FOR REýNT-2 ROÔM FURNISHEE> kitchenette apartment, hot water heat, near transpotation. Wilinette 3082.56LTN27-Itc ONE .3-RM. KITCHENETTE APT. Humphrey Building.. Wlnnet<a. 98 or 3328. .56LTN20-tfe FOR RENT 3 OR 5 ROOM PLAT. HOT water, stove heat. CaIl 1448 .Wilniette Ave. 56LTN27-ltp NICELY FURNISH ED 2 tïOOM.%ý apartnment, . suitable for employed couple, convenient transportation. Cali Wilmette 603.57T2-t *0 pOR-RENT HOU*lES CHARMING WHITE 7RICK COLONI- al, home, 1 bdrmns., 4 baths, library, Irecreation rooni, large screened porch, ohl heat, beautiful landscaped lot. $250 a month. Other desirahie rentaIs furn. or uîifurn. $65 a moflth up. Frances. .Winscott P02 Spruce St.. Winnetka 1267 60LTN27- t QUALITY HOUSE S FOR lIENT, BOTH FURNISHED AND unfurnished. A complete list froni Evanston to Highland, Park, of va- rious sizes and prices.- QUINLAN & TYSONZ, mc'., 714 Elm St., Winnetka. Winn. 21!>S 60LTN26-4te SEVEN ROOMS, 2 BATHS, E~X.. LAV., large grounds, garage, beautiful loca- tion, near seýhools and ail tranisporta- tion. ('onflbetely refinished Inside. 720 Linden. MeKENýDRY REALTY (O State Baiàk Bldg., Evanston U"In i. 838 3 * 6OLTN2-te P014 lENT-CORNER 1-b0USE r> 6 rois, ba th,. 2 gct' arage. Vive minutes to 'l<vnilwortli stati(>fl fiid S(*hools,. iltital niade tei suit right party., Tel. XN'iimette 3254. R'MS. NEWLY' DC. COM.-GAS stove,' furnae heat and garage. 1730 tWalnut. Ave.,, Wllmhette, 111. Ph. Long- jbeach 5à22. 60LTN27-ltpé,, S1 FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSES LONG BEACH , CAL. ELEVrANTLY FURNISHED 10 ROOM2NS, -1 baths, added living qiuarters above, i h ~., t A Real Bu-tv ATTRACTIVE HOM1E NEAR 1AKE; extremely well _built,, brick on hollow tule wlth tule roof;. ftreproof garage ln basement; charming glazedj sui) roorn, 4 bedrooms, 3.baths, sleeping porch, oil heat. Cost over $35,000. Pric.ed for qulck sale at $25,000. Frances J. \Winscott 902 Spruce St. NW7innetka-, 1267 72LTN27-ltc T he Exhibit of iiCONtuMPORARY ARCHITECTURE"Y Is Now Shovinlig Do not fail to see the Firs-t Chicago Exhibtt of Moden- Contemporary Style Home de- sigils by urominent North - Shore JOWNER 0F WELL LOCATED WN jnetka home of 8 r-oom4,. 3 bat.ý Nw*!shes large'r home In Evanston te Hiill;ind Park. Will add $25,000 ilu cash. 441 L incoln Ave. Winnetka 14!2 vapi gas ~IetttLZ car ULLUcLiCQga- Jrage. Price $50,000. QU'INLAN & TYSON, mnc. Fountain Square Uni. 260C 72LTN27-ltc Right Now Is the Tinîe To buy a home If you want to ge t hl on these prices, Modern 5 rn. Engiish type bripk home lit newv location, 'larg.A glazed -obrelh 50 ft. lot, ail, a büy at $11,000. Attractive 8 rm. home on a wooded' 75 ft. lot, hot water. héat, with. oi bu'i'- ner, garage. Convenient to "" and stearn. Much below value at $17,500. Modern 8 rm. home' with 3, haths, hot waý,ter,,heat with oil hurer, sun porch, 2 car fireproof garage,; lot 7OX180 ft. 2 blocks from the lake.1 For sale su cheap you can't afford to pass It up. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. Opposite "L" Terminal, '%Vil. 68 and 414 72L27-Itc, Meeting T.oday's Market This, unusual. brick home, 7 rooms, 2 baths 'Is iocatéd on a .wooded corner aUiong. a.t- tractive homes. Soundly built, well arranged, roomy, welI flnanced.* The price, $19,750, marks this home as -î. real bai-gain worthy of your consideration. Mr. Hart, 1071 Elin Ridge Drive, Glien- 4cie 1554, Briargate 1855. Baird & Warnier 72LTN27-Itc 8-PE(1~ INNOROOM- SET, SOLID mik, early Engli>ih: finish. For sale ('healp. Inquire, 721 tho St., or~ phonoi' Wiîmeutte 3876,. . 