ti a scoaAU iLLDL3lAImeIAV IAVbLUI> wing -extending west from the main unit of the Howard building. î Work is expected to be compleied on the addition about the middle of this month. As soon as the new rooms upsteirs are available there will be a redistribution of pupils at îhe Howd school so that nôt. so many pupils will be in one room. The four grades moved intoý the niew. quarters this week includied ,a third and a fourth. grade, which had been hlo'used temporarily at the Lo- gan school, and two seveit1h. grades, which had been meeting in, the H-ow- ard school gylnnasium. CIRCLE CHANGES MEETING Owing to parents' day at New Trier Highschool this Thursday and next *Thursday, the regular meeting of the Cozy1 Corner circle has been postponed to Thursday- November 19. The meet- ing will be held at the home'of Mrs. D).RL. Ransburg, 3025: Normandy place, Evanstoi. * iNOTICE OF APIPLICATION Notice la hereby given of the filing by the underslgned wlth the Illinois Commerce Commission of! an applica- tion for a* Certificate of Convenience and Necessity.to operate- as a Motorl Carrier for the transporltation of prop- erty, between Chicago, .III., and 'the foi- Aowing point-s in Illinois: Addison, Aigonquiù, Argo, Ariington, Jjelghts, Aurora. Barringoen, Bartlett, Batavia,: Bell- wood, Belmont, Berkeley, Berwyn, Biloomiingdale, Blue Island, Broadview, Brookfield, Bryrieville. Carpenterville, Cary, Chicago Heiglits, Cicero, Clarendon Hila, Congress Park,] CrystaI Lake. Deerfleld, Des Plaines, Downers Grove, Dundee. Edison Park, Elgin, Elmhurst, Essing- ton, Evanston, Evergreen Park, Everitt. Flve Corners, Flos-smoor, Forest Park, Fort Sheridan, Foux River Grove, Frank- fort, FulIer*sbuirg. (;augers, Geneva, Glencoe, Gen El- lyn, G1enview, Golf, Great Lakes, Gret- nia, Cross point. Ralf Day, Harvey, Hawthorne, H1azel ('rest, Hlighwood, Highland Parlçk, .HIII- side, Hinsdale, Hollywood,: Hornewood, Hubbard Woods. Ingalton. Joliet, Justice. Kenilworth.. La Grange, Lake Bluff, Lake Forest, Lake Zurich, Lamnbert,, Libertyville, Lisle, Lockport, Lombard, Lyons, Le- m~ont. Markharn,. Matteson, Maywood, Mel- rose Park, Mooseheart, Morton Grove, Mount Greenwood, Mount P'rospect. Naperville, New Lenox, Nules, Nor- inantown, North Aurora; Northbrook, North Chicatgo, North ('leu Ellyfl, Nor- wood Park. 1800 N. cion lestern Avenue, utmboldt 4400 A. S. SORENSEN, 11President to tal whose > ast summer was a great 1055 to the organization. The annual report of the college will be given by President Edna Dean Baker, and the financial report by Fred A. Cuscaden, treasurer 6f the board 'of trustees. Dr. John E. Stout, dean. of the school of education, -Northwestern university, -%vill bing greetings f ron the university, and Mrs. Alfred Bates,' newly elected alumnae repreentative on the board-of trustees, will speak briefly of the workof the alumnae association.ý The invocation will be given by Dr. Charles E. McAllister, reCtor of St. Luke's church, Evantion. -A musiical program by a group, of students, lias l)een arranged by, Miss Louise St. John Westervelt, director of music at the college. Kenil worth to Trace. Hallowe'en Pranlksters In spite of the fact that, a numnber of. special policemen, were employéed in Kenilworth for Hallowe'en night, as bas been the custom ini the past, there were several depredations which resulted in property damage and personal injuries. While- harrnless pranks areý ex-t pected on Hallowe'en the Kenilworth. Village board bas ýdecided not to to-, lerate a repetition- of the depreda- tions which occurred Saturday nigbt. The 'board is offening a reward of $100 to any: person or persons furn-, ish ing: in formation leading to the ar- rest and -conviction of persons who commnitted these cepredations, or acts of vandalism, which resulted in property damnage and personal in- jury. 1Notic.es to this effect are in rnailed to aIl Klenilworth householders this week. SINGS OVER RADIO Each evening this week. at 6>:45 o'clock, over radio' stationWIO Charles Bqrroîî Fleischmnanni of Ken- ilworth bas been siniging together with Miss Bessie Smith, in a pro- gra .ni1 of delightful sonigs. 