Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1931, p. 57

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FIXPERIENCED MAN WA-ýNTS7 hotisewtirk 'and garder) work. NorthI Ahore refer. Cail Wilinette 30. 42LTN2-lnc, EX.MAN WANTS* HOUSEWORK, Fri days, permanient. 7 yris. Iast* place. Good painter and calcimiiner.. Ph. WIl- i It Oe_2089. -42LTN27-1»cý x 1, E i .i ,N C ib ) s wEI )I 8H A N'ants odd jobs of any kind by day or, houir or steady. Call for Sid Olaf-' so.Wilmnette 3166. 42LTN2î-inc ]EIBEWHllIE MAN WAN-.,TS cleaning, window waqhing, ýgatrdeniig, 4, ny odd jobs. Ph. WNinnetka 2S,6. POSITIONS OPEN 2 eoo)iking, firast $51 s- 21?0 (Ol'flmaids...............815-18. 2second niaids............~5l 1 C'ook . . . . . ..5< 1 991lenerl'imaids . . . .. AUl ahove muai'ït be white, unideir 25 i'rs. and havo- A-i w(rkîng refere,'nes. Pauliii&*.s Enîp. Agencies, 748 Eim lst. a26 44LTN27-lt WUMAN W '%ITFI GOOD STYLESENSE; lit) know.9 vhen a gown looks well1 )-il the we-erer. Good position for' wo- 181fllf of intelligee. Style sense morle S iîecessary than expeirince. (Not store w>î'k or ea(nv'1s'4ng) OGve phone and. EXP'ERIEýNCED MAN, WASIJI WIN- iI'5. Write A-44, Box 40, WII- dows, care of furnace, garde n wovrk, fi'tI.4LT 7-t etc. Phonie Winîîetka 1552. 42LN2-lp.ENEEGETIC AGGRESSIVE EDITCA ted. neat appearing women* wanted. MAN 18 YI-S. OU) woulVl ii xpNieoeneeessai'y. Apply 358 I1lie work of any kind. Honest and 'etai ave., Highland. Park, 111. r.-lable. Phl. Wilmnette 2623. 44LTN26-2tc 42LI'N27-l71 ________________________ «e EAi.. OU IWO11K. YOUNG iN 'E i E N <'El> 1) FUI..girl, Peat, ilean, honest. No exp. lî,îs~nîîî,andi :tl alround iliiivl1 reesr.No laundî'y., Siili house, ~; 'î î"frvve. al.l iotafsinailifamily, snjail -waýges<. *.leneae 10 21,T N,-,7-i i. l:7'. 41LTýN27-lte frner. Good r' . 0yrs. iast job. c'tIlîos'okadtr Icid ml alLer 6 p.ý m. \Winnl. 1236 or, Ilighlanfi home niear I6tlî and Gregor'y. Gu la' 27.4 LT27)--ltIîî lioie iiglits. Phi. Wilmcutte 5023. EX~EINCD CHAT'FFE UR A Nr' 441,27-1te housenia n wishes pogition. N. S. î'ef'. phone hneka14. 42LT27-lti \% ,U1'I4 Uh(1ATAND ('TTlR 43 SIT. WTD.-MALE AND irEMALE C>OED COUPLE - NEAT A- peaî'iug, gtiod )utler, houseiwî»anid driver. %Vife good cook. 41,4 yrs. W» iitktrei'. Paiiine's. Vnnetka 2662. CôUPLE WITH 8 YRS.EX RI encu-Ceneral housewvorlç, cook, but-, * er or chauffeur. N. S. Ref. Ph. Green- 1 fa 5!2C7). .43L,27-]ti) H îI'LEý A-i. WIFFE FINECOK Hahl Ii<t'f~~d Uii f-vied chaliffeur. *Jlt'st .cil, rfernes aktd 646. 4?1LTN2 - Itl oouite<ts t(; net as reprieseiititi\-e oni Nith iSlhoI'-I l>h. ilnette 650. 441,TN27-1t(c WANTEI> II1TI,(1111h. 1FOR CEN- * 'ral 'îe"k $10' to $12. Tel. Wl me-tte ý1472, 44LTN2ý7-1tv 11H111F 1 l11L FOR GENERAI. h' îww'ik.Pli. 4 lfiett 348ï. 44LTN27-1 J WNTI') C 0O-M 1' E T E N T W HITE niaid for general liouiséwork, tio latin- drY.lih. WNiliiettu '39)!3. 441,TN27-Ite 45 fiELP WAVTD-MALE P4uS ITICIN WANTE)-e (>li'LE MAX EXPrRIE"NCEl) RA t*.edo al around wo'k,, w.inîtn, to take sale.smnan fôî' oti' W'nnetka office, must vat'a leof echldren and Pîîvial vle,îning. hiave lhad extdensive selling.expérience 11'h. Wi]niette'18. 43 1TN27-1 tujun tMie North* Shore. We also have . . ~ IES W>RK *pefing ln "nie offIce fori- an. wh t" 'RF> COPLlias liad experience in renting nnd ini- -ok, general lhotlseworkl, 11a111 sti'alice. Sec salesnianager, 1571 Shel- cliaufl'eur antd butier v<rk; lPh. En-. man ave., Evanston. Quinilan & Tryson. M912.9 4. -Xt7 ) la Inv. 45LTN26-2tc ENERGETIC IMAN OR %Vith car and phone. 