6L27-ltip FOR SALE EST.»iT,OAS' HEATROLA suitable office or home, nîight exch. for coal heater., Ph. Wilmete 2732. OAK J)INING TABLE, SIX CHAIR S.r Rug. SXIO. Cleneone 55. 2861T2P7-1+. Information as te the tune and place of the heèaring upon this applicaiion rnay. be secured by communication wlth the secretary of the Illinois Commerce Comnmission at Springfield, I Ilinoi. LK FOREST A ND NORTH 811011E MO0TOR EXPRESS, INC. Ry. Robeit, Schotais, l'res. Fi-. Il idai Hulse 4 Sobuth Gienesee Street Va ukegan, Illinois A ttorneys VILLAGE 0F WJLM1ETTE NOTICE TO PAINTING C ONWTRACTO ILS Se-iled blds will be received by .the Village Manager of the Village of XVi1e- mette until 2 P., M., Mondayt, November 9th, J1931,. for furnlshing ail labor, tools, equipment, and materlal (except -the paint> necessary to paint the Villaige of Wilmnette Water Tower, îocated on the *Villaâge ýGreen ýnearthe intersection of Lake- Avenue and Ridge Road i n the Village of. Wilmeitte., Bids, will be- publicly opened and ýde- clared at 2 o'clock P. M., NoVemiber ," 191. .Specifications and bidding blanks for thisi work inay be obtained at the office o! the Village Manager.. TIhe Village Board reservee the xight te reject any or -il blds* C.*M. OSBORN. Village Maniager. Puhlished Oct., 29, 1931-Nov. 5. 1931. L_96-2tc 74 FOR SALE.-VACANT Choice, Glencoe Vacan1t. EXCELLENTLY LO CATED LOT, nicely wvooded, talçe adv'antage of lowv building costs which are' down 40 perpent. Can. finance homne to 75 per-* cent of cost of lot. and building. Beau- iflview, exclusive neighborhood. MS. FUJLLER-HOMES Exýcluî agents 1618 Chieago Ave. Grentf 72 1 Wanston, 74LTN27ml te 55 XCHNGEREA. ETATE HOlUSE FOR TRADE IF YOU 1-lAVE -A SMALLER HOME *on the North Sihore, let us subinit it on. this beautiful property. Located, near and faving the laiçe and Univer- sity on a lot of!lhait an acrle Nith large trees and well landscaped. We bave a wonderful 'place. Conîifflte f~flour includiig llbrary and sun- roonis; second floor ýfour bedrooM'., two tule baths, one with shower stail;. third four three roomns and, bath. There is a 2-car garage. Price,$60,000. Weil finaneed. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. Fount.iin Square Uni. 2600 85LTN27-ltc 86 FOR 1SALE-HOIUEHOLD 600DS GIREY PAINTE~D BEDROOM SET twln l)eds, drestser, dressing table, budslde table, chair, bench. Perfect1 condition. Mlight seli on tinie. 1174 8pruce, Winnetkýa 1992. 86LTN27-lft es-^ pou RE FOR RENT - Il for dancing, *Par eta165. es, -etc.-v le bahand kit- 89~ *~JLr~ u L 2mette 02 butner; 2 car ga. 2- tv T IL OL. A edat $16,000, for sale. Cali Mrs.* CARI> 0F THANKS Hollycourt 1855,, The faml 1ly of the late Mrs. Dorothezi Gu s, GelW 185. 528 Davis Wagner express their appreclation to SM> N. Weutei bon. ail their friends and relatives for the Opposte Rmshgi-I & V rnrSympathy and kindnesshown theni In Tel, Longl>eaeh. 1 7LTN27-Itcheîbeve nt Also opp. Oakwoo TeWagner Faù,uly. Loop ofi2e W lxi- -NOTICE EXAMUXATION FOR POLICEMEf1-Ný VILLAGE-0F WILMETTFE. The Village 'Manager will holin an examination for candidates for appoint- ment to the Wilmette Police Depart- ment, -Monday, Novemnber 9, 1931, at 7:3(1 o'ciock P. M. In thIe Council Chatnber in the Village Hall. Ail candidates must becî)hysieally- so4und atnd bétvveen the ages of 2' and 33 years. C. M. OsBOR"Ný, * Village Manager. NOTICE liENILWORtTR POL]ICE I>.)EI"l . AppIcattionsq for temporatry appoint-. m1enrtot the Kenilworth Police DJepart- ment will ho accepted byr -the Superin- t(endent o! Police until 5 :0 pm, oe I re bookiet I& MLuo 1p ct.