'Kîîowil as the Ballad Singers, thev present fifteen minutes of charming enter- tainment. Mr. Fleischmann's sing- in g is most enjoyable, bis voice clear Mrs. James Ross Baird (Faith Hoffman) of Williasfield, Ill. is v- siin er mother this week M'ral. Mary Hoffman'of Ravinia, formerly of Wilmette. ." ers and The., rvisit their chilren's classes et the. teachers and advisers. ýedule will startat 3 :15 o'clock ernoon and end at 9 o'clock Followingý the class, periods ,there wilbe a brief general meeting in the bigb school auditorium at 9:10 o'clock tonlght,ý when tàlks of not more than, three or four minutes' duration will be given by several members of the New Trier. faculty and a member of the board of education. Gaffney Ns Speaker Walter Botthof of_ Kenilworth,. president of the New Trier Parent- Teacher àassociation, will preside at the general meeting. Supt.> M.ý P. Gaffney ill speak on the subject, "ducation for the High School Stu- dent." Frederick A. Kahler, dean of boys at New Trier, will tel of the. work of- the deans,, and H. H. Jierroni, school registrar and one ofthe fresh- man! class ýsponsors, will talk on the work of the advîser-chairmen. Miss May Fogg, head of the g>irls' physca-l educa'tion dep'artment, will discuss "Health and Physical Educa- tion for Boys and Girls." Dr. C. Rus- sell Small, representing the heads of the departments, vvill speak ,on the various courses -of study offered in high school. GaÏhercoalWiU TaUc The last speaker will be J. -R., Gath- ercoal, iniember of the, New ýTri.e: board of education, who will tell of the building programn now under ýwaY at the higli school and will discuss the financial situation. AIl of these talks will be very brief, it was emphasized this week, and par- ents will not be burdened with listening to long and unintestn speeches. eetn Committee to Ponder Garbage Collecfion, Plan A coîninittec. comiposed of Trustee AXrthur: Lee, chairnian; Trustees W. W%* . DeBçrard and Stacy Bennett:~ %vith Village Mý.anager C. M. Osborn as* an ex-officio meinher, wasý ap- pointed. by, Village President C. P. D).tubbs Tuesday night to take up the matter of lnu, Wilmette i.ll handillp Miss Rebecca -and Miss Lillian Fitch, 1033 Elmwood avenue, wert. ho5tesses at dinner ami bridge at- their home Tluarsday evening of last week. 0o- Mrs. Bentley McCloud, 338 Knl worth avenue lias gone. ora visit :of, two weeks with ber parens 1 Mrs. Leslie L. Perry of 1127 Green- wood avenue is visiting her son, Rus- sell L. Penny, assistant professor in the agricultural engineering division of, the Univensity of Calî,fornia at Davis, Cal., and reports- the birth of a .gràndson' October.24. -9 nament. Frank Merritt will play Bob Davis for the sophomore singles champion- ship. The finalists for the other two classes in the singles tournaments are AI Swabacker and Charles Knap, j uniors, and Frank Church anid Levinson, seniors. In the schéol doubles tournament AI1 Rohol and Bob Wagner have reached the finals. In thie other bracket of this tournament Ed Le- vinson and Dick Nelson will play Ly- man Huif and Frank Churcli. for the. right. to meet Rohol and Wagner in the fintals. Junior. Music Club, Has Meeting and.Program The Junior Music club of New Trier High school. held its regular meeting last week at the'home ot Marie Friediander. in, Kenilworth. Five students presented the following program: violin solo by Ray, Nelson, "Cavatina" by Bohm;- piano solo by Barbara Clark, "Nightingale in MY Neighbor's Garden" b, Nevin; clani- net solo by Theron Smith, "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice" f romn "Samson and Delila" by Saint-Saens; piano solo by Annamarie Booz, "But- terfiy" by Lavallee, and piano solo by Marie Fried-'ander, "Polonaise in C Sharp Minor'? by Chopin. Announce Hearings on Extension of Streetsg Tuesday, November 17, bas been set as the date of a public hearing on condemnation proceedings relative to the opening ani extending of Twenty-third street f rom Lake ave- nue to Illinois road and the opening and extending of Washington avenue from Twenty-first street to Twenty- third street. T1he hearing will be held in the council room at the Village hall at 7:30 o'clock. HAVE, HALLOWE' 'EN PARTY Mr. and Mrs.,Frank.W. Hînzie, 715' Ashilamd avenue, ga ve an attractive and amsing. Hallowe'en'party'last Satir- day evening in, the . lounge of ,tb.ei r home for thirty guests. It was a "chli- dren's" Party, and there were toys, tricycles, a teeter toter. a "kiddy" ulide