'Make g rep'resenting our product. v'estnient. No canvassing. S. 15204 .Turlington Ave, Hari ,T27-1 tp 48. FOR SALE-AUTOS 1427 Dodge. Sed.,- excel. cniin.$2 1927 Will.Ns-Knight Sed.,New Tires.. 17i 1928 Essex coach........... - .... 150 1927, Nash coach .. .......125 1926 Nash coupe ..............100 1928 Pontiac Landau ............. 171, Manymore ùp to $1,000 EVANSTON NASH, Co.. 1735 Benson.Ave., at Clark FO(RD 2-DOOR- SPORT TOURI XC. side mounts, mechanically, perfect Good tires. Winnetka 2750. 48L27-ltp) 1-16 P(KR)COUPE IN;EXCEL-. lent meuiehil condition. with 6 goo<l tiresw. $40. Phone Winnietka 2251. * . .48LTN27--1 50 AUTO SERVICE XWHYI PANY $2 AN HR. FOR1 HAVLFNO.. vour ear repaired if y.ou can have ht dueti, fo' i.ihll, by 1an expert? Done ln your or nîy garage, or over night. WjIl ;.;Ill -tid'dtlive r. N. S. Ref. Save1 anoney .and euh ýI r. Kraut, Kenilworth 1146. 50LTN27-ltll YOUR CAR WASHED, POLISIIED O1-i sim.onized, in your garage or- mine. Also ail electrical repairs, base plugs, garage wlring, etc. Ph. Winiitka 577. si FOR RENT-ROOMS S. AITLY FUP.NISHED ROO'M, PRI- vate homle. Price atnd location right. suflabe 1 or . 2. Garage available if dlesired-ç. Cor. Piîîe and BIrch. M'in-. netka :1323.- 51LTN27-ltp- FOR RENT 2 COMI"OB-)TABLE ROOMS in private home, suitabIe for men eni- plo.'cd. ('lose to ail. transportation. Cali Wilrnette 3777.. 51L274tc SI.NC.LHE O1-DOUBLE BOOM EN quiet refined home. Glarage and break- fatoptior ial. Ph. Wiln-ette 471, SINGLE ROOMà WITH GARAGE, REA- sionithle. Winnetka 3194.' 51LTN2!-ltp .gar. opt. Phone WlImette 45 L~ARGE FRONT ROOM, 589 LI Ave., Winnetka. Haîf block ft St, station. Phone Winnetka- LARGE LIGHIT FRONT ROOMf, ALý- so-mmaller room. Conv. to bath. Kit- chen privîleges If desired. 'Phi. Wil- mette 3206. 51LTN27-ltp NICELTY FURNISHED ROOM FOR 1 or 2, 'one block'to ", private en- trance., Reasonable. 321. 4th. St., Ph.' wilmette 3007. 51LTN27-ltp PILEASANT FRONT BOOM, HOT water heat. Convenlent to bath. Close to trans. Reas. Wlnnotka 810. LARGE ROOM, TWIN BEDS, EXTRA qiting rm. lncluded. Also 1 single rm., 1nr. séhools. Reas. Ph. Wilmette 1633. 51LITN27-ltt<: 1 OR RENT- VERY PLýEASANT front, furnishied. East side. Kitchen- ettt' and ga7rag± optional. Ph. ýWilmette 96511 or Kenilmorth 86. 51 LT27-ltc (ZOOM FOR RENT - TWIN BD. suitable for 1 or 2. Near Ridge Road. Phi. Wilinette 2677. 5lLTN274ltc 53 BOARD AND ROON ,NJ('ELY FURNISkIED RO'OM WTTH board in private home, garage spae i f desiî:ed. Caîl Glencoe 1985. 51iLTN27-ltc IIOARLD AND) ROOM FOR TWO. $10 per week ea'ch. Near trans. Phone Winnietka .1659. S3LTN271tc 54 WANTUD-BOARD & ROOM <J ENTLEM 2%AN LOOKINO' FOR AT- tractively furnlshed roorn wlth pri- v'ate bath, in quiet home ln Wllmf-tte. 2 meals a day, pre.ferably no ,other' boarclers. Near t'rains. Reasonable. Ph. f WMilWmette 526. 64L27'4të 54A FOR RENT-LT. HSKPG. DMS. FURNISIIED ROOM F'OR RENI' WITFI kitchen privileges. Ph. Wiliiette 4416. 55-ALTN27-1tc- 56> FOR RENT-APARTMENTS FIRst FLOOR FLAT FOR:. RENT, furnished or unfurnlshed; 4 rins., *and bath, 1 2blk. to transportation. $45 un- furnished. $50 furnishied. Ph. Wilmettte 5184.56L27-ltc WILME TTE LIFE for more than 20 'eors the HOME PAPER of the commsnity" 'PHONE WILMETTE 4300 4

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