Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1931, p. 54

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P. p.ln., COntiUUons TONIGHTS TWIN FEATURES "llGUILTX HaNOS" LIONEL BARRYMORE end MADGE EVANS Rtartfi Bot N ehu7:5 s. l EVELYN BRENT. and, IRENE RICH FRIDAY and SATU RDAY "REOUND" Night '7:00; 10:05--Startus gat. 34.à#. .011~E "TMSBIRAT" SALLY ONEIL Fr1. Nl%-ght q8:37-sarts sat. 2:10* : 5:17; 8:27* bort sialits . .Booth Tarklngton's, "Su8akes Ailie" MONDAY. TUESDAY, NOVEW kOER M-910 -TWIN -FEATURES CHIC SALES and WALTER HUSTON sturw.. Suak. 4:00; "':10; 10:20-shirts Misu. anit Tues. 7:00. 1ù,:14 "MOTREIR'S MILLIONS" MAY ROBSON ~.ttrt ~îî.2:1;b:20: S:10-S4tarts Mon. and uets.S,:*20* Trtielotue . . . Serepit w*titg WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, NOY EMBER 12- WNFEATURES "CONFESSIONS OF A COo-ED" SYLVIA SIDNEY and PHILLIPS HOLMES Doors Open 1:30 rA E< ES" CEN E", M A N11> Lauel 'lu ii: :lanmklead & Freoirle lit-Ieil 'Twvelvetrees & 1Ricardo Tiina )eigloui & Maurlule O'S <lianles JiIektordl& Rose Donald Ogden Stewart wrote thé SalN OYeij will bc liked b)ve'c- original stage. play from Nwbich thêe oe ini the fast, funny and f requently RKO Pathe picture was adapted. fulrionis picture, "The Brat," xvhich als'o In the cast are Robert Ailles, stars Allait Dineliai t and Fiaîk AI- Myvrna LoNy, Robert Willianms. Hale hertson:. Hamilton. :WNalter, W\alker,. ouise. * Guilty I-Iàiîds" and "The Mad Parý- Closser H ale. and Leiglb Allenî. adercthe filins at- the Teatro del' Edward ýH. Griffith direç-ted. ILago on .Thrda ofti ek "The Star Witness," featuring "Chic" Sale and Walter Huston, and "Mother's Millions," starring Mýayv Robson, are the films off ered by.the. *Varsity theater in 'its great double feature bill on'Tlhursday%. Friday and 1Saturday of this week. -While haying.-as its theme the daniger-whicb al of us :ruîx,of inno- centI3 faliing afoul -if under- world domina tion, "The Star Witness"t combines 't h e Most thrilliigý with h ea rt- wvarrningcoul- edyaî.d pathos. The featured 1Chic11 sale playcvels -V Iter -Huston, wlo. so nforgetta,ýbly played Abraham L i.n cpolln-Chic'" Sale, whose Icharacterizationisof rural, folks have made him beloved every- *where-and Frances Starr-are ahly supported by a c a s t that includes Saly Blane: Grant Mitchell, Edward. J. Nýugent, Ralph bicc, Nat Pendie-1 ton and two clever child actors,, Dicky- Moore and George Eirnst.' "M,\othier's 'Millions" is remarkable Ifor the careful wv yini wvbch Jaines Flood, its director. fias preserved thé dramatic elcuxents -which nmade, it .a jgreat stage play. It ivas written by Howard Kent Barnes' esw--cialiv for, ji the uise of May- Robson., anîdNlay RQbson is responsible for pting- it tinito talking pictures as an approprla te veliicle for bier debut in the Prt. Starting \Ioiiday, for thrce (avs Ji the Varsit\ double featuire prograin wîill iinchide "A-ýn Aiinerican J]rarCedy. and "The Bargaini." Adbertson .Shi'ers WhiI '.- Others in Cas t Swelter' 1q Heat. waves aren't .aiivtbling to. -ahg at', but Frank Albertson derived., ipleinty of clitckles (and frequenet sbi*\-ers)Y during the -*ùnusi al" vea- ther througbiott the cotintry last J uly. Iii the Fox ,ýcoinie(IvieBrat," 'N w s ..Spi "BAI) 4 "THE "EA ST Thée. 'eatro del Lago is presenting double feature progranis that' result in a week of varied, refreshing and thrill- ing entertainltient. On Susiday, Monday and 'Pues-da, November, 8, 9 and 10, the Teatro dêl Lago presents "The Star Witness." with - Chic" Sales, and "Mothers Millions," presenting May Robson. One of thé Most remnarkable lier- formanices of this year's streeti suc- cesses, that of May Robson iii a part Which fits lier like a glove. will f ea- turc "Mother*s --ystrv shows, thé P * e. trials. and ' "' tribulationts -of the~ richi. Howard Mc, Ket*t Barnes has- writteii an iflsi(le storv of, a home of t1b e richest vo n .an in : t Ihe *!~world. He.give.. meay Ron the real o-qx on wlh3 rich girls Nwant to ru:: "aa, witli the chauffeur and wbiv the sonsi> Ofmlinie are s(>metinics eas%,- maàrks forý the chorus'girls atid.hlack- ia ile rs. *Fife,.Playîng.,Vetelran Ini -The. Star Wittiess" it. is hi Sale \who %vins maiîy laurels as' the. fife-pIaying Civil War veteran iio its h Iis resurcefulncss 'and courage agaiist a hand of criminals. HIeart-%,arming 1conîedy and 'pathos arc coinled withi thrilling inelodra nia. WValter Hustotil. Frances S+arr, Sally Blanc, E'dward 'J. Nugent and two clever chik a&tor, Dickvy Moore ani George F 'rist. arc other outstanding mienbers oi Ille cast. "Cnesos of a Coe,,I" itil Sylvia Sidnev and I>llp H ln. anýd 'lhTe Paan lýady," starritig l've-ý lyn Brent and Conrad, Nagel arc, the Teatro del 1,ago*s twýo featu.re, films cmî \V\edniesdav, and Thnitrsdat3, Niienîbier -11 and, 12. ,13aseklonýthie intinit! tacts ini the dav-to-dav diary ot -ai: anoi:imn- cu)ed. -Conifessions 4)f 'a Coed" is a l fillin dealing wxitli eue (of thle i vta andl fascinatinig lliases of pee:-a life. li it are pictured tlie joN-s, tue rivaîries. the jealousies and: love af- iairs ef young ix nani hcautiftil girls. mlany VOf tlheil awav 1*fronm homie, "011 their wi fr,. thie.flrst tiii their

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