upper grades, the fourth, fifth,, sixthi, seventhl and eighth. Mrs. Cont- nain will have the'primary roomi. Kenilworth Union Church WiIl Give Autumn Dinner The autuinn dinner of the Ke-nil- wvortli Union cchurch will be given at thie Keniilworthi club WNedntesday 'eve - nin1g, Novemiber il, under the aus- Pices of the social committee, of iNili MrQ i pri,, T. P1Wl iad i-q of' every cash ýsale :will be sent, to any charity specified, dur- ing: monkofNvember. SIPECIA'LSELtLINOC of a#l dresses, hats and. coats, for one week only, beginning,, Safurday, -Nov. 7. N. . AN.NA, nc.ý Wilmette 467. ENTERTAIN THIRTY 1Mr. and Mrs. Jacob) Weis enter- taned: thirty gulests at a costume' party last Saturday evening at their home, 112,Sixteenthi street. TJhle eve- ning: %vas spent ini dancing fcollowedl byv a l)uffet'supper served at 1 ô'clocktç. Their homne was, very attractivelv decoratedmfor Hallo we'en. A. large liumbler of guests were froîn out of town. The Rev. Horace G. Smith, xiiïi.ter oi the Vvilmette Parish .Methodfist cliurchi. opened the regular meetiine .(i the Village board Tuesday~ night \I rs. Lyxn (2 . Huf. 1377 Asbury loiving the chui cons-idered one evenlts. .~ anuitaI HEAR RADIO PREACHER _The Wilmette Ev'Nangelistic commiiittee will meet at the home of Mir. and -Mrs. Goodman E. -Oisonl, 514 Greenleaf ave- nue, Tuesday night. Noveniber 10, at 7 :45 o'clock. "Uncle John" Meredith, radio evangelist of station %WIBO wvil1 be the speaker. NORTH TOWN FRUIT MAUKExwTS ILI1à CENTRAL AVENUE, Fr.e bJive Tender Green or Wax 2 qts. 190 Phono Wi,.tte 311' Freali Button MUSHROON8 box 290 EVERY MON.-TUES.-WED. Shampoo and Wave, $ long hair $1.25 .... ... Eyebrow Archi andi $1 Manicure... ... Ash Our Advice on rA ppoinme,*-Phone &imette 3151 VANIDUIERMS I3eauty Salon1 >I11351/2 Central Avenue, (om-' -%P t end P.),jt.J, lendi,,g ech rg Nor-thern Spy Lating 1CR I Cooking A"PLI I 6 lis. 25o Otlaew spoolalu 952 Spaish Cf. W~imee .485 I

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